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Matthew Butterick 11 years ago
parent 6dd409162b
commit eb98cf1815

.gitignore vendored

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# for Racket
# for Mac OS X
# Thumbnails
# Files that might appear on external disk

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Tools for using Racket as a CSS preprocessor

@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/contract racket/match racket/string)
(require "named-colors.rkt")
(module+ test (require rackunit))
;; Conversion functions between RGB and other color systems.
;; Adaptation of colorsys module in the Python library
;; Original source:
;; References:
(provide rgb->hsl hsl->rgb
rgb->hex hex->rgb
hsl->hex hex->hsl)
;; this makes things work on exact numbers by default
(read-decimal-as-inexact #f)
(define unitval? (real-in 0 1))
(define/contract (real->unitval x)
(real? . -> . unitval?)
(min (max 0 x) 1))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (real->unitval -10) 0)
(check-equal? (real->unitval 10) 1)
(check-equal? (real->unitval 0.5) 0.5))
(define DEGREE_MAX 360)
(define degree? (real-in 0 DEGREE_MAX))
(module+ test
(check-false (degree? -1))
(check-true (degree? 0))
(check-true (degree? 149.23))
(check-true (degree? 255))
(check-false (degree? 361)))
;; like (modulo x 1) but works with floating-point numbers
(define (modulo1 x)
(- x (floor x)))
(define/contract (unitval->byte u)
(unitval? . -> . byte?)
(inexact->exact (floor (* u 255))))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (unitval->byte 0) 0)
(check-equal? (unitval->byte 1) 255))
(define/contract (byte->unitval b)
(byte? . -> . unitval?)
(/ b 255))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (byte->unitval 0) 0)
(check-equal? (byte->unitval 255) 1))
(define (degree-string? x)
(and (string? x) (degree? (string->number x))))
(define/contract (unitval->degree u)
(unitval? . -> . degree-string?)
(format "~a" (exact->inexact (/ (floor (* u DEGREE_MAX 100)) 100))))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (unitval->degree 0) "0.0")
(check-equal? (unitval->degree 0.5) "180.0")
(check-equal? (unitval->degree 1) "360.0"))
(define (unitval->percentage u)
(format "~a%" (exact->inexact (/ (floor (* u 100 100)) 100))))
(module+ test
(check-true (degree-string? "0"))
(check-true (degree-string? "180"))
(check-true (degree-string? "360"))
(check-false (degree-string? "450"))
(check-false (degree-string? 450))
(check-false (degree-string? "foo")))
(define/contract (degree-string->unitval d)
(degree-string? . -> . unitval?)
(/ (string->number d) DEGREE_MAX))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (degree-string->unitval "0") 0)
(check-equal? (degree-string->unitval "180") (/ 1 2))
(check-equal? (degree-string->unitval "360") 1))
(define/contract (trim-unitval-sign x)
(string? . -> . string?)
(string-trim x "%" #:left? #f))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (trim-unitval-sign "50") "50")
(check-equal? (trim-unitval-sign "50%") "50")
(check-equal? (trim-unitval-sign "%50%") "%50"))
(define/contract (unitval-string? x)
(any/c . -> . boolean?)
(and (string? x)
(equal? #\% (car (reverse (string->list x))))
((real-in 0 100) (string->number (trim-unitval-sign x)))))
(module+ test
(check-true (unitval-string? "56%"))
(check-true (unitval-string? "0.00001%"))
(check-false (unitval-string? 50))
(check-false (unitval-string? "50"))
(check-false (unitval-string? "-12%"))
(check-false (unitval-string? "200%")))
(define/contract (unitval-string->unitval x)
(unitval-string? . -> . unitval?)
(/ (string->number (trim-unitval-sign x)) 100))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (unitval-string->unitval "50%") (/ 1 2))
(check-equal? (unitval-string->unitval "100%") 1)
(check-equal? (unitval-string->unitval "0%") 0))
(define (trim-pound-sign x)
(string-trim x "#" #:right? #f))
(define (make-hex-number x)
(string->number (string-append "#x" (trim-pound-sign x))))
(define HEX_DIGITS (string->list "0123456789abcdef"))
(define (hex-digit? x)
(member x HEX_DIGITS))
(define (base-hex? x)
