@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ When I use ``datum'' in its specific Racket sense, I use ``datums'' as its plura
[datum-form (or/c list? symbol?)]
[datum-form datum?]
[val any/c?] ...)
[val any/c?] ...)
(or/c list? symbol?)]{
(or/c datum? void?)]{
Similar to @racket[format], but the template @racket[datum-form] is a datum, rather than a string, and the function returns a datum, rather than a string. Otherwise, the same formatting escapes can be used in the template (see @racket[fprintf]).
Similar to @racket[format], but the template @racket[datum-form] is a datum, rather than a string, and the function returns a datum, rather than a string. Otherwise, the same formatting escapes can be used in the template (see @racket[fprintf]).
Two special cases. First, a string that describes a list of datums is parenthesized so the result is a single datum. Second, an empty string returns @racket[void] (not @racket[#f], because that's a legitimate datum).
Two special cases. First, a string that describes a list of datums is parenthesized so the result is a single datum. Second, an empty string returns @racket[void] (not @racket[#f], because that's a legitimate datum).