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#lang racket/base
(require "core.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (make-css-background-gradient colors [stops #f]
#:radial [radial #f]
#:horizontal [horizontal #f]
#:direction [direction #f])
; this doesn't handle old-style webkit syntax. todo: add it? I think I don't care
; check inputs for failure
(when (or (not (list? colors)) (< (len colors) 2))
(error "Not enough colors to make gradient in" colors))
(when (and stops (< (len stops) (len colors)))
(error "Not enough stops for given number of colors in" stops))
(when (not stops) ; distribute colors evenly between 0 and 100
; new-stops is range of steps incremented properly and rounded to int, then append 100 to end
(let ([new-stops `(,@(map ->int (range 0 100 (/ 100 (sub1 (len colors))))) 100)])
; convert to list of percentages
(set! stops (map (λ(x) (format "~a%" x)) new-stops))))
; color / percentage pairs separated by commas
(define color-stop-string (string-join (map (λ(color stop) (format "~a ~a" color stop)) colors stops) ", "))
; set up gradient options
(define gradient-type (if radial "radial" "linear"))
(define gradient-direction (or direction (if horizontal "left" "top")))
; can't use standard make-css-strings in this case because the prefixes appear in the value,
; not in the property (which is always "background")
(define gradient-strings (map (λ(prefix) (format "background: ~a~a-gradient(~a, ~a)" prefix gradient-type gradient-direction color-stop-string)) css-property-prefixes))
; just fill with the last color if gradient not available
(define fallback-string (format "background: ~a" (last colors)))
; put fallback string at front of list
(join-css-strings (cons fallback-string gradient-strings)))
(module+ main
(display (make-css-background-gradient (list "hsl(216, 78%, 95%)" "hsl(0, 0%, 99%)")
(list "0%" "100%")
#:direction "to top right")))