# pollen-users [![Contributor Covenant](https://img.shields.io/badge/Contributor%20Covenant-2.0-4baaaa.svg)](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
This is the official discussion area / mailing-list substitute for [Pollen](https://pollenpub.com), a book-publishing system written in Racket, as well as the related project [Quad](https://docs.racket-lang.org/quad/), a document processor that converts markup to PDF and cooperates nicely with Pollen.
Questions, suggestions, announcements welcome. Your host: Matthew Butterick.
This supersedes the `pollenpub` Google Group that was used from June 2015 – August 2019.
### To read
No login necessary. All activity happens under the [Issues](https://github.com/mbutterick/pollen-users/issues) tab.
### To post
You need a GitHub account (free; email address needed). Then [post a new issue](https://github.com/mbutterick/pollen-users/issues/new).
### What kinds of topics can be posted here?
Anything pertaining to using Pollen or Quad — questions, suggestions, feature requests, etc. (Don’t feel constrained by the fact that they are all known as “Issues”.)
### After I post a question, when should I use the “close issue” button?
If you got a satisfactory answer, sure — hit the “close issue” button, and then others will know that no further reply is needed. BTW closing an issue doesn’t delete it or prevent further discussion post-closure. The issue can also be reopened if you change your mind.
### Can I search issues?
Yes. Use the search box in the top nav bar, which will search this repository (including all the issues).
### To receive email notification of responses
If you start a new issue or post a response, you’ll automatically get email notification of subsequent messages posted to that thread.
### To receive email notification of new issues as they are created
That is, in the classic mailing-list style. At the top of the screen, use the “Watch” button to change your status to “Watching”.
### Does this replace the Pollen or Quad source repository?
No. Those remain at https://github.com/mbutterick/pollen and https://github.com/mbutterick/quad, respectively.
### Where should I post bugs?
Probably on the source repo, though I’m not going to be finicky about it.
### Why not consolidate all the issues in the source repos?
I prefer to restrict the issues in the source repos to coding-related tasks.