(and (string? x)
(equal? (substring x 0 1) "#")
(andmap hex-digit? (string->list (string-downcase (trim-pound-sign x))))))
(define (short-hex? x) ; like #ddd
(and (= (string-length x) 4) (base-hex? x)))
(define (long-hex? x) ; like #e802cf
(and (= (string-length x) 7) (base-hex? x)))
(define (hex? x)
(or (short-hex? x) (long-hex? x)))
(define rgb? (list/c unitval? unitval? unitval?))
(define hsl? rgb?)
(define (rgbish? x)
(ormap (λ(proc) (proc x))
(list/c unitval-string? unitval-string? unitval-string?)
(list/c byte? byte? byte?)
(define/contract (rgbish->rgb x)
(rgbish? . -> . rgb?)
;; must handle all possible branches of rgbish
[(rgb? x) x]
[((list/c unitval-string? unitval-string? unitval-string?) x)
(map unitval-string->unitval x)]
[((list/c byte? byte? byte?) x) (map byte->unitval x)]
[(hex? x) (hex->rgb x)]
[(named-color? x) (rgbish->rgb (named-color->hex x))]
[else #f]))
(define (hslish? x)
(ormap (λ(proc) (proc x))
(list/c degree-string? unitval-string? unitval-string?) ; aka css-hsl
(list/c byte? byte? byte?))))
(define (hslish->hsl x)
(hslish? . -> . hsl?)
[(hsl? x) x]
[((list/c degree-string? unitval-string? unitval-string?) x) (cons (degree-string->unitval (car x)) (map unitval-string->unitval (cdr x)))]
[((list/c byte? byte? byte?) x) (map byte->unitval x)]
[else #f]))
(define (hsl->css hsl)
(hslish? . -> . hsl?)
(match-define (list h s lum) (hslish->hsl hsl))
(list (unitval->degree h) (unitval->percentage s) (unitval->percentage lum)))
;; convert rgb values into hue value
(define/contract (rgb->h r g b)
(unitval? unitval? unitval? . -> . unitval?)
(define maxc (max r g b))
(define minc (min r g b))
(if (minc . = . maxc)
0 ; color is gray. Return now & avoid division by zero below
(let ()
(define-values (rc gc bc)
(apply values (map (λ(x) (/ (- maxc x) (- maxc minc))) (list r g b))))
(modulo1 (/ (cond
[(r . = . maxc) (- bc gc)]
[(g . = . maxc) (+ 2.0 (- rc bc))]
[else (+ 4.0 (- gc rc))])
(define/contract (rgb->hsl rgb)
(rgbish? . -> . hsl?)
(match-define (list r g b) (rgbish->rgb rgb))
(define maxc (max r g b))
(define minc (min r g b))
(define h (rgb->h r g b))
(define lum (/ (+ maxc minc) 2))
(define s (/ (- maxc minc) (if (lum . <= . 0.5)
(+ maxc minc)
(- 2.0 maxc minc))))
(map real->unitval (list h s lum)))
(define/contract (hsl->rgb hsl)
(hslish? . -> . rgb?)
(define ONE_THIRD (/ 1 3))
(define ONE_SIXTH (/ 1 6))
(define TWO_THIRDS (/ 2 3))
(match-define (list h s lum) (hslish->hsl hsl))
(define (_v m1 m2 hue)
(let ([hue (modulo1 hue)])
[(hue . < . ONE_SIXTH) (+ m1 (* (- m2 m1) hue 6.0))]
[(hue . < . 0.5) m2]
[(hue . < . TWO_THIRDS) (+ m1 (* (- m2 m1) (- TWO_THIRDS hue) 6.0))]
[else m1])))
(define m2 (if (lum . <= . 0.5)
(* lum (+ 1.0 s))
(- (+ lum s) (* lum s))))
(define m1 (- (* 2.0 lum) m2))
(map real->unitval (map (λ(x) (_v m1 m2 x))
(list (+ h ONE_THIRD) h (- h ONE_THIRD)))))
(define/contract (rgb->hex rgb)
(rgbish? . -> . hex?)
;; make a 2-digit hex string from a number
(define (hex-format num)
(define hex (format "~x" num))
(if (= (string-length hex) 1)
(string-append "0" hex)
(define raw-hex (apply string-append (map hex-format (map unitval->byte (rgbish->rgb rgb)))))
(define triple-double-pattern #px"^(\\w)\\1(\\w)\\2(\\w)\\3$")
(define result (regexp-match triple-double-pattern raw-hex))
(string-append "#" (if result
; cdr result holds the three submatches
(apply string-append (cdr result))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (rgb->hex '(1 1 1)) "#fff")
(check-equal? (rgb->hex '(0.8 0.8 0.8)) "#ccc")
(check-equal? (rgb->hex '(0.01 0.01 0.01)) "#020202"))
(define/contract (hex->long-hex hex)
(hex? . -> . long-hex?)
(if (short-hex? hex)
(let ()
(match-define (list d1 d2 d3) (cdr (regexp-match #px"^#(\\w)(\\w)(\\w)$" hex)))
(string-append "#" d1 d1 d2 d2 d3 d3))
(define/contract (hex->rgb hex)
(hex? . -> . rgb?)
(let ([hex (hex->long-hex hex)])
(define result (regexp-match #px"^#(\\w\\w)(\\w\\w)(\\w\\w)$" hex))
(map (compose1 byte->unitval make-hex-number) (cdr result))))
(define hsl->hex (compose1 rgb->hex hsl->rgb))
(define hex->hsl (compose1 rgb->hsl hex->rgb))

