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#lang racket
(require syntax/readerr)
9 years ago
(provide (rename-out [txtadv-read-syntax read-syntax]))
(define (txtadv-read-syntax src in)
(expect-section src in "VERBS")
(define verbs (in-section src in read-verb))
(expect-section src in "EVERYWHERE")
(define actions (in-section src in read-action))
(expect-section src in "THINGS")
(define things (in-section src in read-thing))
(expect-section src in "PLACES")
(define places (in-section src in read-place))
9 years ago
`(module world "txtadv.rkt"
(define-verbs all-verbs
(define-everywhere everywhere-actions
,(if (null? places)
(complain src in "no places defined")
(cadar places)))))
(define (complain src in msg)
(define-values (line col pos) (port-next-location in))
(raise-read-error msg src line col pos 1))
(define (skip-whitespace in)
(regexp-try-match #px"^\\s+" in))
(define (expect-section src in name)
(skip-whitespace in)
(unless (regexp-match-peek (pregexp (format "^===~a===\\s" name))
(complain src in (format "expected a ===~a=== section" name)))
(read-line in)
(read-line in))
(define (in-section src in reader)
(skip-whitespace in)
(if (or (regexp-match-peek #rx"^===" in)
(eof-object? (peek-byte in)))
(cons (reader src in)
(in-section src in reader))))
(define (in-defn src in reader)
(skip-whitespace in)
(if (or (regexp-match-peek #rx"^(===|---)" in)
(eof-object? (peek-byte in)))
(cons (reader src in)
(in-defn src in reader))))
(define (read-name src in)
(if (regexp-match-peek #px"^[A-Za-z-]+(?=:$|\\s|[],])" in)
(read-syntax src in)
(complain src in "expected a name")))
(define (read-name-sequence src in transitive)
(let loop ([names null] [transitive transitive])
(define s (read-name src in))
(define is-trans?
[(regexp-match-peek #rx"^ _" in)
(if (or (eq? transitive 'unknown)
(eq? transitive #t))
(read-char in)
(read-char in)
(read-char in)
(complain src in "unexpected underscore")))]
(if (eq? transitive #t)
(complain src in "inconsistent transitivity")
(if (regexp-match-peek #rx"^, " in)
(read-char in)
(read-char in)
(loop (cons s names) is-trans?))
(values (reverse (cons s names)) is-trans?))))
(define (read-verb src in)
(skip-whitespace in)
(define-values (names is-transitive?)
(read-name-sequence src in 'unknown))
(skip-whitespace in)
(define desc
(if (regexp-match-peek #rx"^\"" in)
(read-syntax src in)
(symbol->string (syntax-e (car names)))))
`[,(car names)
,@(if is-transitive? '(_) '())
(= ,@(cdr names))
(define (read-action src in)
(skip-whitespace in)
(define name (read-name src in))
(define expr (read-syntax src in))
`[,name ,expr])
(define (read-defn-name src in what)
(skip-whitespace in)
(unless (regexp-match-peek #px"^---[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9-]*---\\s"
(complain src in (format "expected a ~a definition of the form ---name---" what)))
(read-string 3 in)
(define-values (line col pos) (port-next-location in))
(define name-str (bytes->string/utf-8 (cadr (regexp-match #px"^(.*?)---\\s" in))))
(datum->syntax #f
(string->symbol name-str)
(vector src line col pos (string-length name-str))
(define orig-props (read-syntax 'src (open-input-string "orig")))
(define (read-thing src in)
(define name (read-defn-name src in "thing"))
(define actions (in-defn src in read-action))
`(define-thing ,name
(define (read-place src in)
(define name (read-defn-name src in "place"))
(skip-whitespace in)
(define desc (if (regexp-match-peek #rx"^\"" in)
(read-syntax src in)
(complain src in "expected description string")))
(skip-whitespace in)
(unless (regexp-match-peek #rx"^[[]" in)
(complain src in "expected a square bracket to start a list of things for a place"))
(read-char in)
(define-values (things _)
(if (regexp-match-peek #rx"^[]]" in)
(values null #f)
(read-name-sequence src in #f)))
(unless (regexp-match-peek #rx"^[]]" in)
(complain src in "expected a square bracket to end a list of things for a place"))
(read-char in)
(define actions (in-defn src in read-action))
`(define-place ,name ,desc ,things ,actions))