Matthew Butterick 8 years ago
parent 40afae1c8f
commit 69df1b4ac0

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
The "txtadv+world.rkt" is the initial implementation of the
text-adventure game in Racket. The file name foreshadows a split of
the program into two modules later.
The "Model" section of the code is described in the article. The "The
world" section is the verbose world description that we will improve
in the next step. Sections from "Game state" on implement the game
engine, and those parts will remain essentially unchanged as we
improve the language for describing worlds.

@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
#lang racket
;; ============================================================
;; Model:
;; Elements of the world:
(struct verb (aliases ; list of symbols
desc ; string
transitive?)) ; boolean
(struct thing (name ; symbol
[state #:mutable] ; any value
actions)) ; list of verb--thunk pairs
(struct place (desc ; string
[things #:mutable] ; list of things
actions)) ; list of verb--thunk pairs
;; Tables mapping names<->things for save and load
(define names (make-hash))
(define elements (make-hash))
(define (record-element! name val)
(hash-set! names name val)
(hash-set! elements val name))
(define (name->element name) (hash-ref names name #f))
(define (element->name obj) (hash-ref elements obj #f))
;; ============================================================
;; The world:
;; Verbs ----------------------------------------
;; Declare all the verbs that can be used in the game.
;; Each verb has a canonical name, a set of aliases,
;; a printed form, and a boolean indincating whether it
;; is transitive.
(define north (verb (list 'north 'n) "go north" #f))
(record-element! 'north north)
(define south (verb (list 'south 's) "go south" #f))
(record-element! 'south south)
(define east (verb (list 'east 'e) "go east" #f))
(record-element! 'east east)
(define west (verb (list 'west 'w) "go west" #f))
(record-element! 'west west)
(define up (verb (list 'up) "go up" #f))
(record-element! 'up up)
(define down (verb (list 'down) "go down" #f))
(record-element! 'down down)
(define in (verb (list 'in 'enter) "enter" #f))
(record-element! 'in in)
(define out (verb (list 'out 'leave) "leave" #f))
(record-element! 'out out)
(define get (verb (list 'get 'grab 'take) "take" #t))
(record-element! 'get get)
(define put (verb (list 'put 'drop 'leave) "drop" #t))
(record-element! 'put put)
(define open (verb (list 'open 'unlock) "open" #t))
(record-element! 'open open)
(define close (verb (list 'close 'lock) "close" #t))
(record-element! 'close close)
(define knock (verb (list 'knock) (symbol->string 'knock) #t))
(record-element! 'knock knock)
(define quit (verb (list 'quit 'exit) "quit" #f))
(record-element! 'quit quit)
(define look (verb (list 'look 'show) "look" #f))
(record-element! 'look look)
(define inventory (verb (list 'inventory) "check inventory" #f))
(record-element! 'inventory inventory)
(define help (verb (list 'help) (symbol->string 'help) #f))
(record-element! 'help help)
(define save (verb (list 'save) (symbol->string 'save) #f))
(record-element! 'save save)
(define load (verb (list 'load) (symbol->string 'load) #f))
(record-element! 'load load)
(define all-verbs
(list north south east west up down in out
get put open close knock quit
look inventory help save load))
;; Global actions ----------------------------------------
;; Handle verbs that work anywhere.
(define everywhere-actions
(cons quit (lambda () (begin (printf "Bye!\n") (exit))))
(cons look (lambda () (show-current-place)))
(cons inventory (lambda () (show-inventory)))
(cons save (lambda () (save-game)))
(cons load (lambda () (load-game)))
(cons help (lambda () (show-help)))))
;; Things ----------------------------------------
;; Each thing handles a set of transitive verbs.
(define cactus
(thing 'cactus
(list (cons get (lambda () "Ouch!")))))
(record-element! 'cactus cactus)
(define door
(thing 'door
(cons open
(lambda ()
(if (have-thing? key)
(set-thing-state! door 'open)
"The door is now unlocked and open.")
"The door is locked.")))
(cons close
(lambda ()
(set-thing-state! door #f)
"The door is now closed.")))
(cons knock
(lambda ()
"No one is home.")))))
(record-element! 'door door)
(define key
(thing 'key
(cons get
(lambda ()
(if (have-thing? key)
"You already have the key."
(take-thing! key)
"You now have the key."))))
(cons put
(lambda ()
(if (have-thing? key)
(drop-thing! key)
"You have dropped the key.")
"You don't have the key."))))))
(record-element! 'key key)
(define trophy
(thing 'trophy
(cons get
(lambda ()
(take-thing! trophy)
"You win!"))))))
(record-element! 'trophy trophy)
;; Places ----------------------------------------
;; Each place handles a set of non-transitive verbs.
(define meadow
"You're standing in a meadow. There is a house to the north."
