another conflict

Matthew Butterick 12 years ago
commit 473be16a92

@ -55,9 +55,14 @@
'(p "\n" "foo" "\n\n" "bar" (em "\n\n\n")))) '(p "\n" "foo" "\n\n" "bar" (em "\n\n\n"))))
<<<<<<< HEAD
(define block-names block-tags) (define block-names block-tags)
(define (register-block-name tag) (define (register-block-name tag)
(set! block-names (cons tag block-names))) (set! block-names (cons tag block-names)))
;; todo: add native support for list-xexpr
;; decode triple newlines to list items
>>>>>>> ad16d8ea380dadc4facd64a2e41f0d252eeaa31b
;; is the named-xexpr a block element (as opposed to inline) ;; is the named-xexpr a block element (as opposed to inline)
(define/contract (block-xexpr? x) (define/contract (block-xexpr? x)
@ -172,8 +177,6 @@
(when (not (named-xexpr? nx)) (when (not (named-xexpr? nx))
(error (format "decode: ~v not a full named-xexpr" nx))) (error (format "decode: ~v not a full named-xexpr" nx)))
(define metas (list))
(define (&decode x) (define (&decode x)
(cond (cond
[(named-xexpr? x) (let-values([(name attr content) (break-named-xexpr x)]) [(named-xexpr? x) (let-values([(name attr content) (break-named-xexpr x)])
@ -193,40 +196,3 @@
(let-values ([(nx metas) (extract-tag-from-xexpr 'meta nx)]) (let-values ([(nx metas) (extract-tag-from-xexpr 'meta nx)])
(append (&decode nx) (map meta-proc metas)))) (append (&decode nx) (map meta-proc metas))))
;; default content decoder for pollen
(define/contract (decode x)
(named-xexpr? . -> . named-xexpr?)
(define (&decode x)
[(named-xexpr? x)
(let-values([(name attr content) (break-named-xexpr x)])
(define decoded-x (make-named-xexpr name attr (&decode content)))
(if (block-xexpr? decoded-x)
; add nonbreaking-last-space to the next line when ready
(wrap-hanging-quotes (nonbreaking-last-space decoded-x)) ; do special processing for block xexprs
[(xexpr-content? x) ; a list of xexprs
(let ([x (prep-paragraph-flow x)])
(map &decode (if (ormap paragraph-break? x) ; need this condition to prevent infinite recursion
(map wrap-paragraph (splitf-at* x paragraph-break?)) ; split into ¶¶
[(string? x) (typogrify x)]
[else x]))
(define (stringify x) ; convert numbers to strings
[(list? x) (map stringify x)]
[(number? x) (~a x)]
[else x]))
(let* ([x (stringify x)]
[x (trim-whitespace x)])
(if (named-xexpr? x)
(&decode x)
;todo: improve this error message, more specific location
; now, it just spits out the whole defective content
(error (format "decode: ~v not a full named-xexpr" x)))))

@ -2,14 +2,22 @@
meta["metakey" "metavalue"] meta["metakey" "metavalue"]
<<<<<<< HEAD
boqi{Hello world} boqi{Hello world}
;todo: make this recognized as a block.
bloq{In a block}
"Hello" world, aren't you --- yes, you about 1--2 inches tall?
>>>>>>> ad16d8ea380dadc4facd64a2e41f0d252eeaa31b
em{Love} em{Love}
Goodnight Goodnight
moon moon light

