code & doc updates

Matthew Butterick 10 years ago
parent 201890d2d9
commit bc693eb277

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
[(and p-breaks (txexpr? x) (equal? (car x) 'p) (apply string-append `("\n" ,@(map ->string (map loop (get-elements x))) "\n")))]
[(txexpr? x) (apply string-append
(map ->string `(,world:expression-delimiter ,(get-tag x)
(map ->string `(,world:command-marker ,(get-tag x)
,@(if (not (null? (get-attrs x))) `("[" ,(attrs->pollen (get-attrs x)) "]") null)
,@(if (not (null? (get-elements x))) `("{" ,@(map loop (get-elements x)) "}" ) null))))]
[(symbol? x) (loop (entity->integer x))]

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
#lang racket/base
(require (only-in scribble/reader make-at-reader) pollen/world racket/path pollen/project-requires)
(require (only-in scribble/reader make-at-reader) pollen/world racket/path pollen/project)
(provide define+provide-reader-in-mode (all-from-out pollen/world))
(define read-inner (make-at-reader
#:command-char world:expression-delimiter
#:command-char world:command-marker
#:syntax? #t
#:inside? #t))

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/file racket/rerequire racket/path racket/match)
(require sugar "file.rkt" "cache.rkt" "world.rkt" "debug.rkt" "pagetree.rkt" "project-requires.rkt")
(require sugar "file.rkt" "cache.rkt" "world.rkt" "debug.rkt" "pagetree.rkt" "project.rkt")
;; when you want to generate everything fresh,
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@

