add `pollen/mode` metalang (closes #101)

Matthew Butterick 9 years ago
parent 064107e6f6
commit 5294b02d57

@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
;; ============================================================================
;; Implements the @-reader macro for embedding text in Racket code.
#lang racket/base
(require syntax/readerr)
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; utilities for syntax specifications below
;; regexps
(define (px . args)
(let* ([args (let loop ([xs args])
(if (list? xs) (apply append (map loop xs)) (list xs)))]
[args (map (lambda (x)
(cond [(bytes? x) x]
[(string? x) (string->bytes/utf-8 x)]
[(char? x) (regexp-quote (string->bytes/utf-8 (string x)))]
[(not x) #""]
[else (internal-error 'px)]))
(byte-pregexp (apply bytes-append args))))
(define (^px . args) (px #"^" args))
;; reverses a byte string visually
(define reverse-bytes
(let ([pairs (let ([xs (bytes->list #"([{<")]
[ys (bytes->list #")]}>")])
(append (map cons xs ys) (map cons ys xs)))])
(define (rev-byte b)
(cond [(assq b pairs) => cdr]
[else b]))
(lambda (bs) (list->bytes (map rev-byte (reverse (bytes->list bs)))))))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; syntax
;; basic syntax customization
(define ch:command #\@)
(define ch:comment #\;)
(define ch:expr-escape #\|)
(define ch:datums-begin #\[)
(define ch:datums-end #\])
(define ch:lines-begin #\{)
(define ch:lines-end #\})
(define str:lines-begin* #"(\\|[^a-zA-Z0-9 \t\r\n\f@\\\177-\377{]*)\\{")
(define str:end-of-line "[ \t]*\r?\n[ \t]*") ; eat spaces on the next line
;; regexps based on the above (more in make-dispatcher)
(define re:whitespaces (^px "\\s+"))
(define re:comment-start (^px ch:comment))
(define re:comment-line (^px "[^\n]*(?:\n|$)[ \t]*")) ; like tex's `%'
(define re:expr-escape (^px ch:expr-escape))
(define re:datums-begin (^px ch:datums-begin))
(define re:datums-end (^px ch:datums-end))
(define re:lines-begin (^px ch:lines-begin))
(define re:lines-begin* (^px str:lines-begin*))
(define re:lines-end (^px ch:lines-end))
(define re:end-of-line (^px str:end-of-line))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; utilities
(define (internal-error label)
(error 'scribble-reader "internal error [~a]" label))
;; like `regexp-try-match', without extras; the regexp that is used
;; must be anchored -- nothing is dropped
(define (*regexp-match-peek-positions pattern input-port)
#; ; sanity checks, not needed unless this file is edited
(unless (and (byte-regexp? pattern)
(regexp-match? #rx#"^\\^" (object-name pattern)))
(internal-error 'invalid-bregexp))
(regexp-match-peek-positions pattern input-port))
;; the following doesn't work -- must peek first
;; (define (*regexp-match-positions pattern input-port)
;; #; ; sanity checks, not needed unless this file is edited
;; (unless (and (byte-regexp? pattern)
;; (regexp-match? #rx#"^\\^" (object-name pattern)))
;; (internal-error 'invalid-bregexp))
;; (regexp-match-peek-positions pattern input-port))
(define (*regexp-match pattern input-port)
(let ([m (*regexp-match-peek-positions pattern input-port)])
(and m (let ([s (read-bytes (cdar m) input-port)])
(cons s (map (lambda (p) (and p (subbytes s (car p) (cdr p))))
(cdr m)))))))
;; like regexp-match, but returns the whole match
(define (*regexp-match1 pattern input-port)
(let ([m (*regexp-match-peek-positions pattern input-port)])
(and m (read-bytes (cdar m) input-port))))
;; Utility for readtable-based caches
(define (readtable-cached fun)
(let ([cache (make-weak-hasheq)])
(letrec ([readtable-cached
[(rt) (hash-ref cache rt
(lambda ()
(let ([r (fun rt)])
(hash-set! cache rt r)
[() (readtable-cached (current-readtable))])])
;; Skips whitespace characters, sensitive to the current readtable's
;; definition of whitespace; optimizes common spaces when possible
(define skip-whitespace
(let* ([plain-readtables (make-weak-hasheq)]
[plain-spaces " \t\n\r\f"]
[plain-spaces-list (string->list " \t\n\r\f")]
[plain-spaces-re (^px "[" plain-spaces "]*")])
(define (skip-plain-spaces port)
;; hack: according to the specs, this might consume more characters
;; than needed, but it works fine with a simple <ch>* regexp (because
;; it can always match an empty string)
(*regexp-match-peek-positions plain-spaces-re port))
(define (whitespace? ch rt)
(if rt
(let-values ([(like-ch/sym _1 _2) (readtable-mapping rt ch)])
;; if like-ch/sym is whitespace, then ch is whitespace
(and (char? like-ch/sym) (char-whitespace? like-ch/sym)))
;; `char-whitespace?' is fine for the default readtable
(char-whitespace? ch)))
(define plain-readtable?
