Matthew Butterick 11 years ago
parent 7ef914be06
commit 4af4147087

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
;; We want to make this identifier behave as a runtime function
;; This requires two steps.
;; First, define the underlying function as syntax-rule
(define-syntax (get-here stx)
(define-syntax (get-here-path stx)
(datum->syntax stx
;; Even though begin permits defines,
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
;; whereupon define would cause an error.
;; Therefore, best to use let.
(let* ([ccr (current-contract-region)] ; trick for getting current module name
[here-path (cond
[hp (cond
;; if contract-region is called from within submodule,
;; you get a list
;; in which case, just grab the path from the front
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
;; so raises possibility of inconsistent values.
;; Whereas the complete path is unambiguous,
;; and can be made relative by the caller (or otherwise altered).
(->string here-path)))))
(->string hp)))))
;; todo: update tests
;(module+ test
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
; Second step: apply a separate syntax transform to the identifier itself
; We can't do this in one step, because if the macro goes from identifier to function definition,
; The macro processor will evaluate the body at compile-time, not at runtime.
(define-syntax here (λ(stx) (datum->syntax stx '(get-here))))
(define-syntax here-path (λ(stx) (datum->syntax stx '(get-here-path))))
;; todo: update test
;(module+ test

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
(require racket/list
(planet mb/pollen/tools)
(planet mb/pollen/main-helper)
(only-in (planet mb/pollen/ptree) ptree-source-decode)
(only-in (planet mb/pollen/ptree) ptree-source-decode path->name)
(only-in (planet mb/pollen/predicates) ptree?))
(provide (all-from-out racket/list

@ -42,23 +42,26 @@
;; set up a hook for identifier 'here'
;; (but under a different name to avoid macrofication)
(define inner-here here)
(define inner-here-path here-path)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(provide (all-from-out ; pollen file should bring its requires
(planet mb/pollen/tools))))
(require 'pollen-inner) ; provides doc & #%top, among other things
;; prepare the elements, and append inner-here as meta.
(define all-elements (cons
;; append inner-here as meta
(define here (path->name inner-here-path))
;; prepare the elements, and append inner-here-path as meta.
;; put it first so it can be overridden by custom meta later on
`(meta "here" ,inner-here)
(define all-elements (cons `(meta "here-path" ,inner-here-path)
(cons `(meta "here" ,here)
;; doc is probably a list, but might be a single string
[(string? doc) (list doc)]
[(tagged-xexpr? doc) (list doc)] ; if it's a single nx, just leave it
[(list? doc) doc]))) ; if it's nx content, splice it in
;; if it's a single nx, just leave it
[(tagged-xexpr? doc) (list doc)]
;; if it's nx content, splice it in
[(list? doc) doc]))))
;; split out the metas now (in raw form)
@ -78,7 +81,7 @@
;; Because if it's overridden to something other than *.ptree,
;; ptree processing will fail.
;; This defeats rule that ptree file suffix triggers ptree decoding.
(define here-is-ptree? (ptree-source? (->path inner-here)))
(define here-is-ptree? (ptree-source? (->path inner-here-path)))
(define main (apply (if here-is-ptree?
;; ptree source files will go this way,
@ -89,9 +92,10 @@
;; it just hits #%top and becomes a tagged-xexpr.
root) (tagged-xexpr-elements main-raw)))
(provide main metas
(except-out (all-from-out 'pollen-inner) inner-here) ; everything from user
(rename-out (inner-here here))) ; change identifier back (now safe from macrofication)
(provide main metas here
(except-out (all-from-out 'pollen-inner) inner-here-path) ; everything from user
(rename-out (inner-here-path here-path))) ; change identifier back (now safe from macrofication)
(module+ main
(displayln ";-------------------------")

@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
;; certain ptree requirements are enforced at compile-time.
;; (such as pnodes must be valid strings, and unique.)
;; (such as names must be valid strings, and unique.)
;; otherwise this becomes a rather expensive contract
;; because every function in ptree.rkt uses it.
;; note that a ptree is just a bunch of recursively nested ptrees.
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
(and (match x
;; a tagged-xexpr with one attr ('parent)
;; whose subelements recursively meet the same test.
[(list (? pnode? tag) (? ptree-attr? attr) elements ...)
[(list (? ptree-name? tag) (? ptree-attr? attr) elements ...)
