add `raco pollen setup` with cache preheating

Matthew Butterick 9 years ago
parent fb1a29ca09
commit 1bc58699c1

@ -1,24 +1,74 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/path racket/file compiler/cm file/cache sugar/coerce "project.rkt" "world.rkt" "rerequire.rkt" "cache-ns.rkt" "debug.rkt")
(require racket/path racket/file compiler/cm file/cache sugar/coerce sugar/list "project.rkt" "world.rkt" "rerequire.rkt" "cache-ns.rkt" "debug.rkt" "file.rkt" racket/place)
;; The cache is a hash with paths as keys.
;; The cache values are also hashes, with key/value pairs for that path.
(provide reset-cache cached-require paths->key)
(provide reset-cache preheat-cache cached-require paths->key)
(define (get-cache-dir)
(build-path (world:current-project-root) (world:current-cache-dir-name)))
(define (reset-cache)
(for ([path (in-directory)]
(define (reset-cache [starting-dir (world:current-project-root)])
(when (or (not (path-string? starting-dir)) (not (directory-exists? starting-dir)))
(error 'reset-cache (format "~a is not a directory" starting-dir)))
(for ([path (in-directory starting-dir)]
#:when (and (directory-exists? path)
(equal? (path->string (car (reverse (explode-path path)))) (world:current-cache-dir-name))))
(message (format "removing cache directory: ~a" path))
(delete-directory/files path)))
(define (preheat-cache [starting-dir (world:current-project-root)])
(when (or (not (path-string? starting-dir)) (not (directory-exists? starting-dir)))
(error 'preheat-cache (format "~a is not a directory" starting-dir)))
(define max-places 8) ; number of parallel processes to spawn at a time
(define paths-that-should-be-cached (for/list ([path (in-directory starting-dir)]
#:when (or (preproc-source? path)
(markup-source? path)
(markdown-source? path)
(pagetree-source? path)))
;; if a file is already in the cache, no need to hit it again.
;; this allows partially completed preheat jobs to resume.
(define uncached-paths (filter
;; #t = not cached; #f = already cached
;; seems like it would be slow to load cache.rktd but it's not.
(define-values (_ private-cache-dir) (make-cache-dirs path))
(define cache-db-file (build-path private-cache-dir "cache.rktd"))
[(not (file-exists? cache-db-file)) #t]
[else (define cache-db (file->value cache-db-file))
(not (hash-has-key? cache-db (paths->key path)))])) paths-that-should-be-cached))
;; compile a path inside a place (= parallel processing)
(define (path-into-place path)
(message (format "caching: ~a" (find-relative-path starting-dir path)))
(define p (place ch
(define path (place-channel-get ch))
(define-values (path-dir path-name _) (split-path path))
(message (format "compiling: ~a" path-name))
;; use #f to signal compile error. Otherwise allow errors to pass.
(define result (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ _ (message "~a failed" path-name) #f)])
(path->hash path)))
(place-channel-put ch result)))
(place-channel-put p path)
;; compile the paths in groups, so they can be incrementally saved.
;; that way, if there's a failure, the progress is preserved.
;; but the slowest file in a group will prevent further progress.
(for ([path-group (in-list (slice-at uncached-paths max-places))])
(define path-places (map path-into-place path-group))
(for ([path (in-list path-group)]
[ppl (in-list path-places)])
(define result (place-channel-get ppl))
(when result ; #f is used to signal compile error
(cache-ref! (paths->key path) (λ _ result))))))
(define (paths->key source-path [template-path #f])
;; key is list of file + mod-time pairs, use #f for missing
(define path-strings (append (list source-path)
@ -42,11 +92,12 @@
;; otherwise it gets cached in current namespace.
(define drfs (get-directory-require-files path))
(for-each managed-compile-zo (or drfs null))
(define-values (path-dir path-name _) (split-path path))
(apply hash
(let ([doc-key (world:current-main-export)]
[meta-key (world:current-meta-export)])
(parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-namespace)])
(parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-namespace)]
[current-directory path-dir])
;; I monkeyed around with using the metas submodule to pull out the metas (for speed)
;; but in practice most files get their doc requested too.
;; so it's just simpler to get both at once and be done with it.
@ -54,7 +105,7 @@
;; the benefit of not reloading doc when you just need metas.
(list doc-key (dynamic-require path doc-key) meta-key (dynamic-require path meta-key))))))
;; include this from 6.2 for compatibility back to 6.0 (formerly `make-parent-directory*`)
(define (my-make-directory* dir)
(let-values ([(base name dir?) (split-path dir)])
(when (and (path? base) (not (directory-exists? base)))
@ -63,16 +114,30 @@
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:filesystem:exists? void])
(make-directory dir)))))
(define (my-make-parent-directory* p)
(unless (path-string? p)
(raise-argument-error 'make-parent-directory "path-string?" p))
(define-values (base name dir?) (split-path p))
(when (path? base)
(my-make-directory* base)))
(define (make-cache-dirs path)
(define-values (path-dir path-filename _) (split-path path))
(define cache-dir (build-path path-dir (world:current-cache-dir-name)))
(define private-cache-dir (build-path cache-dir "private"))
(my-make-directory* private-cache-dir) ; will also make cache-dir, if needed
(values cache-dir private-cache-dir))
(define ram-cache (make-hash))
(define (cache-ref! key path-hash-thunk)
(define path (key->source-path key))
(define-values (cache-dir private-cache-dir) (make-cache-dirs path))
(define-values (path-dir path-filename _) (split-path path))
(define dest-file (build-path cache-dir (format "~a.rktd" path-filename)))
(cache-file dest-file
#:exists-ok? #t
(λ _
(write-to-file (path-hash-thunk) dest-file #:exists 'replace))
#:max-cache-size (world:current-compile-cache-max-size))
(file->value dest-file))
(define (cached-require path-string subkey)
(define path (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ _ (error 'cached-require (format "~a is not a valid path" path-string)))])
(->complete-path path-string)))
@ -83,20 +148,7 @@
(define key (paths->key path))
(define cache-dir (get-cache-dir))
(define private-cache-dir (build-path cache-dir "private"))
;; cache-dir is also inside current-project-root. So there is a separate pollen-cache in each subdir.
(define dest-file (build-path cache-dir (format "~a.rktd" (find-relative-path (world:current-project-root) path))))
(my-make-parent-directory* dest-file)
(my-make-directory* private-cache-dir)
(hash-ref (hash-ref! ram-cache key (λ _
(cache-file dest-file
#:exists-ok? #t
(λ _
(write-to-file (path->hash path) dest-file #:exists 'replace))
#:max-cache-size (world:current-compile-cache-max-size))
(file->value dest-file))) subkey)]
(cache-ref! key (λ _ (path->hash path))))) subkey)]
[else (parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-namespace)])
(dynamic-require path subkey))]))