@ -10,74 +10,241 @@
@(define (at-exp-racket)
@racket[#, @hash-lang[] #, @racketmodname[at-exp] #, @racketidfont{racket}])
@title[#:tag "reader"]{Pollen ◊ command notation}
@title[#:tag "reader"]{Pollen ◊ commands}
@italic{Pollen is a dialect of Scribble, so I've adapted this section from Matthew Flatt and Eli Barzilay's excellent documentation for Scribble. If you think this section is good, it's because of them. If you don't, it's because of me.}
Pollen's command notation is designed to be a convenient system for embedding Pollen commands within free-form text.
@section{The golden rule}
Pollen uses a special character — the @italic{lozenge}, which looks like this: ◊ — as its command character. Meaning, when you put the ◊ in front of a word or expression, it will it be interpreted as a Pollen command.
Pollen uses a special character — the @italic{lozenge}, which looks like this: ◊ — to mark commands within a Pollen source file. So when you put a ◊ in your source, whatever comes next will be treated as a command. If you don't, it will just be interpreted as plain text.
@section{About that lozenge}
I chose the lozenge as the command marker because a) it appears in almost every font, b) it's barely used in ordinary typesetting, c) it's not used in any programming language that I know of, and d) its shape and color allow it to stand out easily in code without being distracting.
@margin-note{Scribble itself uses the @"@" sign as a delimiter. It's not a bad choice if you only work with Racket files. But as you use Pollen to work on other kinds of text-based files that commonly contain @"@" signs — HTML pages especially — it gets cumbersome. So I changed it.}
Still, if you don't want to use the lozenge as your command marker, you can use something else. Set Pollen's @racket[world:command-marker] value to whatever character you want.
But don't knock the lozenge till you try it. Here's how you type it:
Typically, ◊ notation is enabled through
@racketmodname[scribble/base] or similar languages, but you can also
add ◊ notation to an S-expression-based language using the
@racketmodname[at-exp] meta-language. For example,
[todo: instructions]
@section{The two command forms}
Every Pollen command is built using one of two basic forms: either @italic{native form} or @italic{Racket form}. Both forms start with a lozenge (@litchar["◊"]):
@#,BNF-seq[@litchar["◊"] @nonterm{command name} @litchar{[} @nonterm{Racket arguments ...} @litchar{]} @litchar["{"] @nonterm{text argument} @litchar["}"]]
@litchar{(} @nonterm{Racket expression} @litchar{)}]
@bold{Native-form commands}
A native-form command has the three possible parts after the @litchar["◊"]:
@item{The @italic{command name} appears immediately after the @litchar["◊"]. Typically it's a short word.}
@item{The @italic{Racket arguments} appear between square brackets. Pollen is an interface to the Racket programming language. These arguments are interpreted according to Racket conventions. So if you like programming, you'll end up using these frequently. If you don't, you won't.}
@item{The @italic{text argument} appears between braces (aka curly brackets). You can put any free-form text here.}
These parts are combined according to three rules:
@item{Each part is optional.}
@item{You cannot have spaces between the three parts.}
@item{They must appear in the order shown.}
Here are a few examples of correct native-form commands:
@verbatim[#:indent 2]|{
#lang at-exp racket
(define v '@op{str})
#lang pollen
◊tag{Text inside the tag.}
◊tag['attr: "value"]{Text inside the tag}
◊get-customer-id["Brennan Huff"]
And here are some incorrect ones:
@verbatim[#:indent 2]|{
#lang pollen
◊tag {Text inside the tag.} ; space between first and second parts
◊tag[Text inside the tag] ; text argument needs to be within braces
◊tag{Text inside the tag}['attr: "value"] ; wrong order
The next section describes each of these parts in detail.
@bold{Racket-form commands}
If you're familiar with Racket expressions, you can use the Racket-form commands to embed them within Pollen source files. It's simple: any Racket expression can become a Pollen expression by adding @litchar["◊"] to the front. So in Racket, this code:
@verbatim[#:indent 2]|{
#lang racket
(define song "Revolution")
(format "~a #~a" song (* 3 3))
Can be converted to Pollen like so:
@verbatim[#:indent 2]|{
#lang pollen
◊(define song "Revolution")
◊(format "~a #~a" song (* 3 3))
is equivalent to
And in DrRacket, they produce the same output:
@nested[#:style 'inset]{@racketresult["Revolution #9"]}
Beyond that, there's not much to say about Racket form — any valid expression you can write in Racket will also be a valid Racket-form Pollen command.
(define v '(op "str"))
@bold{The relationship of native form and Racket form}
Even if you don't plan to write a lot of Racket expressions, you should be aware that under the hood, Pollen is converting all native-form commands into Racket-form commands. So a native-form command that looks like this:
◊headline[#:size 'enormous]{Man Bites Dog!}
Using @at-exp-racket[] is probably the easiest way to try the examples
in this chapter.
Is actually being turned into a Racket-form command like this:
(headline #:size 'enormous "Man Bites Dog!")
Thus a native-form command is just an alternate way of writing a Racket-form command. (More broadly, all of Pollen is just an alternate way of using Racket.)
@section{About that lozenge}
The corollary is that you can always write Pollen commands using whichever form is more convenient or readable. For instance, the earlier example, written in the Racket form:
I picked the lozenge glyph as the delimiter — meaning this thing: ◊ — because a) it appears in almost every font, b) it's barely used in ordinary typesetting, and c) its shape and color allow it to stand out easily in code without being distracting.
@verbatim[#:indent 2]|{
#lang pollen
◊(define song "Revolution")
◊(format "~a #~a" song (* 3 3))
Can be rewritten using native form:
Scribble itself uses the @"@" sign as a delimiter. Not a bad choice if all you do is Racket. But as you use Pollen to work on other kinds of text-based files that commonly contain @"@" signs — you know, like things with email addresses — a small headache starts to form. That's why I changed it.