(andmap ptree? elements)]
[else #f])))
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
;; ptree location must represent a possible valid filename
(define/contract (pnode? x #:loud [loud #f])
(define/contract (ptree-name? x #:loud [loud #f])
((any/c) (#:loud boolean?) . ->* . boolean?)
;; todo: how to express the fact that the ptree-location must be
;; a valid base name for a file?
@ -205,21 +205,21 @@
(define result
(or (eq? x #f) ; OK for map-key to be #f
(and (or (symbol? x) (string? x))
;; todo: should test be same as valid module name?
;; todo: should test be same as valid module ptree-name?
(->boolean (regexp-match #px"^[-_A-Za-z0-9]+$" (->string x))))))
(if (and (not result) loud)
(error "Not a valid ptree key:" x)
(module+ test
(check-true (pnode? #f))
(check-true (pnode? "foo-bar"))
(check-true (pnode? "Foo_Bar_0123"))
(check-true (pnode? 'foo-bar))
(check-false (pnode? "foo-bar.p"))
(check-false (pnode? "/Users/MB/foo-bar"))
(check-false (pnode? ""))
(check-false (pnode? " ")))
(check-true (ptree-name? #f))
(check-true (ptree-name? "foo-bar"))
(check-true (ptree-name? "Foo_Bar_0123"))
(check-true (ptree-name? 'foo-bar))
(check-false (ptree-name? "foo-bar.p"))
(check-false (ptree-name? "/Users/MB/foo-bar"))
(check-false (ptree-name? ""))
(check-false (ptree-name? " ")))
;; recursive whitespace test

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
(directory-pathish? . -> . ptree?)
(let ([files (map remove-ext (filter (λ(x) (has-ext? x POLLEN_SOURCE_EXT)) (directory-list dir)))])
(message "Generating ptree from file listing")
(ptree-root->ptree (cons POLLEN_TREE_ROOT_NAME (map path->pnode files)))))
(ptree-root->ptree (cons POLLEN_TREE_ROOT_NAME (map path->name files)))))
;; Try loading from ptree file, or failing that, synthesize ptree.
@ -50,12 +50,14 @@
;; return the parent of a given name
(define/contract (parent pnode [ptree current-ptree])
((pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c string? boolean?))
(and pnode (let ([result (se-path* `(,(->symbol pnode) #:parent) ptree)])
(define/contract (parent name [ptree current-ptree])
((ptree-name?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c string? boolean?))
(and name (let ([result (se-path* `(,(->symbol name) #:parent) ptree)])
(and result (->string result))))) ; se-path* returns #f if nothing found
(define ptree-parent parent)
(module+ test
(define test-ptree-main `(ptree-main "foo" "bar" (one (two "three"))))
(define test-ptree (ptree-root->ptree test-ptree-main))
@ -65,12 +67,12 @@
; get children of a particular pnode
(define/contract (children pnode [ptree current-ptree])
((pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c list? boolean?))
; get children of a particular name
(define/contract (children name [ptree current-ptree])
((ptree-name?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c list? boolean?))
;; se-path*/list returns '() if nothing found
(and pnode (let ([children (se-path*/list `(,(->symbol pnode)) ptree)])
; If there are sublists, just take first pnode
(and name (let ([children (se-path*/list `(,(->symbol name)) ptree)])
; If there are sublists, just take first name
(and (not (empty? children)) (map (λ(i) (->string (if (list? i) (car i) i))) children)))))
(module+ test
@ -81,11 +83,11 @@
;; find all siblings on current level: go up to parent and ask for children
(define/contract (siblings pnode [ptree current-ptree])
;; this never returns false: pnode is always a sibling of itself.
;; todo: how to use input value in contract? e.g., to check that pnode is part of output list
((pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c list? boolean?))
(children (parent pnode ptree) ptree))
(define/contract (siblings name [ptree current-ptree])
;; this never returns false: name is always a sibling of itself.
;; todo: how to use input value in contract? e.g., to check that name is part of output list
((ptree-name?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c list? boolean?))
(children (parent name ptree) ptree))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (siblings 'one test-ptree) '("foo" "bar" "one"))
@ -95,11 +97,11 @@
(define/contract (siblings-split pnode [ptree current-ptree])
((pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (values (or/c (listof pnode?) boolean?)
