@ -132,3 +132,5 @@ Default separators used in decoding. The first two are initialized to @racket["\
@defoverridable[compile-cache-max-size exact-positive-integer?]{Maximum size of the compile cache. Default is 10 megabytes.}
@defoverridable[compile-cache-max-size exact-positive-integer?]{Maximum size of the compile cache. Default is 10 megabytes.}
@defoverridable[unpublished-path? (path? . -> . boolean?)]{Predicate that determines whether a path is omitted from @secref{raco_pollen_publish} operations. If the predicate is @racket[#t], then the path is omitted. The default, therefore, is @racket[#f].}
@defoverridable[unpublished-path? (path? . -> . boolean?)]{Predicate that determines whether a path is omitted from @secref{raco_pollen_publish} operations. If the predicate is @racket[#t], then the path is omitted. The default, therefore, is @racket[#f].}
@defoverridable[here-path-key symbol?]{Key used to store the absolute path of the current source file in its @racket[metas] hashtable. Default is @racket['here-path].}