(lambda (rt)
(andmap (lambda (ch) (whitespace? ch rt)) plain-spaces-list))))
(lambda (port)
(let* ([rt (current-readtable)] [plain? (plain-readtable? rt)])
(let loop ()
(when plain? (skip-plain-spaces port))
(let ([ch (peek-char port)])
(unless (eof-object? ch)
(when (whitespace? ch rt) (read-char port) (loop)))))))))
;; make n spaces, cached for n
(define make-spaces
(let ([t (make-hasheq)])
(lambda (n)
(hash-ref t n
(lambda ()
(let ([s (make-string n #\space)])
(hash-set! t n s) s))))))
(define (bytes-width bs start)
(let ([len (bytes-length bs)])
(if (regexp-match? #rx"^ *$" bs start)
(- (bytes-length bs) start)
(let loop ([i start] [w 0])
(if (= i len)
(loop (add1 i)
(+ w (if (eq? 9 (bytes-ref bs i)) (- 8 (modulo w 8)) 1))))))))
;; A syntax object that has the "original?" property:
(define orig-stx (read-syntax #f (open-input-string "dummy")))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; main reader function for @ constructs
(define (dispatcher char inp source-name line-num col-num position
start-inside? command-readtable ch:command
re:command re:line-item* re:line-item
re:line-item-no-nests datum-readtable
(define (read-error line col pos msg . xs)
(let* ([eof? (and (eq? 'eof msg) (pair? xs))]
[msg (apply format (if eof? xs (cons msg xs)))])
((if eof? raise-read-error raise-read-eof-error)
msg (or source-name (object-name inp)) line col pos (span-from pos))))
(define (read-error* . xs)
(apply read-error line-num col-num position xs))
(define (read-stx) (read-syntax/recursive source-name inp))
(define (read-stx/rt rt) (read-syntax/recursive source-name inp #f rt))
;; use this to avoid placeholders
(define (read-stx*)
;; (read-syntax/recursive source-name inp #f (current-readtable) #f)
(read-syntax source-name inp))
(define (*match rx) (*regexp-match rx inp))
(define (*match1 rx) (*regexp-match1 rx inp))
;; (define (*skip rx) (*regexp-match-positions rx inp)) ; <- see above
(define (*skip rx) (*regexp-match1 rx inp))
(define (*peek rx) (*regexp-match-peek-positions rx inp))
(define (span-from start)
(and start (let-values ([(line col pos) (port-next-location inp)])
(- pos start))))
(define (read-delimited-list begin-re end-re end-ch)
(let-values ([(line col pos) (port-next-location inp)])
(and (*skip begin-re)
(let loop ([r '()])
(skip-whitespace inp)
(if (*skip end-re)
(reverse r)
(let ([x (read-stx)])
(if (eof-object? x)
(read-error line col pos 'eof "expected a '~a'" end-ch)
(loop (if (special-comment? x) r (cons x r))))))))))
;; identifies newlines in text
(define (eol-syntax? x)
(let ([p (and (syntax? x) (syntax-property x 'scribble))])
(and (pair? p) (eq? 'newline (car p)))))
;; gets an accumulated (reversed) list of syntaxes and column markers, and
;; sorts things out (remove prefix and suffix newlines, adds indentation if
;; needed)
(define (done-items xs)
;; a column marker is either a non-negative integer N (saying the following
;; code came from at column N), or a negative integer -N (saying that the
;; following code came from column N but no need to add indentation at this
;; point because it is at the openning of a {...}); `get-lines*' is careful
;; not to include column markers before a newline or the end of the text,
;; and a -N marker can only come from the beginning of the text (and it's
;; never there if the text began with a newline)
(if (andmap eol-syntax? xs)
;; nothing to do
(reverse xs)
(let ([mincol (let loop ([xs xs] [m #f])
(if (null? xs)
(let ([x (car xs)])
(loop (cdr xs)
(if (integer? x)
(let ([x (abs x)]) (if (and m (< m x)) m x))
(let loop ([xs (if (and (not start-inside?) (eol-syntax? (car xs)))
(cdr xs) ; trim last eol
[r '()])
(if (or (null? xs)
(and (not start-inside?)