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "core.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (make-css-columns #:count count #:gap [gap #f])
; shorthand for css column declaration
(join-css-strings (append
(make-css-strings css-property-prefixes "column-count" count)
(if gap
(make-css-strings css-property-prefixes "column-gap" gap)
(define (make-css-avoid-column-break-inside)
; this gets applied to list items to keep them from breaking across columns
; however it doesn't work in Firefox due to bug; workaround is stupid
(join-css-strings (append
(make-css-strings css-property-prefixes "column-break-inside" "avoid")
(make-css-strings css-property-prefixes "break-inside" "avoid-column"))))

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/string racket/list racket/contract)
(require sugar)
(provide (all-defined-out)
(all-from-out racket/string racket/list racket/contract sugar))
(define css-property-prefixes '("-moz-" "-webkit-" "-o-" "-ms-" ""))
(define (join-css-strings properties)
(define line-ending ";\n")
(define out-string (string-join properties line-ending))
(if (ends-with? out-string line-ending) ; might already have the line ending, so don't duplicate it
(string-append out-string line-ending)))
(define (make-css-string p v)
(string-join (list (->string p) (->string v)) ": "))
(define (make-css-strings property-prefixes property-suffix values)
; general function for creating groups of css properties
; with browser prefixes and one value
(define (map-suffix suffix prefixes)
(map (λ(prefix) (string-append prefix suffix)) prefixes))
(define properties (map-suffix property-suffix property-prefixes))
; if single value provided, convert to list of values
; so that it will work with map in the next step
(when (not (list? values))
(set! values (make-list (len properties) values)))
(map make-css-string properties values))