@ -66,6 +66,130 @@
(map wrap-paragraph (splitf-at* content paragraph-break?)) ; split into ¶¶ (map wrap-paragraph (splitf-at* content paragraph-break?)) ; split into ¶¶
content))) content)))
;; insert nbsp between last two words
(define/contract (nonbreaking-last-space x #:nbsp-char [nbsp #\ ])
((named-xexpr?) (#:nbsp-char char?) . ->* . named-xexpr?)
(define minimum-word-length (add1 5)) ; add1 to account for final punctuation
; todo: parameterize this, as it will be different for each project
(define tags-to-pay-attention-to '(p aside)) ; only apply to paragraphs
(define (replace-last-space str)
(if (#\space . in . str)
(let ([reversed-str-list (reverse (string->list str))])
(define-values (last-word-chars other-chars)
(splitf-at reversed-str-list (λ(i) (not (eq? i #\space)))))
(list->string (reverse (append last-word-chars
; OK for long words to be on their own line.
(if (< (len last-word-chars) minimum-word-length)
; first char of other-chars will be the space, so use cdr
(cons nbsp (cdr other-chars))
(define (find-last-word-space x) ; recursively traverse xexpr
[(string? x) (replace-last-space x)]
[(named-xexpr? x)
(let-values([(name attr content) (break-named-xexpr x)])
(if (> (length content) 0) ; content is list of xexprs
(let-values ([(all-but-last last) (split-at content (sub1 (length content)))])
(make-named-xexpr name attr `(,@all-but-last ,(find-last-word-space (car last)))))
[else x]))
(if ((car x) . in . tags-to-pay-attention-to)
(find-last-word-space x)
;; todo: make some tougher tests, it gets flaky with edge cases
(module+ test
(check-equal? (nonbreaking-last-space '(p "Hi there")) '(p "Hi there")) ; nbsp in between last two words
(check-equal? (nonbreaking-last-space '(p "Hi there") #:nbsp-char #\Ø) '(p "HiØthere")) ; but let's make it visible
(check-equal? (nonbreaking-last-space '(p "Hi here" (em "ho there")) #:nbsp-char #\Ø) '(p "Hi here" (em "hoØthere"))))
; wrap initial quotes for hanging punctuation
; todo: improve this
; does not handle <p>“<em>thing</em> properly
(define/contract (wrap-hanging-quotes nx)
(named-xexpr? . -> . named-xexpr?)
(define-values (name attr content) (break-named-xexpr nx))
[(and (not (empty? content))
(string? (car content))
(> (string-length (car content)) 1))
(let ([new-car
(letrec ([x (car content)]
[first (get x 0)]
[rest (get x 1 'end)])
[(first . in . '("\"" ""))
; this has to be span so that it's explicitly
; an inline element. If not,
; things like linebreak detection won't work.
`(span ((class "dquo")) ,(->string #\“) ,rest)]
[(first . in . '("\'" ""))
`(span ((class "squo")) ,(->string #\) ,rest)]
[else x]))])
(make-named-xexpr name attr (cons new-car (cdr content))))]
[(and content (not (empty? content)) (named-xexpr? (car content)))
(make-named-xexpr name attr (cons (wrap-hanging-quotes (car content)) (cdr content)))]
[else nx]))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (wrap-hanging-quotes '(p "\"Hi\" there")) '(p (span ((class "dquo")) "" "Hi\" there")))
(check-equal? (wrap-hanging-quotes '(p "'Hi' there")) '(p (span ((class "squo")) "" "Hi' there"))))
(define (block-xexpr-proc bx)
(named-xexpr? . -> . named-xexpr?)
(wrap-hanging-quotes (nonbreaking-last-space bx)))
;; insert typographic niceties
;; ligatures are handled in css
(define (typogrify str)
(string? . -> . string?)
;; make set of functions for replacers
(define (make-replacer query replacement)
(λ(str) (regexp-replace* query str replacement)))
;; just store the query strings + replacement strings
(define dashes
;; fix em dashes first, else they'll be mistaken for en dashes
;; [\\s ] is whitespace + nonbreaking space
'((#px"[\\s ]*(---|—)[\\s ]*" "") ; em dash
(#px"[\\s ]*(--|)[\\s ]*" ""))) ; en dash
(define smart-quotes
'((#px"(?<=\\w)'(?=\\w)" "") ; apostrophe
(#px"(?<!\\w)'(?=\\w)" "") ; single_at_beginning
(#px"(?<=\\S)'(?!\\w)" "") ; single_at_end
(#px"(?<!\\w)\"(?=\\w)" "") ; double_at_beginning
(#px"(?<=\\S)\"(?!\\w)" ""))) ; double_at_end
;; put replacers in desired order here
(let* ([typogrifiers (append dashes smart-quotes)]
[queries (map first typogrifiers)]
[replacements (map second typogrifiers)])
(define replacers (map make-replacer queries replacements))
;; compose goes from last to first, so reverse order
((apply compose1 (reverse replacers)) str)))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (typogrify "I had --- maybe 13 -- 20 --- hob-nobs.") "I had—maybe 1320—hob-nobs.")
(check-equal? (typogrify "\"Why,\" she could've asked, \"are we in Oahu watching 'Mame'?\"")
"“Why,” she couldve asked, “are we in Oahu watching Mame?”"))
(define (string-proc str)
(string? . -> . string?)
(typogrify str))
(define (root . items) (define (root . items)
(named-xexpr? . -> . named-xexpr?) (named-xexpr? . -> . named-xexpr?)
(decode (cons 'root items) (decode (cons 'root items)
@ -73,9 +197,9 @@
; #:xexpr-name-proc [xexpr-name-proc (λ(x)x)] ; #:xexpr-name-proc [xexpr-name-proc (λ(x)x)]
; #:xexpr-attr-proc [xexpr-attr-proc (λ(x)x)] ; #:xexpr-attr-proc [xexpr-attr-proc (λ(x)x)]
#:xexpr-content-proc xexpr-content-proc #:xexpr-content-proc xexpr-content-proc
; #:block-xexpr-proc [block-xexpr-proc (λ(x)x)] #:block-xexpr-proc block-xexpr-proc
; #:inline-xexpr-proc [inline-xexpr-proc (λ(x)x)] ; #:inline-xexpr-proc [inline-xexpr-proc (λ(x)x)]
; #:string-proc string-proc #:string-proc string-proc
#:meta-proc meta-proc #:meta-proc meta-proc
)) ))