;; trim first eol
(null? (cdr xs)) (eol-syntax? (car xs))))
(cdr xs)
(let ([x (car xs)])
(cond [(integer? x)
(if (or (< x 0) (= x mincol))
r ; no indentation marker, or zero indentation
(let ([eol (cadr xs)]
[spaces (make-spaces (- x mincol))])
;; markers always follow end-of-lines
(unless (eol-syntax? eol)
(internal-error 'done-items))
(cons (syntax-property
(datum->syntax eol spaces eol)
'scribble 'indentation)
;; can have special comment values from "@||"
[(special-comment? x) r]
[else (cons x r)]))))))))
;; cons stx (new syntax) to the list of stxs, merging it if both are
;; strings, except for newline markers
(define (maybe-merge stx stxs)
(let* ([2nd (and (syntax? stx) (syntax-e stx))]
[stx0 (and (pair? stxs) (car stxs))]
[1st (and (syntax? stx0) (syntax-e stx0))])
(if (and (string? 1st) (not (eol-syntax? stx0))
(string? 2nd) (not (eol-syntax? stx)))
(cons (datum->syntax stx0
(string-append 1st 2nd)
(vector (syntax-source stx0)
(syntax-line stx0)
(syntax-column stx0)
(syntax-position stx0)
;; this is called right after reading stx
(span-from (syntax-position stx0)))
(cdr stxs))
(cons stx stxs))))
;; helper for `get-lines*' drop a column marker if the previous item was also
;; a newline (or the beginning)
(define (maybe-drop-marker r)
(if (and (pair? r) (integer? (car r))
(or (null? (cdr r)) (eol-syntax? (cadr r))))
(cdr r)
(define (get-lines* re:begin re:end re:cmd-pfx re:item end-token)
;; re:begin, re:end, end-token can be false if start-inside? is #t;
;; re:cmd-pfx is a regexp when we do sub-@-reads only after a prefix
(let loop ([lvl 0]
[r (let-values ([(l c p) (port-next-location inp)])
;; marker for the beginning of the text
(if c (list (- c)) '()))])
;; this loop collects lines etc for the body, and also puts in column
;; markers (integers) after newlines -- the result is handed off to
;; `done-items' to finish the job
(define-values (line col pos) (port-next-location inp))
(define (make-stx sexpr)
(datum->syntax #f
(if (bytes? sexpr) (bytes->string/utf-8 sexpr) sexpr)
(vector source-name line col pos (span-from pos))
[(and re:begin (*match1 re:begin))
=> (lambda (m) (loop (add1 lvl) (maybe-merge (make-stx m) r)))]
[(and re:end (*match1 re:end))
=> (lambda (m)
(if (and (zero? lvl) (not start-inside?))
