allow keyword arguments to specify attributes in default tag functions

Matthew Butterick 9 years ago
parent cf1ef21861
commit 064107e6f6

@ -705,20 +705,20 @@ Here's the hard way. You can type out your list of attributes in Racket format a
@repl-output{'(title ((class "red") (id "first")) "The Beginning of the End")}
But that's a lot of parentheses to think about. So here's the easy way. Anytime you use a tag function, there's a shortcut for inserting attributes. You can enter them as a series of symbolstring pairs between the Racket-argument brackets. The only caveat is that the symbols have to begin with a quote mark @litchar{'} and end with a colon @litchar{:}. So taken together, they look like this:
But that's a lot of parentheses to think about. So here's the easy way. Anytime you use a tag function, there's a shortcut for inserting attributes. You can enter them as a series of @italic{keyword arguments} between the Racket-argument brackets. The only caveat is that the values for these keyword arguments have to be strings. So taken together, they look like this:
#lang pollen
◊title['class: "red" 'id: "first"]{The Beginning of the End}
◊title[#:class "red" #:id "first"]{The Beginning of the End}
@repl-output{'(title ((class "red") (id "first")) "The Beginning of the End")}
Racket arguments can be any valid Racket expressions. For instance, this will also work:
The string arguments can be any valid Racket expressions that produce strings. For instance, this will also work:
#lang pollen
◊title['class: (format "~a" (* 6 7)) 'id: "first"]{The Beginning of the End}
◊title[#:class (format "~a" (* 6 7)) #:id "first"]{The Beginning of the End}
@repl-output{'(title ((class "42") (id "first")) "The Beginning of the End")}
@ -728,12 +728,12 @@ Since Pollen commands are really just Racket arguments underneath, you can use t
#lang pollen
◊(define name "Brennan")
◊title['class: "red" 'id: ◊name]{The Beginning of the End}
◊title[#:class "red" #:id ◊name]{The Beginning of the End}
@repl-output{'(title ((class "read") (id "Brennan")) "The Beginning of the End")}
You can also use this area for @italic{keyword arguments}. Keyword arguments can be used to provide options for a particular Pollen command, to avoid redundancy. Suppose that instead of using the @code{h1 ... h6} tags, you want to consolidate them into one command called @code{heading} and select the level separately. You can do this with a keyword, in this case @racket[#:level], which is passed as a Racket argument:
When used in custom tag functions, keyword arguments don't have to represent attributes. Instead, they can be used to provide options for a particular Pollen command, to avoid redundancy. Suppose that instead of using the @code{h1 ... h6} tags, you want to consolidate them into one command called @code{heading} and select the level separately. You can do this with a keyword, in this case @racket[#:level], which is passed as a Racket argument:
#lang pollen

@ -14,9 +14,11 @@ Convenience functions for working with tags.
[id txexpr-tag?])
[id txexpr-tag?]
[kw-attr-name keyword?]
[kw-attr-value string?] ... ...)
(-> txexpr?)]
Make a default tag function for @racket[_id]. As arguments, a tag function takes an optional set of X-expression attributes (@racket[txexpr-attrs?]) followed by X-expression elements (@racket[txexpr-elements?]). From these, the tag function creates a tagged X-expression using @racket[_id] as the tag.
Make a default tag function for @racket[_id]. The new tag function takes an optional set of X-expression attributes (@racket[txexpr-attrs?]) followed by X-expression elements (@racket[txexpr-elements?]). From these, the tag function creates a tagged X-expression using @racket[_id] as the tag.
(require pollen/tag)
@ -25,20 +27,37 @@ Make a default tag function for @racket[_id]. As arguments, a tag function takes
(beaucoup '((id "greeting")) "Bonjour")
Entering attributes this way can be cumbersome. So for convenience, a tag function provides an alternative: any symbol + string pairs at the front of your expression will be interpreted as attributes, if the symbols are followed by a colon. If you leave out the colon, the symbols will be interpreted as part of the content of the tag.
Entering attributes this way can be cumbersome. So for convenience, the new tag function provides an alternative: any keyword arguments and their values will be interpreted as attributes.
(require pollen/tag)
(define beaucoup (make-default-tag-function 'em))
(beaucoup 'id: "greeting" 'class: "large" "Bonjour")
(code:comment @#,t{Don't forget the colons})
(beaucoup 'id "greeting" 'class "large" "Bonjour")
(code:comment @#,t{Don't forget to provide a value for each attribute})
(beaucoup 'id: 'class: "large" "Bonjour")
(beaucoup #:id "greeting" #:class "large" "Bonjour")
You can also provide keyword arguments to @racket[make-default-tag-function] itself, and they will become default attributes for every use of the tag function.
(require pollen/tag)
(define beaucoup-small (make-default-tag-function 'em #:class "small"))
(beaucoup-small #:id "greeting" "Bonjour")
Pollen also uses this function to provide the default behavior for undefined tags. See @racket[#%top].
Note that while default tag functions are typically used to generate tagged X-expressions, they don't enforce any restrictions on input, so they also do not guarantee that you will in fact get a valid tagged X-expression as output. This is intentional — default tag functions are a coding convenience, and their output is likely to be processed by other tag functions, so raising the error here would be premature.
(require pollen/tag)
(define strange (make-default-tag-function 'div #:class "bizarre"))
(code:comment @#,t{Invalid data types for elements})
(strange + *)
(code:comment @#,t{Double "class" attribute})
(strange #:class "spooky")
[parts list?])

