further simplify literalization

Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent 6866c79327
commit 86b788a304

@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
[(_ id:id (pat:expr . result-exprs:expr) ... else-clause:else-clause)
(unless (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? #'(pat ...))
(raise-syntax-error (error-source #'id) "ellipsis in pattern can only appear after wildcard or subpattern" (syntax->datum stx)))
(with-syntax ([(PAT ...) (map literalize-pat (syntax->list #'(pat ...)))])
(with-syntax ([(PAT ...) (map (λ (x) (literalize-pat x #'~literal)) (syntax->list #'(pat ...)))])
#'(define-macro id
(λ (stx)
(define result

@ -1,23 +1,32 @@
#lang racket/base
(require "syntax-flatten.rkt" racket/list racket/match syntax/parse)
(provide ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? generate-literals generate-bound-and-unbound-literals literalize-pat)
(provide ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? literalize-pat)
(define (literal-identifier-datum? pat-datum)
(and (symbol? pat-datum)
(not (memq pat-datum '(... _))) ; isn't a reserved identifier
(let ([pat-str (symbol->string pat-datum)])
(define (literal-identifier? x)
(let ([x (if (syntax? x) (syntax-e x) x)])
(and (symbol? x)
(not (memq x '(... _))) ; isn't a reserved identifier
(let ([pat-str (symbol->string x)])
(or (not (regexp-match #rx"[A-Z]" pat-str)) ; either doesn't contain at least one uppercase letter ...
(not (equal? (string-upcase pat-str) pat-str)))))) ;... or doesn't contain all uppercase letters
(not (equal? (string-upcase pat-str) pat-str))))))) ;... or doesn't contain all uppercase letters
(define (literalize-pat pat)
[(syntax->list #'pat) => (λ (subpats) (datum->syntax pat (map literalize-pat subpats)))]
(define (wildcard-datum? x) (and (symbol? x) (not (literal-identifier? x))))
(define (literalize-pat pat [literalizer-id #'~literal])
;; take `literalizer-id` as explicit input from the calling site
;; because this is a macro helper
;; so hygiene is not enforced
(let loop ([pat pat])
(syntax-case pat ()
[(head . tail) (datum->syntax pat (cons (literalize-pat #'head) (literalize-pat #'tail)))]
[pat (and (identifier? #'pat) (literal-identifier-datum? (syntax->datum #'pat)))
#'(~literal pat)]
[pat #'pat])]))
[(HEAD . TAIL) (datum->syntax pat (cons (loop #'HEAD) (loop #'TAIL)))]
[MAYBE-LIT-ID (literal-identifier? #'MAYBE-LIT-ID)
(with-syntax ([literalizer-id literalizer-id]
[lit-id #'MAYBE-LIT-ID])
#'(literalizer-id lit-id))]
[ANY #'ANY])))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (syntax->datum (literalize-pat #'(hello WORLD))) '((~literal hello) WORLD))
@ -26,44 +35,6 @@
(check-equal? (syntax->datum (literalize-pat #'(hello (cruel WORLD)))) '((~literal hello) ((~literal cruel) WORLD)))
(check-equal? (syntax->datum (literalize-pat #'(hello (cruel . WORLD)))) '((~literal hello) ((~literal cruel) . WORLD))))
(define (wildcard? pat-datum)
(and (symbol? pat-datum)
(not (literal-identifier-datum? pat-datum))
(not (memq pat-datum '(... _)))))
;; generate literals for any symbols that are not ... or _ and not IN_CAPS
(define (generate-literals pats)
(for*/list ([pat-arg (in-list (syntax-flatten pats))]
[pat-datum (in-value (syntax->datum pat-arg))]
#:when (literal-identifier-datum? pat-datum))
(define (generate-bound-and-unbound-literals pats #:treat-as-bound [bound-id #f])
(when (and bound-id (not (identifier? bound-id)))
(raise-argument-error 'generate-bound-and-unbound-literals "identifier" bound-id))
(define literals (for/list ([literal (in-list (generate-literals pats))]
; the bound-id should not appear in any literal list
#:unless (and bound-id (bound-identifier=? literal bound-id)))
(define-values (bound-literals unbound-literals)
(partition (λ (i) (or (identifier-binding i)
(and bound-id (bound-identifier=? i bound-id)))) literals))
;; return as list of two lists so it's easy to match them in syntax pattern
;; `syntax-parse` crabs if there are any duplicate ids, so remove them
(map (λ (ids) (remove-duplicates ids bound-identifier=?)) (list bound-literals unbound-literals)))
(module+ test
(define b-id 42)
(match-let ([(list bs ubs) (generate-bound-and-unbound-literals #'(ub-id b-id FOO))])
(check-equal? (map syntax->datum bs) '(b-id))
(check-equal? (map syntax->datum ubs) '(ub-id)))
(match-let ([(list bs ubs) (generate-bound-and-unbound-literals #'(ub-id b-id FOO) #:treat-as-bound #'ub-id)])
(check-equal? (map syntax->datum bs) '(b-id))
(check-equal? (map syntax->datum ubs) '()))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (generate-bound-and-unbound-literals #'(ub-id b-id FOO) #:treat-as-bound 42))))
(define (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? pat)
(let loop ([datum (syntax->datum pat)])
@ -71,7 +42,7 @@
[(? null?) #t]
[(cons '... _) #f]
[(cons _ '...) #f]
[(list head '... tail ...) (and (or (wildcard? head) (pair? head))
[(list head '... tail ...) (and (or (wildcard-datum? head) (pair? head))
(loop head)
(loop tail))]
[(list head tail ...) (and (loop head) (loop tail))]
@ -81,14 +52,11 @@
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (map syntax->datum (generate-literals #'(foo 42 BAR _ (... ...) bar <=> 3Bar 3bar))) '(foo bar <=> 3Bar 3bar))
(test-case "wildcard-identifier?"
(check-true (wildcard? 'FOO))
(check-true (wildcard? 'TOPPING))
(check-false (wildcard? 'piZZa))
(check-false (wildcard? 'please)))
(check-true (wildcard-datum? 'FOO))
(check-true (wildcard-datum? 'TOPPING))
(check-false (wildcard-datum? 'piZZa))
(check-false (wildcard-datum? 'please)))
(test-case "all-...-follow-wildcards"
(check-true (ellipses-follow-wildcards-or-subpatterns? #'()))