;; drop a marker if it's after a last eol item
(done-items (maybe-drop-marker r))
(loop (sub1 lvl) (maybe-merge (make-stx m) r))))]
[(*match1 re:end-of-line)
=> (lambda (m)
(let ([n (car (regexp-match-positions #rx#"\n" m))])
(loop lvl (list* ; no merge needed
(bytes-width m (cdr n))
(make-stx "\n")
'scribble `(newline ,(bytes->string/utf-8 m)))
(maybe-drop-marker r)))))]
[(if re:cmd-pfx
(and (*skip re:cmd-pfx) (*peek re:command))
(*peek re:command))
;; read the next value
=> (lambda (m)
(define x (cond [(cadr m)
;; the command is a string escape, use
;; `read-stx*' to not get a placeholder, so we
;; can merge the string to others
[(caddr m)
;; it's an expression escape, get multiple
;; expressions and put them all here
(read-bytes (caaddr m) inp)
(get-escape-expr #f)]
[else (read-stx)])) ; otherwise: a plain sub-read
(loop lvl (cond [(eof-object? x)
;; shouldn't happen -- the sub-read would
;; raise an error
(internal-error 'get-lines*-sub-read)]
;; throw away comments
[(special-comment? x) r]
;; escaped expressions: no merge, and add a
;; comment to prevent merges with later stuff
[(pair? x)
`(,(make-special-comment #f) ,@(reverse x) ,@r)]
[(null? x) (cons (make-special-comment #f) r)]
[else (maybe-merge x r)])))]
;; must be last, since it will always succeed with 1 char
[(*peek re:item) ; don't read: regexp grabs the following text
=> (lambda (m)
(loop lvl
(maybe-merge (make-stx (read-bytes (cdadr m) inp)) r)))]
[(*peek #rx#"^$")
(if end-token
(read-error* 'eof "missing closing `~a'" end-token)
(done-items r))]
[else (internal-error 'get-lines*)])))
(define (get-lines)
(cond [(*skip re:lines-begin) (get-lines* re:lines-begin re:lines-end #f
re:line-item ch:lines-end)]
[(*match re:lines-begin*)
=> (lambda (m)
(let* ([bgn (car m)]
[end (reverse-bytes bgn)]
[bgn* (regexp-quote bgn)]
[end* (regexp-quote end)]
[cmd-pfx* (regexp-quote (cadr m))])
(get-lines* (^px bgn*) (^px end*)
(^px cmd-pfx* "(?=" ch:command ")")
(re:line-item* bgn* end* cmd-pfx*)
[else #f]))
(define (get-datums)
(parameterize ([current-readtable datum-readtable])
(read-delimited-list re:datums-begin re:datums-end ch:datums-end)))
(define (get-escape-expr single?)
;; single? means expect just one expression (or none, which is returned as
;; a special-comment)
(let ([get (lambda ()
(parameterize ([current-readtable command-readtable])
(read-delimited-list re:expr-escape re:expr-escape
(if single?
(let*-values ([(line col pos) (port-next-location inp)]
[(xs) (get)])
(cond [(not xs) xs]
[(or (null? xs) (not (null? (cdr xs))))
(read-error line col pos
"a ~a|...| form in Racket mode must have ~a"
"exactly one escaped expression")]
[else (car xs)]))
;; called only when we must see a command in the input
(define (get-command)
(let ([cmd (read-stx/rt command-readtable)])
(cond [(special-comment? cmd)
(read-error* "expecting a command expression, got a comment")]
[(eof-object? cmd)
(read-error* 'eof "missing command")]
;; we have a command: adjust its location to include the dispatch
;; character
;; (datum->syntax #f (syntax-e cmd)
;; (vector (syntax-source cmd)
;; (syntax-line cmd)
;; (cond [(syntax-column cmd) => sub1] [else #f])
;; (cond [(syntax-position cmd) => sub1] [else #f])
;; (cond [(syntax-span cmd) => add1] [else #f]))
;; orig-stx)
;; The reasoning for the above is that in `@foo' the `@' is part
;; of the syntax of the identifier, in a similar way to including
;; the double quotes in the position information for a string
;; syntax or the backslash in a mzscheme \foo identifier. Another
;; feature of this is that there needs to be some way to know what
;; was the actual source of some syntax. However, this is
;; problematic in two ways: (a) it can be confusing that
;; highlighting an identifier highlights the `@' too, and more
;; importantly, it makes `@|foo|' be treated differently than
;; `@foo'. So we'll try to not do this adjusting.
(define (get-rprefixes) ; return punctuation prefixes in reverse
(let loop ([r '()])
(let-values ([(line col pos) (port-next-location inp)])
(cond [(*match1 #rx#"^#?(?:'|`|,@?)")