@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ To understand the necessary ingredients of a template, let's look at a simple on
@codeblock[#:keep-lang-line? #f]{
#lang pollen
◊(->html (html (head (meta 'charset: "UTF-8")) (body doc)))
◊(->html (html (head (meta #:charset "UTF-8")) (body doc)))
It has three key ingredients.
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ First, there's an X-expression that represents a basic HTML page:
@codeblock[#:keep-lang-line? #f]{
#lang pollen
(html (head (meta 'charset: "UTF-8")) (body))
(html (head (meta #:charset "UTF-8")) (body))
That X-expression is equivalent to this HTML string:
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ But within a template, we need to tell Pollen how we want to convert the X-expre
@codeblock[#:keep-lang-line? #f]{
#lang pollen
◊(->html (html (head (meta 'charset: "UTF-8")) (body)))
◊(->html (html (head (meta #:charset "UTF-8")) (body)))
Third, we need to include the content from our source file. By convention, every Pollen source file makes its output available through an exported variable named @code{doc}. A source file in preprocessor mode puts its text result in @code{doc}. And a source file in authoring mode puts its X-expression result in @code{doc}. So we put the variable @code{doc} inside the @code{body} tag.
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ Third, we need to include the content from our source file. By convention, every
@codeblock[#:keep-lang-line? #f]{
#lang pollen
◊(->html (html (head (meta 'charset: "UTF-8")) (body doc)))
◊(->html (html (head (meta #:charset "UTF-8")) (body doc)))
Under the hood, a template is just a partial program that relies on a set of variables defined by another source file. (In Racket, this set of variables is called a @defterm{lexical context}). So if you ran this template on its own, nothing would happen, because @code{doc} isn't defined. But when you run it in the context of another source file, it picks up the @code{doc} that's defined by that file.

@ -192,15 +192,15 @@ Then you have two options for adding attributes. The verbose way corresponds to
Each keyvalue pair is in parentheses, and then the list of pairs is within parentheses, with a @racket[quote] (@litchar{'}) at the front that signals that the text should be used literally.
This involves some superfluous typing, however, so Pollen also supports an abbreviated syntax for attributes:
This involves some superfluous typing, however, so Pollen also allows you to specify attributes with keyword arguments:
@fileblock["" @codeblock{
#lang pollen
◊span['class:"author" 'id:"primary" 'living:"true"]{Prof. Leonard}
◊span[#:class "author" #:id "primary" #:living "true"]{Prof. Leonard}
In this form, each attribute key starts with a quote mark @litchar{'} and ends with a colon @litchar{:}. As before, the attribute value is in quotation marks.
In this form, each attribute name is prefixed with @litchar{#:}, indicating a keyword argument. As before, the attribute value is in quotation marks following the keyword name.
Both of these forms will produce the same X-expression:
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ Now that you know how to make tags and attributes, you might wonder whether Poll
You could write it in Pollen markup like so:
@repl-output{◊div['class:"red" style:"font-size:150%"]{Important ◊em{News}}}
@repl-output{◊div[#:class "red" #:style "font-size:150%"]{Important ◊em{News}}}
And then just convert it (using the @racket[->html] function) into the HTML above. Thus, the tags you already know (and love?) can be used in Pollen markup, but with fewer keystrokes and cruft.

@ -1 +1 @@
◊(->html (html (head (meta 'charset: "UTF-8")) (body doc)))
◊(->html (html (head (meta #:charset "UTF-8")) (body doc)))

