As above, I concede that it would be more convenient to have Pollen automatically drop the necessary incantations into the @tt{<head>} of your HTML. But as a matter of policy, I prefer to minimize magic behavior.
@section{Math typesetting with MathJax}
@link[""]{MathJax} is a JavaScript library that implements the math-typesetting algorithms of TeX. It's easy to add MathJax to a Pollen project, and then invoke it with Pollen command notation in your source files.
@itemlist[#:style 'ordered
@item{Download the @link[""]{MathJax} library if you want to run the library locally, without a network connection. You can also use the MathJax CDN and just link to the library across the network (I'll use this option in the example that follows).}
@item{Add these lines to the @code{<head>} section of your @racket["template.html"] (or other template). First, the MathJax library itself:
@item{Make Pollen tag functions that add the delimiter characters and also a @tt{mathjax} wrapper tag that will trigger the JavaScript typesetting. For instance, suppose we wanted to denote inline equations with @code{◊${equation …}} and block equations with @code{◊$${equation …}}. Our tag functions could look like this:
Putting it together, here's a minimal working example in two files (obviously in a larger project, you'd move those tag functions to a @racket["directory-require.rkt"] file):