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "core.rkt")
(require pollen/file-tools)
(require net/url-structs net/base64 racket/file)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(module+ test (require rackunit))
(define/contract (base64-font-string? x)
(any/c . -> . boolean?)
((->string x) . starts-with? . "data:"))
(module+ test
(check-true (base64-font-string? "data:foobar"))
(check-false (base64-font-string? "foobar")))
(define/contract (font-format p)
(pathish? . -> . (or/c string? #f))
(case (get-ext (->path p))
[("eot") "embedded-opentype"]
[("woff") "woff"]
[("ttf" "otf") "truetype"] ; yep, in this CSS declaration, otf is considered 'truetype'
[("svg") "svg"]
[else #f]))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (font-format "foo.eot") "embedded-opentype")
(check-equal? (font-format "foo.woff") "woff")
(check-equal? (font-format "foo.ttf") "truetype")
(check-equal? (font-format "foo.otf") "truetype")
(check-equal? (font-format "foo.svg") "svg")
(check-false (font-format "foo")))
(define/contract (font-mime-type p)
(pathish? . -> . (or/c string? #f))
(case (get-ext (->path p))
[("eot") "application/"]
[("woff") "application/font-woff"]
[("ttf") "application/x-font-truetype"]
[("otf") "application/x-font-opentype"]
[("svg") "image/svg+xml"]
[else #f]))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (font-mime-type "foo.eot") "application/")
(check-equal? (font-mime-type (->url "foo.woff?bar=ino")) "application/font-woff")
(check-equal? (font-mime-type "foo.ttf") "application/x-font-truetype")
(check-equal? (font-mime-type "foo.otf") "application/x-font-opentype")
(check-equal? (font-mime-type "foo.svg") "image/svg+xml")
(check-false (font-mime-type "foo")))
(define/contract (path->base64-font-string p)
(pathish? . -> . base64-font-string?)
(define path (->path p))
;; for CSS, base64 encode needs to be done with no line separator
(format "data:~a;charset=utf-8;base64,~a" (font-mime-type p) (base64-encode (file->bytes path) #"")))
(define/contract (font-face-declaration font-family
#:font-style [font-style "normal"]
#:font-weight [font-weight "normal"]
#:font-stretch [font-stretch "normal"]
#:base64 [base64? #f])
((string? (or/c urlish? base64-font-string?))
(#:font-style string? #:font-weight string? #:font-stretch string? #:base64 boolean?)
. ->* . string?)
(let* [(url (->url src-url))
(url-value (if base64? (path->base64-font-string src-url) (->path url)))
(src (format "url('~a') format('~a')" url-value (font-format src-url)))]
(string-append "@font-face {\n"
(join-css-strings (map make-css-string
'(font-family font-style font-weight font-stretch src)
(list font-family font-style font-weight font-stretch src)))
(define ffd font-face-declaration)
;;(module+ main
;;(display (ffd "Miso" "charter-regular.woff" #:font-style "italic" #:font-weight "700" #:base64 #t)))

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "core.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (make-css-background-gradient colors [stops #f]
#:radial [radial #f]
#:horizontal [horizontal #f]
#:direction [direction #f])
; this doesn't handle old-style webkit syntax. todo: add it? I think I don't care
; check inputs for failure
(when (or (not (list? colors)) (< (len colors) 2))
(error "Not enough colors to make gradient in" colors))
(when (and stops (< (len stops) (len colors)))
(error "Not enough stops for given number of colors in" stops))
(when (not stops) ; distribute colors evenly between 0 and 100
; new-stops is range of steps incremented properly and rounded to int, then append 100 to end
(let ([new-stops `(,@(map ->int (range 0 100 (/ 100 (sub1 (len colors))))) 100)])
; convert to list of percentages
(set! stops (map (λ(x) (format "~a%" x)) new-stops))))
; color / percentage pairs separated by commas
(define color-stop-string (string-join (map (λ(color stop) (format "~a ~a" color stop)) colors stops) ", "))
; set up gradient options
(define gradient-type (if radial "radial" "linear"))
(define gradient-direction (or direction (if horizontal "left" "top")))
; can't use standard make-css-strings in this case because the prefixes appear in the value,
; not in the property (which is always "background")
(define gradient-strings (map (λ(prefix) (format "background: ~a~a-gradient(~a, ~a)" prefix gradient-type gradient-direction color-stop-string)) css-property-prefixes))
; just fill with the last color if gradient not available
(define fallback-string (format "background: ~a" (last colors)))
; put fallback string at front of list
(join-css-strings (cons fallback-string gradient-strings)))
(module+ main
(display (make-css-background-gradient (list "hsl(216, 78%, 95%)" "hsl(0, 0%, 99%)")
(list "0%" "100%")
#:direction "to top right")))