@verbatim[#:indent 2]|{
#lang pollen
◊format["~a #~a" song (* 3 3)]
And it will work the same way.
Still, if you don't want to use the lozenge as your delimiter, you can use something else. Set Pollen's @racket[world:expression-delimiter] value to whatever character you want. But don't knock the lozenge till you try it.
@section{The Pollen Syntax at a Glance}
@subsection{The command name}
To review @secref["how-to:reader"], the concrete syntax of @deftech{◊-forms}
is roughly
In Pollen, you'll typically use the command name for one of four purposes:
@litchar{[} @kleenestar{@nonterm{datum}} @litchar{]}
@litchar["{"] @kleenestar{@nonterm{text-body}} @litchar["}"]]
@item{To invoke a tag function.}
@item{To invoke another function.}
@item{To insert the value of a variable.}
@item{To insert a comment.}
where all three parts after @litchar["@"] are optional, but at least
one should be present. (Spaces are not allowed between the
three parts.) Roughly, a form matching the above grammar is read as
Besides being a Racket identifier, the @nonterm{cmd} part of an
@tech{◊-form} can have Racket punctuation prefixes, which will end up
wrapping the @italic{whole} expression.
When writing Racket code, this means that @litchar|{@`',@foo{blah}}|
is exactly the same as @litchar|{`@',@foo{blah}}| and
@litchar|{`',@@foo{blah}}|, but unlike the latter two, the first
construct can appear in body texts with the same meaning, whereas the
other two would not work (see below).
After the optional punctuation prefix, the @nonterm{cmd} itself is not
limited to identifiers; it can be @italic{any} Racket expression.
@(lambda (x) x){blah}
@`(unquote foo){blah}
In addition, the command can be omitted altogether, which will omit it
from the translation, resulting in an S-expression that usually
contains, say, just strings:
@{foo bar
@'{foo bar
If the command part begins with a @litchar{;} (with no newline between
the @litchar["@"] and the @litchar{;}), then the construct is a
comment. There are two comment forms, one for arbitrary-text and
possibly nested comments, and another one for line comments:
(@#,nonterm{cmd} @#,kleenestar{@nonterm{datum}} @#,kleenestar{@nonterm{parsed-body}})
@#,BNF-seq[@litchar["@;{"] @kleenestar{@nonterm{any}} @litchar["}"]]
@#,BNF-seq[@litchar["@;"] @kleenestar{@nonterm{anything-else-without-newline}}]
where @nonterm{parsed-body} is the translation of each
@nonterm{text-body} in the input. Thus, the initial @nonterm{cmd}
determines the Racket code that the input is translated into. The
common case is when @nonterm{cmd} is a Racket identifier, which reads
as a plain Racket form, with datum arguments and/or string arguments.
In the first form, the commented body must still parse correctly; see
the description of the body syntax below. In the second form, all
text from the @litchar["@;"] to the end of the line @italic{and} all
following spaces (or tabs) are part of the comment (similar to
@litchar{%} comments in TeX).
@foo{bar @; comment
Tip: if you use an editor in some Scheme mode without support for
@tech{◊-forms}, balanced comments can be confusing, since the open brace
looks commented out, and the closing one isn't. In such cases it is
useful to ``comment'' out the closing brace too:
@verbatim[#:indent 2]|==={
so the editor does not treat the file as having unbalanced
If only the @nonterm{cmd} part of an @tech{◊-form} is specified, then the
result is the command part only, without an extra set of parenthesis.
This makes it suitable for Racket escapes in body texts. (More on this
below, in the description of the body part.)
@foo{x @y z}
@foo{x @(* y 2) z}
@{@foo bar}
Finally, note that there are currently no special rules for using
@litchar["@"] in the command itself, which can lead to things like:
Here is one example:
@ -275,97 +442,6 @@ or bound locally (with @racket[let], for example).
@text{@it{Note}: @bf{This is @ul{not} a pipe}.}))
@section{The Command Part}
Besides being a Racket identifier, the @nonterm{cmd} part of an
@tech{◊-form} can have Racket punctuation prefixes, which will end up
wrapping the @italic{whole} expression.
When writing Racket code, this means that @litchar|{@`',@foo{blah}}|
is exactly the same as @litchar|{`@',@foo{blah}}| and
@litchar|{`',@@foo{blah}}|, but unlike the latter two, the first
construct can appear in body texts with the same meaning, whereas the
other two would not work (see below).
After the optional punctuation prefix, the @nonterm{cmd} itself is not
limited to identifiers; it can be @italic{any} Racket expression.
@(lambda (x) x){blah}
@`(unquote foo){blah}
In addition, the command can be omitted altogether, which will omit it
from the translation, resulting in an S-expression that usually
contains, say, just strings:
@{foo bar
@'{foo bar
If the command part begins with a @litchar{;} (with no newline between
the @litchar["@"] and the @litchar{;}), then the construct is a
comment. There are two comment forms, one for arbitrary-text and
possibly nested comments, and another one for line comments:
@#,BNF-seq[@litchar["@;{"] @kleenestar{@nonterm{any}} @litchar["}"]]
@#,BNF-seq[@litchar["@;"] @kleenestar{@nonterm{anything-else-without-newline}}]
In the first form, the commented body must still parse correctly; see
the description of the body syntax below. In the second form, all
text from the @litchar["@;"] to the end of the line @italic{and} all
following spaces (or tabs) are part of the comment (similar to
@litchar{%} comments in TeX).
@foo{bar @; comment
Tip: if you use an editor in some Scheme mode without support for
@tech{◊-forms}, balanced comments can be confusing, since the open brace
looks commented out, and the closing one isn't. In such cases it is
useful to ``comment'' out the closing brace too:
@verbatim[#:indent 2]|==={
so the editor does not treat the file as having unbalanced
If only the @nonterm{cmd} part of an @tech{◊-form} is specified, then the
result is the command part only, without an extra set of parenthesis.
This makes it suitable for Racket escapes in body texts. (More on this
below, in the description of the body part.)
@foo{x @y z}
@foo{x @(* y 2) z}
@{@foo bar}
Finally, note that there are currently no special rules for using
@litchar["@"] in the command itself, which can lead to things like:
@section{The Datum Part}