@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
(map very-nice-path (cddr clargs))
[("version") (handle-version)]
[("reset") (handle-reset)]
[("reset") (handle-reset (get-first-arg-or-current-dir))]
[("setup") (handle-setup (get-first-arg-or-current-dir))]
[("clone" "publish") (define rest-args
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ _ #f)])
(cddr (vector->list (current-command-line-arguments)))))
@ -56,16 +57,23 @@ render filename render filename only (can be source or output name)
publish copy project to desktop without source files
publish [dir] [dest] copy project in dir to dest without source files
(warning: overwrites existing dest dir)
reset reset compile cache
setup preload cache
reset reset cache
version print the version (~a)" (world:current-server-port) (world:current-pollen-version))))
(define (handle-version)
(displayln (world:current-pollen-version)))
(define (handle-reset)
(define (handle-reset directory-maybe)
(displayln "resetting cache ...")
((dynamic-require 'pollen/cache 'reset-cache)))
((dynamic-require 'pollen/cache 'reset-cache) directory-maybe))
(define (handle-setup directory-maybe)
(displayln "preheating cache ...")
((dynamic-require 'pollen/cache 'preheat-cache) directory-maybe))
(define (handle-render path-args)
@ -94,16 +102,16 @@ version print the version (~a)" (world:current-server-port) (worl
(displayln (format "rendering ~a" (string-join (map ->string path-args) " ")))
(apply render-batch path-args)))))
(define (handle-start directory [port #f])
(when (not (directory-exists? directory))
(error (format "~a is not a directory" directory)))
(parameterize ([world:current-project-root directory]
(define (handle-start directory-maybe [port #f])
(when (not (directory-exists? directory-maybe))
(error (format "~a is not a directory" directory-maybe)))
(parameterize ([world:current-project-root directory-maybe]
[world:current-server-port (or port world:default-port)])
(displayln "starting project server ...")
((dynamic-require 'pollen/server 'start-server))))
(define (handle-publish directory rest-args arg-command-name)
(define (handle-publish directory-maybe rest-args arg-command-name)
(define target-path
(and rest-args (not (null? rest-args)) (path->complete-path (string->path (car rest-args))))
@ -120,7 +128,7 @@ version print the version (~a)" (world:current-server-port) (worl
(andmap equal? prefix (take xs (length prefix)))))
((explode-path possible-subdir) . has-prefix? . (explode-path possible-superdir)))
(define source-dir (simplify-path directory))
(define source-dir (simplify-path directory-maybe))
(when (not (directory-exists? source-dir))
(error 'publish (format "source directory ~a does not exist" source-dir)))
(define target-dir (simplify-path target-path))