(or/c (listof pnode?) boolean?)))
(let-values ([(left right) (splitf-at (siblings pnode ptree)
(λ(e) (not (equal? (->string e) (->string pnode)))))])
(define/contract (siblings-split name [ptree current-ptree])
((ptree-name?) (ptree?) . ->* . (values (or/c (listof ptree-name?) boolean?)
(or/c (listof ptree-name?) boolean?)))
(let-values ([(left right) (splitf-at (siblings name ptree)
(λ(e) (not (equal? (->string e) (->string name)))))])
(values (if (empty? left) #f left) (if (empty? (cdr right)) #f (cdr right)))))
(module+ test
@ -107,18 +109,18 @@
(check-equal? (values->list (siblings-split 'bar test-ptree)) (list '("foo") '("one"))))
;; siblings to the left of target pnode (i.e., precede in tree order)
(define (siblings-left pnode [ptree current-ptree])
(let-values ([(left right) (siblings-split pnode ptree)])
;; siblings to the left of target name (i.e., precede in tree order)
(define (siblings-left name [ptree current-ptree])
(let-values ([(left right) (siblings-split name ptree)])
(module+ test
(check-equal? (siblings-left 'one test-ptree) '("foo" "bar"))
(check-false (siblings-left 'foo test-ptree)))
;; siblings to the right of target pnode (i.e., follow in tree order)
(define (siblings-right pnode [ptree current-ptree])
(let-values ([(left right) (siblings-split pnode ptree)])
;; siblings to the right of target name (i.e., follow in tree order)
(define (siblings-right name [ptree current-ptree])
(let-values ([(left right) (siblings-split name ptree)])
(module+ test
@ -126,20 +128,20 @@
(check-equal? (siblings-right 'foo test-ptree) '("bar" "one")))
;; get pnode immediately to the left in tree
(define/contract (sibling-previous pnode [ptree current-ptree])
((pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c string? boolean?))
(let ([siblings (siblings-left pnode ptree)])
;; get name immediately to the left in tree
(define/contract (sibling-previous name [ptree current-ptree])
((ptree-name?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c string? boolean?))
(let ([siblings (siblings-left name ptree)])
(and siblings (last siblings))))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (sibling-previous 'bar test-ptree) "foo")
(check-false (sibling-previous 'foo test-ptree)))
;; get pnode immediately to the right in tree
(define/contract (sibling-next pnode [ptree current-ptree])
((pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c string? boolean?))
(let ([siblings (siblings-right pnode ptree)])
;; get name immediately to the right in tree
(define/contract (sibling-next name [ptree current-ptree])
((ptree-name?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c string? boolean?))
(let ([siblings (siblings-right name ptree)])
(and siblings (first siblings))))
(module+ test
@ -148,106 +150,108 @@
;; flatten tree to sequence
(define/contract (all-pnodes [ptree current-ptree])
(define/contract (all-names [ptree current-ptree])
(ptree? . -> . (listof string?))
; use cdr to get rid of root tag at front
(map ->string (cdr (flatten (remove-parents ptree)))))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (all-pnodes test-ptree) '("foo" "bar" "one" "two" "three")))
(check-equal? (all-names test-ptree) '("foo" "bar" "one" "two" "three")))
;; helper function for get-previous-pnodes and get-next-pnodes
(define/contract (adjacent-pnodes side pnode [ptree current-ptree])
((symbol? pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c list? boolean?))
;; helper function for get-previous-names and get-next-names
(define/contract (adjacent-names side name [ptree current-ptree])
((symbol? ptree-name?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c list? boolean?))
(let ([result ((if (equal? side 'left)
takef-right) (all-pnodes ptree)
(λ(y) (not (equal? (->string pnode) (->string y)))))])
takef-right) (all-names ptree)
(λ(y) (not (equal? (->string name) (->string y)))))])
(and (not (empty? result)) result)))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (adjacent-pnodes 'left 'one test-ptree) '("foo" "bar"))
(check-equal? (adjacent-pnodes 'left 'three test-ptree) '("foo" "bar" "one" "two"))
(check-false (adjacent-pnodes 'left 'foo test-ptree)))
(check-equal? (adjacent-names 'left 'one test-ptree) '("foo" "bar"))
(check-equal? (adjacent-names 'left 'three test-ptree) '("foo" "bar" "one" "two"))
(check-false (adjacent-names 'left 'foo test-ptree)))
;; get sequence of earlier pnodes
(define/contract (previous-pnodes pnode [ptree current-ptree])
((pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c list? boolean?))