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
(prefix-in racket: scribble/racket)
(prefix-in scribble: scribble/reader))
(prefix-in scribble: scribble/reader)
(prefix-in pollen: (submod pollen reader)))
(define-syntax bounce-for-label
(syntax-rules (all-except)
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@
(provide scribble-examples litchar/lines doc-render-examples)
(provide scribble-examples pollen-examples litchar/lines doc-render-examples)
(define (as-flow e)
(if (block? e) e (make-paragraph plain (list e))))
@ -71,6 +72,37 @@
(list (syntax-source p) (syntax-line p) base (add1 base) 1)
(define (pollen-examples . lines)
(define reads-as (make-paragraph plain (list spacer "reads as" spacer)))
(let* ([lines (apply string-append lines)]
[p (open-input-string lines)])
(port-count-lines! p)
(let loop ([r '()] [newlines? #f])
(regexp-match? #px#"^[[:space:]]*" p)
(let* ([p1 (file-position p)]
[stx (pollen:read-syntax #f p)]
[p2 (file-position p)])
(if (not (eof-object? stx))
(let ([str (substring lines p1 p2)])
(loop (cons (list str stx) r)
(or newlines? (regexp-match? #rx#"\n" str))))
(let* ([r (reverse r)]
[r (if newlines?
(cdr (apply append (map (lambda (x) (list #f x)) r)))
(map (lambda (x)
(let ([@expr (if x (litchar/lines (car x)) "")]
[sexpr (if x
((norm-spacing 0) (cadr x)))
[reads-as (if x reads-as "")])
(map as-flow (list spacer @expr reads-as sexpr))))
(define (scribble-examples . lines)
(define reads-as (make-paragraph plain (list spacer "reads as" spacer)))
(let* ([lines (apply string-append lines)]

@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ Pagetree that Pollen dashboard loads by default in each directory.
Name of the root node in a decoded pagetree. It's ignored by the code, so its only role is to clue you in that you're looking at something that came out of the pagetree decoder.
@defthing[world:expression-delimiter char? #:value #\◊]
The magic character that delimits Pollen expressions.
@defthing[world:command-marker char? #:value #\◊]
The magic character that indicates a Pollen command, function, or variable.
@defthing[world:default-template-prefix string? #:value "main"]
Prefix of the default template.

@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
(define default-pagetree "index.ptree")
(define pagetree-root-node 'pagetree-root)
(define expression-delimiter #\◊)
(define template-field-delimiter expression-delimiter)
(define command-marker #\◊)
(define template-field-delimiter command-marker)
(define default-template-prefix "main")
(define fallback-template "")