=> (lambda (m)
(let ([sym (cond [(assoc m '([#"'" quote]
[#"`" quasiquote]
[#"," unquote]
[#",@" unquote-splicing]
[#"#'" syntax]
[#"#`" quasisyntax]
[#"#," unsyntax]
[#"#,@" unsyntax-splicing]))
=> cadr]
[else (internal-error 'get-rprefixes)])])
(loop (cons (datum->syntax #f sym
(vector source-name line col
pos (span-from pos))
[(*skip re:whitespaces)
(read-error* "unexpected whitespace after ~a" ch:command)]
[else r]))))
(datum->syntax #f (get-lines* #f #f #f re:line-item-no-nests #f)
(vector source-name line-num col-num position (span-from position))
[(*skip re:whitespaces)
(read-error* "unexpected whitespace after ~a" ch:command)]
[(*skip re:comment-start)
(unless (get-lines) (*skip re:comment-line))
(make-special-comment #f)]
([(rpfxs) (get-rprefixes)]
[(cmd datums lines)
(cond [(get-lines)
;; try get-lines first -- so @|{...}| is not used as a simple
;; expression escape, same for get-datums
=> (lambda (lines) (values #f #f lines))]
=> (lambda (datums) (values #f datums (get-lines)))]
[(get-escape-expr #t) => (lambda (expr) (values expr #f #f))]
[else (values (get-command) (get-datums) (get-lines))])]
[(stx) (and (or datums lines)
(append (or datums '()) (or lines '())))]
[(stx) (or (and cmd stx (cons cmd stx)) ; all parts
stx ; no cmd part => just a parenthesized expression
cmd ; no datums/lines => simple expression (no parens)
;; impossible: either we saw []s or {}s, or we read a
;; racket expression
(internal-error 'dispatcher))]
[(stx) (let ([ds (and datums (length datums))]
[ls (and lines (length lines))])
(if (syntax? stx)
(datum->syntax #f stx
(vector source-name line-num col-num position
(span-from position))
'scribble (list 'form ds ls)))]
[(stx) (syntax-post-processor stx)]
;; wrap the prefixes around the result
(let loop ([rpfxs rpfxs] [stx stx])
(if (null? rpfxs)
(loop (cdr rpfxs) (list (car rpfxs) stx))))])
(datum->syntax #f stx (vector source-name line-num col-num position
(span-from position))
(define (make-dispatcher start-inside? ch:command
get-command-readtable get-datum-readtable
(define re:command (^px ch:command
;; the following identifies string and expression
;; escapes, see how it is used above
(define (re:line-item* bgn end cmd-prefix)
(^px "(.+?)(?:" (and bgn `(,bgn"|")) (and end `(,end"|"))
cmd-prefix ch:command"|"str:end-of-line"|$)"))
(define re:line-item (re:line-item* ch:lines-begin ch:lines-end #f))
(define re:line-item-no-nests (and start-inside? (re:line-item* #f #f #f)))
(lambda (char inp source-name line-num col-num position)
(dispatcher char inp source-name line-num col-num position
start-inside? (get-command-readtable) ch:command
re:command re:line-item* re:line-item re:line-item-no-nests
(get-datum-readtable) syntax-post-processor)))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; minor utilities for the below
(define default-src (gensym 'scribble-reader))
(define (src-name src port)
(if (eq? src default-src) (object-name port) src))
(define-syntax-rule (named-lambda (name . args) . body)
(let ([name (lambda args . body)]) name))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; readtable and reader
(provide make-at-readtable make-at-reader)
(define ((make-at-readtable-or-inside-reader inside-reader?)
