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#lang debug at-exp racket/base
7 years ago
(require (for-syntax racket/base "parser.rkt"))
(require br-parser-tools/lex
(prefix-in : br-parser-tools/lex-sre)
(only-in brag/support from/to)
7 years ago
(provide lex/1 tokenize)
7 years ago
(module+ lex-abbrevs
(provide hide-char splice-char id-char letter digit NL id))
7 years ago
;; A newline can be any one of the following.
(define-lex-abbrev NL (:or "\r\n" "\r" "\n"))
;; reserved-chars = chars used for quantifiers & parse-tree filtering
6 years ago
(define-for-syntax quantifiers "+:*?{}") ; colon is reserved to separate rules and productions
7 years ago
(define-lex-trans reserved-chars
(λ(stx) #`(char-set #,(format "~a~a~a" quantifiers hide-char splice-char))))
(define-lex-trans hide-char-trans (λ(stx) #`(char-set #,(format "~a" hide-char))))
(define-lex-trans splice-char-trans (λ(stx) #`(char-set #,(format "~a" splice-char))))
[letter (:or (:/ "a" "z") (:/ #\A #\Z))]
[digit (:/ #\0 #\9)]
[id-char (:or letter digit (:& (char-set "+:*@!-.$%&/=?^_~<>") (char-complement (reserved-chars))))]
[hide-char (hide-char-trans)]
[splice-char (splice-char-trans)]
(define-lex-abbrev id (:& (complement (:+ digit)) (:+ id-char)))
(define-lex-abbrev id-separator (:or ":" "::="))
7 years ago
6 years ago
(define-lex-abbrev esc-chars (union "\\a" "\\b" "\\t" "\\n" "\\v" "\\f" "\\r" "\\e"))
(require syntax-color/racket-lexer)
(define (unescape-double-quoted-lexeme lexeme)
;; use `read` so brag strings have all the notational semantics of Racket strings
(list->string `(#\" ,@(string->list (read (open-input-string lexeme))) #\")))
(define (convert-to-double-quoted lexeme)
;; brag supports single-quoted strings, for some reason
;; (Racket does not. A single quote denotes a datum)
;; let's convert a single-quoted string into standard double-quoted style
;; so we can use Racket's `read` function on it.
;; and thereby support all the standard Racket string elements:
(define outside-quotes-removed (string-trim lexeme "'"))
(define single-quotes-unescaped (string-replace outside-quotes-removed "\\'" "'"))
(define double-quotes-escaped (string-replace single-quotes-unescaped "\"" "\\\""))
(define double-quotes-on-ends (string-append "\"" double-quotes-escaped "\""))
(define-lex-abbrev backslash "\\")
(define-lex-abbrev single-quote "'")
(define-lex-abbrev escaped-single-quote (:: backslash single-quote))
(define-lex-abbrev double-quote "\"")
(define-lex-abbrev escaped-double-quote (:: backslash double-quote))
(define-lex-abbrev escaped-backslash (:: backslash backslash))
7 years ago
(define lex/1
[(:: double-quote ;; start with double quote
(intersection ;; two conditions need to be true inside the quotes:
;; we can have anything except
;; a plain double-quote (which would close the quote)
;; plus we specially allow escaped double quotes and backslashes
(:* (:or escaped-double-quote escaped-backslash (:~ double-quote)))
;; we must forbid one situation with the string \\"
;; the problem is that it's ambiguous:
;; it can be lexed as (:: escaped-backlash double-quote) = \\ + "
;; or (:: backlash escaped-double-quote) = \ + \"
;; because escapes should be "left associative",
;; we forbid the second possibility
(complement (:: any-string backslash escaped-double-quote any-string)))
double-quote) ;; end with double quote
(token-LIT (unescape-double-quoted-lexeme lexeme))]
;; single-quoted string follows the same pattern,
;; but with escaped-single-quote instead of escaped-double-quote
[(:: single-quote
(:* (:or escaped-single-quote escaped-backslash (:~ single-quote)))
(complement (:: any-string backslash escaped-single-quote any-string)))
(token-LIT (unescape-double-quoted-lexeme (convert-to-double-quoted lexeme)))]
[(:or "()" "Ø" "") (token-EMPTY lexeme)]
7 years ago
(token-LPAREN lexeme)]
(token-LBRACKET lexeme)]
(token-RPAREN lexeme)]
(token-RBRACKET lexeme)]
(token-HIDE lexeme)]
(token-SPLICE lexeme)]
(token-PIPE lexeme)]
6 years ago
[(:or "+" "*" "?"
(:: "{" (:* digit) (:? (:: "," (:* digit))) "}"))
7 years ago
(token-REPEAT lexeme)]
;; Skip whitespace
7 years ago
(return-without-pos (lex/1 input-port))]
;; skip multiline comments
[(from/to "(*" "*)") (return-without-pos (lex/1 input-port))]
7 years ago
;; Skip comments up to end of line
7 years ago
[(:: (:or "#" ";")
7 years ago
(complement (:: (:* any-char) NL (:* any-char)))
(:or NL ""))
7 years ago
(return-without-pos (lex/1 input-port))]
;; skip commas (concatenation is implied)
["," (return-without-pos (lex/1 input-port))]
7 years ago
(token-EOF lexeme)]
[(:: id (:* whitespace) id-separator)
7 years ago
(token-RULE_HEAD lexeme)]
[(:: hide-char id (:* whitespace) id-separator)
7 years ago
(token-RULE_HEAD_HIDDEN lexeme)]
[(:: splice-char id (:* whitespace) id-separator)
7 years ago
(token-RULE_HEAD_SPLICED lexeme)]
(token-ID lexeme)]
;; We call the error handler for everything else:
[(:: any-char)
(let-values ([(rest-of-text end-pos-2)
(lex-nonwhitespace input-port)])
(string-append lexeme rest-of-text)
(position->pos start-pos)
(position->pos end-pos-2)))]))
;; This is the helper for the error production.
(define lex-nonwhitespace
[(:+ (char-complement whitespace))
(values lexeme end-pos)]
(values lexeme end-pos)]
(values "" end-pos)]))
;; position->pos: position -> pos
6 years ago
;; Converts position structures from br-parser-tools/lex to our own pos structures.
7 years ago
(define (position->pos a-pos)
(pos (position-offset a-pos)
(position-line a-pos)
(position-col a-pos)))
;; tokenize: input-port -> (-> token)
6 years ago
(define (tokenize ip #:source [source (object-name ip)])
(λ () (parameterize ([file-path source])
(lex/1 ip))))