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#lang racket/base
(require (only-in scribble/reader make-at-reader) pollen/world racket/path pollen/project)
11 years ago
(provide define+provide-reader-in-mode (all-from-out pollen/world))
(define (make-custom-read custom-read-syntax-proc)
(custom-read-syntax-proc (object-name p) p))))
(define (make-custom-read-syntax reader-mode)
(λ (path-string p)
(define read-inner (make-at-reader
11 years ago
#:command-char (if (or (equal? reader-mode world:mode-template)
(and (string? path-string) (regexp-match (pregexp (format "\\.~a$" world:template-source-ext)) path-string)))
#:syntax? #t
#:inside? #t))
(define file-contents (read-inner path-string p))
(datum->syntax file-contents
`(module pollen-lang-module pollen
(define reader-mode ',reader-mode)
11 years ago
(define reader-here-path ,(cond
[(symbol? path-string) (symbol->string path-string)]
[(equal? path-string "unsaved editor") path-string]
[else (path->string path-string)]))
;; change the name of reader-here-path & reader-mode for local use
;; so they don't conflict if this source is imported into another
(provide (except-out (all-defined-out) reader-here-path reader-mode)
(prefix-out inner: reader-here-path)
(prefix-out inner: reader-mode))
,(require+provide-project-require-files path-string)
11 years ago
(define-syntax-rule (define+provide-reader-in-mode mode)
(define reader-mode mode)
(define custom-read-syntax (make-custom-read-syntax reader-mode))
(define custom-read (make-custom-read custom-read-syntax))
(provide (rename-out [custom-read read] [custom-read-syntax read-syntax]))))