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#lang info
(define collection "css-tools")
(define scribblings '(("scribblings/css-tools.scrbl" ())))

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "core.rkt"
(provide (all-from-out "core.rkt"

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "core.rkt" racket/match)
(define/contract (css-unit? x)
(any/c . -> . boolean?)
(x . in? . '("%" "in" "cm" "mm" "em" "ex" "pt" "pc" "px" "rem")))
(struct cssq (num unit)
#:methods gen:custom-write
[(define write-proc
(λ(x port mode) (display (format "~a~a" (cssq-num x) (cssq-unit x)) port)))])
(define/contract (cssqish? x)
(any/c . -> . boolean?)
(->boolean (or (cssq? x) (string? x))))
(define/contract (string->unit x)
(string? . -> . css-unit?)
(if (css-unit? x)
(error 'string->unit "'~a' not a valid css unit" x)))
(define/contract (cssqish->cssq x)
(cssqish? . -> . cssq?)
[(cssq? x) x]
[else (begin
(define pieces (let* ([str (string-downcase x)]
[str (string-replace str " " "")]
[str (string-trim str "s" #:left? #f)])
(string-split str #px"(?<![A-Za-z])(?=[A-Za-z])")))
(apply cssq
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ(e) (error 'string->cssq (exn-message e)))])
(list (string->number (first pieces))
(string->unit (second pieces))))))]))
(define/contract (css-math-op op left right)
(procedure? cssqish? cssqish? . -> . cssq?)
(let ([left (cssqish->cssq left)]
[right (cssqish->cssq right)])
(cssqish->cssq (format "~a~a" (apply op (list (cssq-num left) (cssq-num right)))(cssq-unit left)))))
(define-values (css+ css- css* css/)
(apply values (map (λ(op) (λ(left right) (css-math-op op left right))) (list + - * /))))
(module+ main
(css+ "10rem" "5rem"))

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "core.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
; editability can't be handled as pure css because firefox requires extra content-editable attribute.
; does it still? todo: further research, maybe this can be css only.
(define (editable . stuff)
(define editable-string (make-css-editable))
`(div ((style ,editable-string)(contenteditable "true")) ,@stuff))
(define (make-css-editable)
(join-css-strings (list "user-modify: read-write"
"-moz-user-modify: read-write"
"-webkit-user-modify: read-write-plaintext-only"
"outline-style: none")))
(define (make-media-query starting-size ending-size max-width interval)
(string-join (cons (format "@media all {html {font-size: ~apx;}}" starting-size)
(for/list ([size (in-range starting-size (sub1 ending-size) -1)])
(format "@media all and (max-width:~apx){html {font-size: ~apx;}}"
(- max-width (* interval (- starting-size size))) size))) "\n"))
(module+ main
(display (make-media-query 15 11 980 60)))