readtable command-char command-readtable datum-readtable syntax-post-processor)
(define (get-cmd-rt)
(if (readtable? cmd-rt)
(define (get-datum-rt)
(if (eq? datum-rt 'dynamic)
(define dispatcher
(make-dispatcher #f command-char get-cmd-rt get-datum-rt
(define (make-inside-reader)
(define dispatcher
(make-dispatcher #t command-char get-cmd-rt get-datum-rt
;; use a name consistent with `make-at-reader'
(named-lambda (at-read-syntax/inside [src default-src]
[inp (current-input-port)])
(define-values [line col pos] (port-next-location inp))
(parameterize ([current-readtable at-rt])
(dispatcher #f inp (src-name src inp) line col pos))))
(define at-rt
(make-readtable readtable command-char 'non-terminating-macro dispatcher))
(define command-bar
(lambda (char inp source-name line-num col-num position)
(let ([m (*regexp-match #rx#"^([^|]*)\\|" inp)])
(unless m
(raise-read-error "unbalanced `|'" source-name
line-num col-num position #f))
#f (string->symbol (bytes->string/utf-8 (cadr m)))
(vector source-name line-num col-num position
(add1 (bytes-length (car m))))
(define (make-cmd-rt command-readtable)
;; similar to plain Racket (scribble, actually), but with `@' as usual and
;; and `|' as a terminating macro characters (otherwise it behaves the
;; same; the only difference is that `a|b|c' is three symbols)
(make-readtable command-readtable
command-char 'non-terminating-macro dispatcher
#\| 'terminating-macro command-bar))
(define cmd-rt
(if (eq? command-readtable 'dynamic)
(readtable-cached make-cmd-rt)
(make-cmd-rt command-readtable)))
(define datum-rt
(cond [(or (not datum-readtable) (readtable? datum-readtable))
[(eq? #t datum-readtable) at-rt]
[(procedure? datum-readtable) (datum-readtable at-rt)]
[(eq? datum-readtable 'dynamic) 'dynamic]
[else (error 'make-at-readtable
"bad datum-readtable: ~e" datum-readtable)]))
(if inside-reader? (make-inside-reader) at-rt))
(define (make-at-readtable
#:readtable [readtable (current-readtable)]
#:command-char [command-char ch:command]
#:command-readtable [command-readtable readtable]
#:datum-readtable [datum-readtable #t]
#:syntax-post-processor [syntax-post-processor values])
((make-at-readtable-or-inside-reader #f)
readtable command-char command-readtable datum-readtable syntax-post-processor))
(define (make-at-reader
#:readtable [readtable (current-readtable)]
#:command-char [command-char ch:command]
#:datum-readtable [datum-readtable #t]
#:command-readtable [command-readtable readtable]
#:syntax-post-processor [syntax-post-processor values]
#:syntax? [syntax-reader? #t]
#:inside? [inside-reader? #f])
(let ([r ((make-at-readtable-or-inside-reader inside-reader?)
readtable command-char command-readtable datum-readtable syntax-post-processor)])
;; the result can be a readtable or a syntax reader, depending on inside?,
;; convert it now to the appropriate reader
(if inside-reader?
;; if it's a function, then it already is a syntax reader, convert it to
;; a plain reader if needed (note: this only happens when r is a reader)
(if syntax-reader?
(named-lambda (at-read/inside [in (current-input-port)])
;; can't be eof, since it returns a list of expressions (as a syntax)
(syntax->datum (r (object-name in) in))))
;; if it's a readtable, then just wrap the standard functions
(if syntax-reader?
(named-lambda (at-read-syntax [src default-src]
[inp (current-input-port)])
(parameterize ([current-readtable r])
(read-syntax src inp)))
(named-lambda (at-read [inp (current-input-port)])
(parameterize ([current-readtable r])
(let ([r (read-syntax (object-name inp) inp)])
;; it might be eof
(if (syntax? r) (syntax->datum r) r))))))))
(provide use-at-readtable)
(define use-at-readtable
(lambda (kws kw-args . rest)
(port-count-lines! (current-input-port))
(keyword-apply make-at-readtable kws kw-args rest)))))
;; utilities for below
(define make-default-at-readtable
(readtable-cached (lambda (rt) (make-at-readtable #:readtable rt
#:command-readtable 'dynamic
#:datum-readtable 'dynamic))))
(define make-default-at-reader/inside
(lambda (rt) (make-at-reader #:inside? #t #:readtable rt
#:command-readtable 'dynamic
#:datum-readtable 'dynamic))))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; readers
(provide (rename-out [*read read] [*read-syntax read-syntax]))
(define (*read [inp (current-input-port)])
(parameterize ([current-readtable (make-default-at-readtable)])
(read inp)))
(define (*read-syntax [src default-src] [inp (current-input-port)])
(parameterize ([current-readtable (make-default-at-readtable)])
(read-syntax (src-name src inp) inp)))
(provide read-inside read-syntax-inside)
(define (read-inside [inp (current-input-port)])
(syntax->datum ((make-default-at-reader/inside) default-src inp)))
