@ -1,30 +1,24 @@
#lang br
(provide indenter)
(define open-braces #f)
(define indent-width 2)
;; todo: update indenter to work from an arbitrary line in the middle
;; not just top to bottom.
(define (indenter drr-editor start-pos)
(when (zero? start-pos) (set! open-braces 0))
(define first-pos-in-this-line
(define line-first-pos
(for*/first ([pos (in-naturals start-pos)]
[c (in-value (send drr-editor get-character pos))]
#:when (not (char-blank? c)))
(define last-pos-in-this-line
(send drr-editor find-newline 'forward first-pos-in-this-line))
(set! open-braces
(+ open-braces
(for/sum ([pos (in-range first-pos-in-this-line last-pos-in-this-line)])
(define line-last-pos
(send drr-editor find-newline 'forward line-first-pos))
(define open-braces
(for/sum ([pos (in-range 0 line-last-pos)])
(case (send drr-editor get-character pos)
[(#\{) 1]
[(#\}) -1]
[else 0]))))
[else 0])))
(define first-char
(send drr-editor get-character first-pos-in-this-line))
(send drr-editor get-character line-first-pos))
(and (positive? open-braces)
(* indent-width
(if (first-char . char=? . #\{)