@ -1,33 +1,51 @@
#lang racket/base
(require txexpr sugar/define racket/string)
(require txexpr sugar/define racket/string racket/match)
(define/contract+provide (make-default-tag-function . ids)
(() #:rest txexpr-tags? . ->* . procedure?)
(define first car)
(define second cadr)
(define+provide make-default-tag-function
(λ (outer-kws outer-kw-args . ids)
(define (make-one-tag id)
(λ x
(define reversed-pieces ; list of attribute pairs, and last element holds a list of everything else, then reversed
(reverse (let chomp ([x x])
(define result+regexp (and ((length x) . >= . 2)
(symbol? (car x))
;; accept strings only
;; numbers are difficult because they don't parse as cleanly.
;; string will read as a string even if there's no space to the left.
(or (string? (cadr x)))
;; Looking for symbol ending with a colon
(regexp-match #rx"^(.*?):$" (symbol->string (car x)))))
(if result+regexp
; reuse result value. cadr is first group in match.
(cons (list (string->symbol (cadr result+regexp))(cadr x)) (chomp (cddr x)))
(list x)))))
(λ (inner-kws inner-kw-args . attrs+xs)
;; Three possible sources of attrs:
;; 1) normal attrs, in a list at the front of the args
;; 2) colon args, using special 'key: "value" syntax, also at the front of the args
;; 3) keyword args.
(define-values (leading-attrs xs) (if (and (pair? attrs+xs) (txexpr-attrs? (car attrs+xs)))
(values (car attrs+xs) (cdr attrs+xs))
(values null attrs+xs)))
(define-values (body attrs) (if (equal? null reversed-pieces)
(values null null)
(values (car reversed-pieces) (cdr reversed-pieces))))
(define-values (kws kw-args) (values (append outer-kws inner-kws) (append outer-kw-args inner-kw-args)))
`(,id ,@(if (equal? attrs null) null (list (reverse attrs))) ,@body)))
(match-define (list colon-attrs ... body) (let parse-one-colon-attr ([xs xs])
(define (colon-attr-name? x) (let ([result (regexp-match #rx".*?(?=:$)" (symbol->string x))])
(and result (string->symbol (car result))))) ; return name or #f
(define maybe-attr-name (and (>= (length xs) 2)
(symbol? (first xs))
(string? (second xs)) ; accept strings only as attr value
(colon-attr-name? (first xs))))
(if maybe-attr-name
(let ([attr-name maybe-attr-name][attr-value (second xs)])
(cons (list attr-name attr-value) (parse-one-colon-attr (cddr xs))))
(list xs))))
(define kw-symbols (map (λ(kw) (string->symbol (string-trim (keyword->string kw) "#:"))) kws))
(define attrs (append (map list kw-symbols kw-args) colon-attrs leading-attrs))
(procedure-rename (apply compose1 (map make-one-tag ids)) (string->symbol (format "pollen-tag:~a" (string-join (map symbol->string ids) "+")))))
;; construct the xexpr result "manually" (i.e., not with `make-txexpr` because it may not be a legit txexpr for now
;; (but it may become one through further processing, so no need to be finicky)
;; however, don't show empty attrs.
(list* id (if (null? attrs)
(list* attrs body))))))
(let ([tag-proc (apply compose1 (map make-one-tag ids))]
[tag-proc-name (string->symbol (format "pollen-tag:~a" (string-join (map symbol->string ids) "+")))])
(procedure-rename tag-proc tag-proc-name)))))
(define/contract+provide (split-attributes parts)
@ -36,3 +54,19 @@
(define dummy-txexpr (apply (make-default-tag-function dummy-tag) parts))
(define-values (tag attrs elements) (txexpr->values dummy-txexpr))
(values attrs elements))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define outerdiv (make-default-tag-function 'div #:class "outer" #:style "outer"))
(check-equal? (outerdiv "foo") '(div ((class "outer") (style "outer")) "foo"))
(check-equal? (outerdiv) '(div ((class "outer") (style "outer"))))
(check-equal? (outerdiv #:class "inner") '(div ((class "outer") (style "outer") (class "inner"))))
(check-equal? (outerdiv #:class "inner" "foo") '(div ((class "outer") (style "outer") (class "inner")) "foo"))
;; `make-keyword-procedure` sorts keyword arguments alphabetically, so 'field' ends up before 'id'
(check-equal? (outerdiv #:id "shazbot" #:field "greens" "foo") '(div ((class "outer") (style "outer") (field "greens") (id "shazbot")) "foo"))
(check-equal? (outerdiv 'id: "shazbot" "foo") '(div ((class "outer") (style "outer") (id "shazbot")) "foo"))
(check-equal? (outerdiv '((id "shazbot")) "foo") '(div ((class "outer") (style "outer") (id "shazbot")) "foo"))
(check-equal? (outerdiv 'id: "shazbot" 'class: "inner" "foo") '(div ((class "outer") (style "outer") (id "shazbot") (class "inner")) "foo"))
;; (outerdiv 'id: "shazbot" '((class "inner")) "foo") won't work because colon attrs supplant conventional attrs (docs concur)
(check-equal? (outerdiv 'id: "shazbot" #:class "inner" "foo") '(div ((class "outer") (style "outer") (class "inner") (id "shazbot")) "foo")))