(define (read-syntax-inside [src default-src] [inp (current-input-port)]
#:command-char [command-char ch:command])
(lambda (rt) (make-at-reader #:inside? #t #:command-char command-char #:readtable rt))))
src inp))

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
#lang racket/base
(module runtime-config racket/base
(provide configure)
(require (only-in "mode-helper.rkt" make-at-readtable))
(define (configure data)
(define old-read (current-read-interaction))
(define (new-read src in)
(parameterize ([current-readtable (make-at-readtable #:readtable (current-readtable))])
(old-read src in)))
(current-read-interaction new-read)))
(module language-info racket/base
(provide get-language-info)
(require racket/match)
(define (get-language-info data)
(define other-get-info
(match data
[(vector mod sym data2)
((dynamic-require mod sym) data2)]
[_ (λ(key default) default)]))
(λ(key default)
(case key
(define config-vec '#[(submod pollen/mode runtime-config) configure #f])
(define other-config (other-get-info key default))
(cond [(list? other-config) (cons config-vec other-config)]
[else (list config-vec)])]
[else (other-get-info key default)]))))
(module reader racket/base
(require syntax/module-reader pollen/world
(only-in "mode-helper.rkt" make-at-readtable))
(provide (rename-out [at-read read]
[at-read-syntax read-syntax]
[at-get-info get-info]))
(define (wrap-reader p)
(λ args
(parameterize ([current-readtable (make-at-readtable #:datum-readtable 'dynamic
#:command-readtable 'dynamic
#:command-char (world:current-command-char))])
(apply p args))))
(define-values (at-read at-read-syntax at-get-info)
"language path"
(let* ([str (bytes->string/latin-1 bstr)]
[sym (string->symbol str)])
(and (module-path? sym)
;; try submod first:
`(submod ,sym reader)
;; fall back to /lang/reader:
(string->symbol (string-append str "/lang/reader"))))))
(define read-syntax (wrap-reader orig-read-syntax))
(λ args
(define stx (apply read-syntax args))
(define old-prop (syntax-property stx 'module-language))
(define new-prop `#((submod pollen/mode language-info) get-language-info ,old-prop))
(syntax-property stx 'module-language new-prop)))
(λ(key defval)
(define (fallback) (if proc (proc key defval) defval))
(define (try-dynamic-require mod export)
(or (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ(x) #f)])
(dynamic-require mod export))
(case key
(try-dynamic-require 'syntax-color/scribble-lexer 'scribble-lexer)]
(dynamic-require 'scribble/private/indentation 'determine-spaces)]
[else (fallback)]))))))

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#lang scribble/manual #lang scribble/manual
@(require scribble/bnf scribble/eval "utils.rkt" "mb-tools.rkt" @(require scribble/bnf scribble/eval "utils.rkt" "mb-tools.rkt"
(for-syntax racket/base) (for-syntax racket/base)
(for-label pollen/world pollen/render pollen/template (only-in scribble/reader (for-label rackunit pollen/world pollen/render pollen/template (only-in scribble/reader
use-at-readtable))) use-at-readtable)))
@(define read-eval (make-base-eval)) @(define read-eval (make-base-eval))
@ -904,6 +904,61 @@ For numeric entities, you can also use a four-digit Unicode hex number by prefac
Of course, you don't need to use @racket[string->symbol] and @racket[string->number] directly in your source. You can also define tag functions that generate entities. The key point is that to be treated as an entity, the return value must be a symbol or number, rather than a string. Of course, you don't need to use @racket[string->symbol] and @racket[string->number] directly in your source. You can also define tag functions that generate entities. The key point is that to be treated as an entity, the return value must be a symbol or number, rather than a string.
@section{Adding Pollen-mode commands to a Racket file}
Just as you can embed any Racket-mode command in a Pollen source file, you can go the other way and embed Pollen-mode commands in a Racket file. For instance, in your @secref["The__pollen_rkt__file"], you may find it convenient to use Pollen mode for certain values.
You enable Pollen mode within your source file by adding @racketmodname[pollen/mode] to your @tt{#lang} line at the top of your source:
@fileblock["pollen.rkt" @codeblock{
#lang pollen/mode racket/base
(require pollen/tag)
(define link (make-default-tag-function 'a))
(define (home-link)
(link #:href "index.html" "Click to go home"))
(define (home-link-pollen-mode)
◊link[#:href "index.html"]{Click to go home})
Here, both @tt{(home-link)} and @tt{(home-link-pollen-mode)} will produce the same X-expression as a result:
@terminal{'(a ((href "index.html")) "Click to go home")}
Of course, you can use @racketmodname[pollen/mode] in any Racket source file, not just @filepath{pollen.rkt}.