(adjacent-pnodes 'left pnode ptree))
;; get sequence of earlier names
(define/contract (ptree-previous* name [ptree current-ptree])
((ptree-name?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c list? boolean?))
(adjacent-names 'left name ptree))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (previous-pnodes 'one test-ptree) '("foo" "bar"))
(check-equal? (previous-pnodes 'three test-ptree) '("foo" "bar" "one" "two"))
(check-false (previous-pnodes 'foo test-ptree)))
(check-equal? (ptree-previous* 'one test-ptree) '("foo" "bar"))
(check-equal? (ptree-previous* 'three test-ptree) '("foo" "bar" "one" "two"))
(check-false (ptree-previous* 'foo test-ptree)))
;; get sequence of next pnodes
(define (next-pnodes pnode [ptree current-ptree])
((pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c list? boolean?))
(adjacent-pnodes 'right pnode ptree))
;; get sequence of next names
(define (ptree-next* name [ptree current-ptree])
((ptree-name?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c list? boolean?))
(adjacent-names 'right name ptree))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (next-pnodes 'foo test-ptree) '("bar" "one" "two" "three"))
(check-equal? (next-pnodes 'one test-ptree) '("two" "three"))
(check-false (next-pnodes 'three test-ptree)))
;; get pnode immediately previous
(define/contract (previous-pnode pnode [ptree current-ptree])
((pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c string? boolean?))
(let ([result (previous-pnodes pnode ptree)])
(check-equal? (ptree-next* 'foo test-ptree) '("bar" "one" "two" "three"))
(check-equal? (ptree-next* 'one test-ptree) '("two" "three"))
(check-false (ptree-next* 'three test-ptree)))
;; get name immediately previous
(define/contract (ptree-previous name [ptree current-ptree])
((ptree-name?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c string? boolean?))
(let ([result (ptree-previous* name ptree)])
(and result (last result))))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (previous-pnode 'one test-ptree) "bar")
(check-equal? (previous-pnode 'three test-ptree) "two")
(check-false (previous-pnode 'foo test-ptree)))
;; get pnode immediately next
(define (next-pnode pnode [ptree current-ptree])
((pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c string? boolean?))
(let ([result (next-pnodes pnode ptree)])
(check-equal? (ptree-previous 'one test-ptree) "bar")
(check-equal? (ptree-previous 'three test-ptree) "two")
(check-false (ptree-previous 'foo test-ptree)))
;; get name immediately next
(define (ptree-next name [ptree current-ptree])
((ptree-name?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c string? boolean?))
(let ([result (ptree-next* name ptree)])
(and result (first result))))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (next-pnode 'foo test-ptree) "bar")
(check-equal? (next-pnode 'one test-ptree) "two")
(check-false (next-pnode 'three test-ptree)))
;; convert path to pnode
;; used for converting "here" values to pnodes
(define/contract (path->pnode x)
(pathish? . -> . pnode?)
(check-equal? (ptree-next 'foo test-ptree) "bar")
(check-equal? (ptree-next 'one test-ptree) "two")
(check-false (ptree-next 'three test-ptree)))
;; convert path to name
;; used for converting "here" values to names
(define/contract (path->name x)
(pathish? . -> . ptree-name?)
(->string (remove-all-ext (last (explode-path (->path x))))))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (path->pnode "bar") "bar")
(check-equal? (path->pnode "foo/bar") "bar")
(check-equal? (path->pnode "foo/bar.html") "bar")
(check-equal? (path->pnode "/Users/this/that/foo/bar.html.pp") "bar"))
(check-equal? (path->name "bar") "bar")
(check-equal? (path->name "foo/bar") "bar")
(check-equal? (path->name "foo/bar.html") "bar")
(check-equal? (path->name "/Users/this/that/foo/bar.html.pp") "bar"))
(define here->pnode path->pnode)
(define here->name path->name)
(define/contract (pnode->url pnode [files current-url-context])
((pnode?) ((listof pathish?)) . ->* . (or/c string? boolean?))
(define/contract (name->url name [files current-url-context])
((ptree-name?) ((listof pathish?)) . ->* . (or/c string? boolean?))
