By default, every matched token shows up in the parse tree. But sometimes that means that the parse tree ends up holding a bunch of tokens that were only needed to complete the parsing. Once they've served their purpose, it's sometimes useful to filter them out (for instance, to simplify the implementation of a language expander). To help with this kind of housekeeping, @racket[brag] supports @emph{cuts} and @emph{splices}.
@ -1180,4 +1182,21 @@ In other words, this matches @emph{all} the @racket[re]s in order, whereas @rack
Like @racket[from/to], a string that is bounded by @racket[open] and @racket[close], except that @racket[close] is not included in the resulting lexeme. Matching is non-greedy (meaning, it stops at the first occurence of @racket[close]).}
@subsection{Differences with @tt{ragg}}
This package is a fork of @link[""]{@racket[ragg]}. The most salient additions: