added contracts & tests

Matthew Butterick 12 years ago
parent 7cce7ae59f
commit 456571e032

@ -11,16 +11,21 @@
(provide (all-defined-out))
;; split list into list of sublists using test
;; todo: contract & unit tests
(define (splitf-at* pieces test)
(define (splitf-at*-inner pieces [acc '()]) ; use acc for tail recursion
;; split list into list of sublists using test-proc
(define/contract (splitf-at* xs test-proc)
(list? procedure? . -> . (λ(i) (match i [(list (? list?) ...) #t][else #f])))
(define (&splitf-at* pieces [acc '()]) ; use acc for tail recursion
(if (empty? pieces)
(let-values ([(item rest)
(splitf-at (dropf pieces test) (compose1 not test))])
(splitf-at*-inner rest `(,@acc ,item)))))
(splitf-at*-inner (trim pieces test)))
(splitf-at (dropf pieces test-proc) (compose1 not test-proc))])
(&splitf-at* rest `(,@acc ,item)))))
(&splitf-at* (trim xs test-proc)))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (splitf-at* '(1 2 3 4 5 6) even?) '((1)(3)(5)))
(check-equal? (splitf-at* '("foo" " " "bar" "\n" "\n" "ino") whitespace?) '(("foo")("bar")("ino"))))
;; Find adjacent newline characters in a list and merge them into one item
@ -64,20 +69,17 @@
;; decode triple newlines to list items
;; is the tagged-xexpr a block element (as opposed to inline)
;; tags are inline unless they're registered as block tags.
(define/contract (block-xexpr? x)
(any/c . -> . boolean?)
;; this is a change in behavior since first pollen
;; blocks are only the ones on the html block tag list.
;; todo: make sure this is what I want.
;; this is, however, more consistent with browser behavior
;; (browsers assume that tags are inline by default)
((tagged-xexpr? x) . and . (->boolean ((tagged-xexpr-tag x) . in . block-tags))))
(module+ test
(check-true (block-xexpr? '(p "foo")))
(check-true (block-xexpr? '(div "foo")))
(check-false (block-xexpr? '(em "foo")))
(check-false (block-xexpr? '(barfoo "foo"))))
(check-false (block-xexpr? '(barfoo "foo")))
(check-true (begin (register-block-tag 'barfoo) (block-xexpr? '(barfoo "foo")))))
;; convert numbers to strings
@ -121,11 +123,15 @@
;; test for well-formed meta
(define/contract (meta-xexpr? x)
(any/c . -> . (λ(i) (or (boolean? i) (list? i))))
(any/c . -> . boolean?)
(match x
[`(meta ,(? string? key) ,(? string? value)) (list key value)]
[`(meta ,(? string? key) ,(? string? value)) #t]
[else #f]))
(module+ test
(check-true (meta-xexpr? '(meta "key" "value")))
(check-false (meta-xexpr? '(meta "key" "value" "foo")))
(check-false (meta-xexpr? '(meta))))
;; function to strip metas (or any tag)

@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
"Hello" world, aren't you --- yes, you about 1--2 inches tall?
We fooble{"Love"}

@ -145,8 +145,10 @@
; wrap initial quotes for hanging punctuation
; todo: improve this
; does not handle <p>“<em>thing</em> properly
(define/contract (wrap-hanging-quotes nx)
(tagged-xexpr? . -> . tagged-xexpr?)
(define/contract (wrap-hanging-quotes nx
#:single-prepend [single-pp '(squo)]
#:double-prepend [double-pp '(dquo)])
((tagged-xexpr?) (#:single-prepend list? #:double-prepend list?) . ->* . tagged-xexpr?)
(define two-char-string? (λ(i) (and (string? i) (>= (len i) 2))))
(define-values (tag attr elements) (break-tagged-xexpr nx))
(define new-car-elements
@ -158,9 +160,9 @@
[(str-first . in . '("\"" ""))
;; can wrap with any inline tag
;; so that linebreak detection etc still works
`(hang-double-quote ,(->string #\“) ,str-rest)]
`(,@double-pp ,(->string #\“) ,str-rest)]
[(str-first . in . '("\'" ""))
`(hang-single-quote ,(->string #\) ,str-rest)]
`(,@single-pp ,(->string #\) ,str-rest)]
[else tcs])]
[(? tagged-xexpr? nx) (wrap-hanging-quotes nx)]
[else (car elements)]))
@ -168,8 +170,10 @@
(module+ test
(check-equal? (wrap-hanging-quotes '(p "\"Hi\" there")) '(p (hang-double-quote "" "Hi\" there")))
(check-equal? (wrap-hanging-quotes '(p "'Hi' there")) '(p (hang-single-quote "" "Hi' there"))))
(check-equal? (wrap-hanging-quotes '(p "\"Hi\" there")) '(p (dquo "" "Hi\" there")))
(check-equal? (wrap-hanging-quotes '(p "'Hi' there")) '(p (squo "" "Hi' there")))
(check-equal? (wrap-hanging-quotes '(p "'Hi' there") #:single-prepend '(foo ((bar "ino"))))
'(p (foo ((bar "ino")) "" "Hi' there"))))
(define (block-xexpr-proc bx)