;; upconvert all files to their output path
;; then remove duplicates because some sources might have already been rendered
(define output-paths (remove-duplicates (map ->output-path files) equal?))
;; find ones that match pnode
(define matching-paths (filter (λ(x) (equal? (path->pnode x) (->string pnode))) output-paths))
;; find ones that match name
(define matching-paths (filter (λ(x) (equal? (path->name x) (->string name))) output-paths))
[((len matching-paths) . = . 1) (->string (car matching-paths))]
[((len matching-paths) . > . 1) (error "More than one matching URL for" pnode)]
[((len matching-paths) . > . 1) (error "More than one matching URL for" name)]
[else #f] ))
(define ptree-name->url name->url)
(module+ test
(define files '("foo.html" "bar.html" "bar.html.p" "zap.html" "zap.xml"))
(check-equal? (pnode->url 'foo files) "foo.html")
(check-equal? (pnode->url 'bar files) "bar.html")
;; (check-equal? (pnode->url 'zap files) 'error) ;; todo: how to test error?
(check-false (pnode->url 'hee files)))
(check-equal? (name->url 'foo files) "foo.html")
(check-equal? (name->url 'bar files) "bar.html")
;; (check-equal? (name->url 'zap files) 'error) ;; todo: how to test error?
(check-false (name->url 'hee files)))
;; recursively processes tree, converting tree locations & their parents into xexprs of this shape:
@ -280,19 +284,19 @@
;; contract for ptree-source-decode
(define/contract (valid-pnodes? x)
(define/contract (valid-names? x)
(any/c . -> . boolean?)
(andmap (λ(x) (pnode? #:loud #t x)) (filter-not whitespace? (flatten x))))
(andmap (λ(x) (ptree-name? #:loud #t x)) (filter-not whitespace? (flatten x))))
;; contract for ptree-source-decode
(define/contract (unique-pnodes? x)
(define/contract (unique-names? x)
(any/c . -> . boolean?)
;; use map ->string to make keys comparable
(elements-unique? #:loud #t (map ->string (filter-not whitespace? (flatten x)))))
(define/contract (ptree-source-decode . elements)
(() #:rest (and/c valid-pnodes? unique-pnodes?) . ->* . ptree?)
(() #:rest (and/c valid-names? unique-names?) . ->* . ptree?)
(ptree-root->ptree (decode (cons POLLEN_TREE_ROOT_NAME elements)
#:xexpr-elements-proc (λ(xs) (filter-not whitespace? xs)))))
@ -322,4 +326,4 @@
(displayln "Running module main")
(set-current-ptree (make-project-ptree (->path "/Users/MB/git/bpt/")))
(set-current-url-context "/Users/MB/git/bpt/")
(pnode->url (previous-pnode (previous-pnode 'what-is-typography))))
(name->url (ptree-previous (ptree-previous 'what-is-typography))))

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/contract racket/string xml xml/path racket/bool)
(require "tools.rkt")
(require "tools.rkt" "ptree.rkt")
;; setup for test cases
(module+ test (require rackunit racket/path))
@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
(define/contract (puttable-item? x)
(any/c . -> . boolean?)
(or (tagged-xexpr? x) (has-pollen-source? x)))
(or (tagged-xexpr? x)
(has-pollen-source? x)
(has-pollen-source? (name->url x))))
(define/contract (query-key? x)
(any/c . -> . boolean?)
@ -26,7 +28,8 @@
;; Using put has no effect on tagged-xexprs. It's here to make the idiom smooth.
[(tagged-xexpr? x) x]
[(has-pollen-source? x) (dynamic-require (->pollen-source-path x) 'main)]))
[(has-pollen-source? x) (dynamic-require (->pollen-source-path x) 'main)]
[(has-pollen-source? (name->url x)) (dynamic-require (->pollen-source-path (name->url x)) 'main)]))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (put '(foo "bar")) '(foo "bar"))
@ -58,7 +61,7 @@
(let* ([metas (dynamic-require (->pollen-source-path 'put) 'metas)]
[here (find-in-metas 'put 'here)]
[here-relative (list (->string (find-relative-path (current-directory) (car here))))])
(check-equal? here-relative (list "put.p")))))
(check-equal? here-relative (list "put")))))
(define/contract (find-in-main px query)