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/dict)
(provide named-color? named-color->hex)
(define (named-color? x)
(and (string? x) (dict-has-key? named-colors (string-downcase x))))
(define (named-color->hex nc)
(dict-ref named-colors (string-downcase nc)))
(define named-colors
'(("antiquewhite" . "#faebd7")
("aqua" . "#00ffff")
("aquamarine" . "#7fffd4")
("azure" . "#f0ffff")
("beige" . "#f5f5dc")
("bisque" . "#ffe4c4")
("black" . "#000000")
("blanchedalmond" . "#ffebcd")
("blue" . "#0000ff")
("blueviolet" . "#8a2be2")
("brown" . "#a52a2a")
("burlywood" . "#deb887")
("cadetblue" . "#5f9ea0")
("chartreuse" . "#7fff00")
("chocolate" . "#d2691e")
("coral" . "#ff7f50")
("cornflowerblue" . "#6495ed")
("cornsilk" . "#fff8dc")
("crimson" . "#dc143c")
("cyan" . "#00ffff")
("darkblue" . "#00008b")
("darkcyan" . "#008b8b")
("darkgoldenrod" . "#b8860b")
("darkgray" . "#a9a9a9")
("darkgreen" . "#006400")
("darkkhaki" . "#bdb76b")
("darkmagenta" . "#8b008b")
("darkolivegreen" . "#556b2f")
("darkorange" . "#ff8c00")
("darkorchid" . "#9932cc")
("darkred" . "#8b0000")
("darksalmon" . "#e9967a")
("darkseagreen" . "#8fbc8f")
("darkslateblue" . "#483d8b")
("darkslategray" . "#2f4f4f")
("darkturquoise" . "#00ced1")
("darkviolet" . "#9400d3")
("deeppink" . "#ff1493")
("deepskyblue" . "#00bfff")
("dimgray" . "#696969")
("dodgerblue" . "#1e90ff")
("firebrick" . "#b22222")
("floralwhite" . "#fffaf0")
("forestgreen" . "#228b22")
("fuchsia" . "#ff00ff")
("gainsboro" . "#dcdcdc")
("ghostwhite" . "#f8f8ff")
("gold" . "#ffd700")
("goldenrod" . "#daa520")
("gray" . "#808080")
("green" . "#008000")
("greenyellow" . "#adff2f")
("honeydew" . "#f0fff0")
("hotpink" . "#ff69b4")
("indianred" . "#cd5c5c")
("indigo" . "#4b0082")
("ivory" . "#fffff0")
("khaki" . "#f0e68c")
("lavender" . "#e6e6fa")
("lavenderblush" . "#fff0f5")
("lawngreen" . "#7cfc00")
("lemonchiffon" . "#fffacd")
("lightblue" . "#add8e6")
("lightcoral" . "#f08080")
("lightcyan" . "#e0ffff")
("lightgoldenrodyellow" . "#fafad2")
("lightgray" . "#d3d3d3")
("lightgreen" . "#90ee90")
("lightpink" . "#ffb6c1")
("lightsalmon" . "#ffa07a")
("lightseagreen" . "#20b2aa")
("lightskyblue" . "#87cefa")
("lightslategray" . "#778899")
("lightsteelblue" . "#b0c4de")
("lightyellow" . "#ffffe0")
("lime" . "#00ff00")
("limegreen" . "#32cd32")
("linen" . "#faf0e6")
("magenta" . "#ff00ff")
("maroon" . "#800000")
("mediumaquamarine" . "#66cdaa")
("mediumblue" . "#0000cd")
("mediumorchid" . "#ba55d3")
("mediumpurple" . "#9370db")
("mediumseagreen" . "#3cb371")
("mediumslateblue" . "#7b68ee")
("mediumspringgreen" . "#00fa9a")
("mediumturquoise" . "#48d1cc")
("mediumvioletred" . "#c71585")
("midnightblue" . "#191970")
("mintcream" . "#f5fffa")
("mistyrose" . "#ffe4e1")
("moccasin" . "#ffe4b5")
("navajowhite" . "#ffdead")
("navy" . "#000080")
("oldlace" . "#fdf5e6")
("olive" . "#808000")
("olivedrab" . "#6b8e23")
("orange" . "#ffa500")
("orangered" . "#ff4500")
("orchid" . "#da70d6")
("palegoldenrod" . "#eee8aa")
("palegreen" . "#98fb98")
("paleturquoise" . "#afeeee")
("palevioletred" . "#db7093")
("papayawhip" . "#ffefd5")
("peachpuff" . "#ffdab9")
("peru" . "#cd853f")
("pink" . "#ffc0cb")
("plum" . "#dda0dd")
("powderblue" . "#b0e0e6")
("purple" . "#800080")
("red" . "#ff0000")
("rosybrown" . "#bc8f8f")
("royalblue" . "#4169e1")
("saddlebrown" . "#8b4513")
("salmon" . "#fa8072")
("sandybrown" . "#f4a460")
("seagreen" . "#2e8b57")
("seashell" . "#fff5ee")
("sienna" . "#a0522d")
("silver" . "#c0c0c0")
("skyblue" . "#87ceeb")
("slateblue" . "#6a5acd")
("slategray" . "#708090")
("snow" . "#fffafa")
("springgreen" . "#00ff7f")
("steelblue" . "#4682b4")
("tan" . "#d2b48c")
("teal" . "#008080")
("thistle" . "#d8bfd8")
("tomato" . "#ff6347")
("turquoise" . "#40e0d0")
("violet" . "#ee82ee")
("wheat" . "#f5deb3")
("white" . "#ffffff")
("whitesmoke" . "#f5f5f5")
("yellow" . "#ffff00")
("yellowgreen" . "#9acd32")))

