add step-size arg to make-media-query

Matthew Butterick 10 years ago
parent e12b27be94
commit 584c58a512

@ -47,15 +47,17 @@
"outline-style: none")))
(define (make-media-query starting-size ending-size max-width interval)
(define (make-media-query starting-size ending-size max-width interval [step-size 1])
(string-join (cons (format "@media all {html {font-size: ~apx;}}" starting-size)
(for/list ([size (in-range starting-size (sub1 ending-size) -1)])
(for/list ([size (in-range starting-size (sub1 ending-size) (* -1 step-size))]
#:unless (< size ending-size))
(format "@media all and (max-width:~apx){html {font-size: ~apx;}}"
(- max-width (* interval (- starting-size size))) size))) "\n"))
(module+ main
(display (make-media-query 15 11 980 60)))
(displayln (make-media-query 15 11 980 60))
(displayln (make-media-query 15 11 980 60 .5)))
(define (make-css-ot-features feature-tags [feature-values 1])
; if single value provided, upconvert to list
@ -133,8 +135,3 @@
; put fallback string at front of list
(join-css-strings (cons fallback-string gradient-strings)))
(module+ main
(display (make-css-background-gradient (list "hsl(216, 78%, 95%)" "hsl(0, 0%, 99%)")
(list "0%" "100%")
#:direction "to top right")))