Keep in mind that @racketmodname[pollen/mode] is just a syntactic convenience. It doesn't change any of the underlying semantics of your Racket source file. Your Pollen-mode commands are being translated into Racket commands and compiled along with everything else.
Another good way to use Pollen-mode commands in Racket is for unit tests with @racketmodname[rackunit]. With @racketmodname[pollen/mode], you can write your unit tests in Pollen mode or Racket mode (or mix them).
@margin-note{Unit tests are little one-line tests you put into your code to verify it does what you expect. You do this with the @racketmodname[rackunit] library, which is beloved by all Racket programmers. For more, see @secref["quick-start" #:doc '(lib "rackunit/scribblings/rackunit.scrbl")].}
@fileblock["pollen.rkt" @codeblock|{
#lang pollen/mode racket/base
(require rackunit)
(define (tag-fn arg . text-args)
`(div ((class ,arg)) ,@text-args))
(check-equal? ◊tag-fn["42"]{hello world}
'(div ((class "42")) "hello world"))
(check-equal? (tag-fn "42" "hello world")
'(div ((class "42")) "hello world"))
(check-equal? ◊tag-fn["42"]{hello world}
◊'div[((class "42"))]{hello world})
@section{Further reading} @section{Further reading}
The Pollen language is a variant of Racket's own text-processing language, called Scribble. Thus, most things that can be done with Scribble syntax can also be done with Pollen syntax. For the sake of clarity & brevity, I've only shown you the highlights here. But if you want the full story, see @secref["reader" #:doc '(lib "scribblings/scribble/scribble.scrbl")] in the Scribble documentation. The Pollen language is a variant of Racket's own text-processing language, called Scribble. Thus, most things that can be done with Scribble syntax can also be done with Pollen syntax. For the sake of clarity & brevity, I've only shown you the highlights here. But if you want the full story, see @secref["reader" #:doc '(lib "scribblings/scribble/scribble.scrbl")] in the Scribble documentation.

@ -159,6 +159,8 @@ Files with the null extension are simply rendered as a copy of the file without
This can be useful you're managing your project with git. Most likely you'll want to ignore @filepath{*.html} and other file types that are frequently regenerated by the project server. But if you have isolated static files — for instance, a @filepath{index.html} that doesn't have source associated with it — they'll be ignored too. You can cure this problem by appending the null extension to these static files, so they'll be tracked in your source system without actually being source files. This can be useful you're managing your project with git. Most likely you'll want to ignore @filepath{*.html} and other file types that are frequently regenerated by the project server. But if you have isolated static files — for instance, a @filepath{index.html} that doesn't have source associated with it — they'll be ignored too. You can cure this problem by appending the null extension to these static files, so they'll be tracked in your source system without actually being source files.
@section{Escaping output-file extensions within source-file names} @section{Escaping output-file extensions within source-file names}
Pollen relies extensively on the convention of naming source files by adding a source extension to an output-file name. So the Pollen markup source for @filepath{index.html} would be @filepath{}. Pollen relies extensively on the convention of naming source files by adding a source extension to an output-file name. So the Pollen markup source for @filepath{index.html} would be @filepath{}.
@ -167,6 +169,4 @@ This convention occasionally flummoxes other programs that assume a file can onl
So instead of @filepath{}, your source-file name would be @filepath{}. When this source file is rendered, it will automatically be converted into @filepath{index.html} (meaning, the escaped extension will be converted into a normal file extension). So instead of @filepath{}, your source-file name would be @filepath{}. When this source file is rendered, it will automatically be converted into @filepath{index.html} (meaning, the escaped extension will be converted into a normal file extension).
This alternative-naming scheme is automatically enabled in every project. You can also set the escape character on a per-project basis (see @racket[world:current-extension-escape-char]). Pollen will let you choose any character, but of course it would be unwise to pick one with special meaning in your filesystem (for instance, @litchar{/}). This alternative-naming scheme is automatically enabled in every project. You can also set the escape character on a per-project basis (see @racket[world:current-extension-escape-char]). Pollen will let you choose any character, but of course it would be unwise to pick one with special meaning in your filesystem (for instance, @litchar{/}).

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#lang pollen/mode racket/base
(require rackunit racket/string)
(define (proc)
(apply string-join (string-split ◊string-append{foo bar zam}) '{X}))
(check-equal? (proc) "fooXbarXzam")