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#lang scribble/manual
@(require scribble/eval (for-label racket "../main.rkt"))
@(define my-eval (make-base-eval))
@(my-eval `(require css-tools))
@author[(author+email "Matthew Butterick" "")]
A collection of little functions that help make Racket code more readable.
@section{Installation & updates}
At the command line:
@verbatim{raco pkg install css-tools}
After that, you can update the package from the command line:
@verbatim{raco pkg update css-tools}
Hello css-tools.
@section{License & source code}
This module is licensed under the LGPL.
Source repository at @link[""]{}. Suggestions & corrections welcome.

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "core.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (make-css-transition property duration #:timing-function [timing-function #f] #:delay [delay #f])
(define transition-prefixes '("-moz-" "-webkit-" ""))
(join-css-strings (append
(make-css-strings transition-prefixes "transition-property" property)
(make-css-strings transition-prefixes "transition-duration" duration)
(if timing-function
(make-css-strings transition-prefixes "transition-timing-function" timing-function)
(if delay
(make-css-strings transition-prefixes "transition-delay" delay)

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "core.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (make-css-ot-features feature-tags [feature-values 1])
; if single value provided, upconvert to list
(when (not (list? feature-tags))
(set! feature-tags (list feature-tags)))
; same here: convert single value into list
(when (not (list? feature-values))
(let ([single-value feature-values])
(set! feature-values (make-list (len feature-tags) single-value))))
; use single quotes in the formatter because css string might be used in an inline tag
; with form style="[string]" so double quotes are irritating
(define feature-tag-string (string-join (map (λ(tag value) (format "'~a' ~a" tag value)) feature-tags feature-values) ", "))
; I hate accommodating old browsers but I'll make an exception because OT support is
; critical to most MB projects
; if this comes before new-style -moz- declaration, it will work for all.
(define feature-tag-string-old-firefox (string-join (map (λ(tag value) (format "'~a=~a'" tag value)) feature-tags feature-values) ", "))
(define feature-tag-property "font-feature-settings")
(join-css-strings (append
(make-css-strings '("-moz-") feature-tag-property feature-tag-string-old-firefox)
(make-css-strings css-property-prefixes feature-tag-property feature-tag-string))))
(define (make-css-hyphens [value "auto"])
(join-css-strings (make-css-strings css-property-prefixes "hyphens" value)))
(define (make-css-small-caps)
(join-css-strings (list "text-transform: lowercase" (make-css-ot-features "c2sc"))))
(define (make-css-caps)
(join-css-strings (list "text-transform: uppercase" (make-css-ot-features "case"))))
(define (make-css-kerning)
(join-css-strings (list "text-rendering: optimizeLegibility" (make-css-ot-features "kern"))))
(define (make-css-ligatures)
(join-css-strings (list "text-rendering: optimizeLegibility" (make-css-ot-features "liga"))))