@ -22,8 +22,36 @@
[suffix-id suffix-ids]
[infix-id infix-ids]))
(module+ test (require rackunit))
(define-macro-cases syntax-parse/easy
[(_ STX [PAT . BODY] ... [else . ELSEBODY])
(with-syntax ([(PAT ...) (map (λ (stx) (literalize-pat stx #'~literal)) (syntax->list #'(PAT ...)))])
#'(syntax-parse (syntax-case STX () [any #'any])
[PAT . BODY] ... [else . ELSEBODY]))])
(define-macro-cases pattern-case
[(_ EXPR ... [else . ELSEBODY]) #'(syntax-parse/easy EXPR ...
[else . ELSEBODY])]
#'(pattern-case STX-ARG
[else (raise-syntax-error 'pattern-case
(format "unable to match pattern for ~v" (syntax->datum STX-ARG)))])])
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
(define (pc stx)
(pattern-case stx
[(a 2ND c) #'2ND]
[(g) #'hooray]))
(check-equal? (syntax->datum (pc #'(a b c))) 'b)
(check-equal? (syntax->datum (pc #'(x y))) 'x)
(check-equal? (syntax->datum (pc #'(g))) 'hooray)
(check-exn exn:fail:syntax? (λ () (pc #'(f)))))
(define-macro (pattern-case-filter STX-ARG PAT+BODY ...)
#'(let* ([arg STX-ARG]
@ -37,33 +65,34 @@
(define-macro (syntax-parse/easy STX LITS . EXPS)
(with-syntax ([(BOUND-LITS UNBOUND-LITS) (generate-bound-and-unbound-literals #'LITS)])
#'(syntax-parse (syntax-case STX () [any #'any])
#:literals BOUND-LITS
#:datum-literals UNBOUND-LITS
. EXPS)))
(module+ test
(define (pcf x)
(pattern-case-filter x
[(1ST 2ND 3RD) #'2ND]
(check-equal? (map syntax-e (pcf #'((a b c) (x y) (f)))) '(b x)))
(define-macro-cases pattern-case
[PAT . BODY] ...
[else . ELSEBODY]) #'(syntax-parse/easy STX-ARG (PAT ...)
[PAT . BODY] ...
[else . ELSEBODY])]
#'(pattern-case STX-ARG
[else (raise-syntax-error 'pattern-case
(format "unable to match pattern for ~v" (syntax->datum STX-ARG)))])])
(define-macro-cases with-pattern
[(_ () . BODY) #'(begin . BODY)]
[(_ ([PAT0 STX0] PAT+STX ...) . BODY)
#'(syntax-parse/easy STX0 PAT0
#'(syntax-parse/easy STX0
[PAT0 (with-pattern (PAT+STX ...) (let () (void) . BODY))]
[else (raise-syntax-error 'with-pattern
(format "unable to match pattern ~a" 'PAT0) STX0)])])
(module+ test
(check-equal? (syntax->datum (with-pattern ([foo 'foo])
#'zzz)) 'zzz)
(check-exn exn:fail:syntax? (λ () (with-pattern ([42 'foo])
(check-exn exn:fail:syntax? (λ () (with-pattern ([bar 'foo])
(check-equal? (syntax->datum (with-pattern ([(foo BAR) '(foo 42)])
#'BAR)) 42)
(check-exn exn:fail:syntax? (λ () (with-pattern ([(foo BAR) '(zam 42)])
(define-macro (format-string FMT ID0 ID ...)
#'(datum->syntax ID0 (format FMT (syntax->datum ID0) (syntax->datum ID) ...)))