@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ Racket provides centralized command-line options through @exec{raco} (short for
Once you install Pollen, you can access the following Pollen-specific commands through @racket[raco] using the subcommand @exec{raco pollen}.
@section{Making sure @racket[raco pollen] works}
@section{Making sure @exec{raco pollen} works}
Open a terminal window and type:
> raco pollen test}
If @racket[raco pollen] is installed correctly, you'll see:
If @exec{raco pollen} is installed correctly, you'll see:
@terminal{raco pollen is installed correctly}
@ -36,16 +36,16 @@ If your error is like this:
You have a deeper problem with your Racket installation (often a misconfiguration of @code{PATH}).
@section{@racket[raco pollen]}
@section{@exec{raco pollen}}
Same as @racket[raco pollen help].
Same as @exec{raco pollen help}.
@section{@racket[raco pollen help]}
@section{@exec{raco pollen help}}
Displays a list of available commands.
@section{@racket[raco pollen start]}
@section{@exec{raco pollen start}}
Start the project server from the current directory using the default port, which is the value of the parameter @racket[world:current-server-port] (by default, port @(format "~a" world:default-port)).
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ If you want to start in the current directory but with a different port, use @li
> raco pollen start . 8088}
@section{@racket[raco pollen render]}
@section{@exec{raco pollen render}}
Render all preprocessor source files and then all pagetree files found in the current directory. If none of these files are found, a pagetree will be generated for the directory (which will include all source files) and then rendered.
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Alternatively, the command can take a variable number of path arguments. @racket
> raco pollen render *}
@section{@racket[raco pollen publish]}
@section{@exec{raco pollen publish}}
Make a copy of the project directory on the desktop, but without any source files or other Pollen-related files. (This function is pretty lame, and I invite suggestions for improvement.)
@ -93,11 +93,23 @@ Make a copy of the project directory on the desktop, but without any source file
If you're already in your project directory and want to publish somewhere other than the desktop, use @racket[raco pollen publish _. _dest-dir].
@section{@racket[raco pollen reset]}
You can determine the files that get filtered out in a particular project by using @racket[world:current-unpublished-path?].
Resets Pollen's compile cache. Resetting does not delete the compile cache, but rather just zeroes out the cache database. On the next run, obsolete cache files will be deleted.
@section{@racket[raco pollen version]}
@section{@exec{raco pollen setup}}
Finds Pollen source files in the current directory, compiles them, and loads the results into the @seclink["Cache" #:doc '(lib "pollen/scribblings/pollen.scrbl")]. This will give you the snappiest performance during an interactive session with the project server.
Can also be invoked as @racket[raco pollen setup _directory], which will set up a different project @racket[_directory].
@section{@exec{raco pollen reset}}
Resets Pollen's @seclink["Cache" #:doc '(lib "pollen/scribblings/pollen.scrbl")] by deleting the cache directories.
Can also be invoked as @racket[raco pollen reset _directory], which will reset a different project @racket[_directory].
@section{@exec{raco pollen version}}
Would you believe this prints the Pollen version number.

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
(define current-name (λ _ (with-handlers ([exn:fail? fail-thunk-name])
(dynamic-require `(submod ,(get-path-to-override) config-submodule) 'base-name fail-thunk-name))))))]))
(define-settable pollen-version "0.001")
(define-settable pollen-version "0.1508")
(define-settable preproc-source-ext 'pp)
(define-settable markup-source-ext 'pm)