(cons north
(lambda () house-front))
(cons south
(lambda () desert)))))
(record-element! 'meadow meadow)
(define house-front
"You are standing in front of a house."
(list door)
(cons in
(lambda ()
(if (eq? (thing-state door) 'open)
"The door is not open.")))
(cons south (lambda () meadow)))))
(record-element! 'house-front house-front)
(define desert
"You're in a desert. There is nothing for miles around."
(list cactus key)
(cons north (lambda () meadow))
(cons south (lambda () desert))
(cons east (lambda () desert))
(cons west (lambda () desert)))))
(record-element! 'desert desert)
(define room
"You're in the house."
(list trophy)
(list (cons out (lambda () house-front)))))
(record-element! 'room room)
;; ============================================================
;; Game state
;; Things carried by the player:
(define stuff null) ; list of things
;; Current location:
(define current-place meadow) ; place
;; Fuctions to be used by verb responses:
(define (have-thing? t)
(memq t stuff))
(define (take-thing! t)
(set-place-things! current-place (remq t (place-things current-place)))
(set! stuff (cons t stuff)))
(define (drop-thing! t)
(set-place-things! current-place (cons t (place-things current-place)))
(set! stuff (remq t stuff)))
;; ============================================================
;; Game execution
;; Show the player the current place, then get a command:
(define (do-place)
;; Show the current place:
(define (show-current-place)
(printf "~a\n" (place-desc current-place))
(for-each (lambda (thing)
(printf "There is a ~a here.\n" (thing-name thing)))
(place-things current-place)))
;; Get and handle a command:
(define (do-verb)
(printf "> ")
(let* ([line (read-line)]
[input (if (eof-object? line)
(let ([port (open-input-string line)])
(for/list ([v (in-port read port)]) v)))])
(if (and (list? input)
(andmap symbol? input)
(<= 1 (length input) 2))
(let ([cmd (car input)])
(let ([response
[(= 2 (length input))
(handle-transitive-verb cmd (cadr input))]
[(= 1 (length input))
(handle-intransitive-verb cmd)])])
(let ([result (response)])
[(place? result)
(set! current-place result)
[(string? result)
(printf "~a\n" result)
[else (do-verb)]))))
(printf "I don't undertand what you mean.\n")
;; Handle an intransitive-verb command:
(define (handle-intransitive-verb cmd)
(find-verb cmd (place-actions current-place))
(find-verb cmd everywhere-actions)
cmd all-verbs
(lambda (verb)
(lambda ()
(if (verb-transitive? verb)
(format "~a what?" (string-titlecase (verb-desc verb)))
(format "Can't ~a here." (verb-desc verb))))))
(lambda ()
(format "I don't know how to ~a." cmd))))
;; Handle a transitive-verb command:
(define (handle-transitive-verb cmd obj)
(or (using-verb
cmd all-verbs
(lambda (verb)
(verb-transitive? verb)
[(ormap (lambda (thing)
(and (eq? (thing-name thing) obj)
(append (place-things current-place)
=> (lambda (thing)
(or (find-verb cmd (thing-actions thing))
(lambda ()
(format "Don't know how to ~a ~a."
(verb-desc verb) obj))))]
(lambda ()
(format "There's no ~a here to ~a." obj
(verb-desc verb)))]))))
(lambda ()
(format "I don't know how to ~a ~a." cmd obj))))
;; Show what the player is carrying:
(define (show-inventory)
(printf "You have")
(if (null? stuff)
(printf " no items.")
(for-each (lambda (thing)
(printf "\n a ~a" (thing-name thing)))
(printf "\n"))
;; Look for a command match in a list of verb--response pairs,
;; and returns the response thunk if a match is found:
(define (find-verb cmd actions)
(ormap (lambda (a)
(and (memq cmd (verb-aliases (car a)))
(cdr a)))
;; Looks for a command in a list of verbs, and
;; applies `suucess-k' to the verb if one is found:
(define (using-verb cmd verbs success-k)
(ormap (lambda (vrb)
(and (memq cmd (verb-aliases vrb))
(success-k vrb)))
;; Print help information:
(define (show-help)
(printf "Use `look' to look around.\n")
(printf "Use `inventory' to see what you have.\n")
(printf "Use `save' or `load' to save or restore your game.\n")
(printf "There are some other verbs, and you can name a thing after some verbs.\n"))
;; ============================================================
;; Save and load
;; Prompt the user for a filename and apply `proc' to it,
;; catching errors to report a reasonably nice message:
(define (with-filename proc)
(printf "File name: ")
(let ([v (read-line)])
(unless (eof-object? v)
(with-handlers ([exn? (lambda (exn)
(printf "~a\n" (exn-message exn)))])
(unless (path-string? v)
(raise-user-error "bad filename"))
(proc v)))))
;; Save the current game state:
(define (save-game)
(lambda (v)
(with-output-to-file v
(lambda ()
(map element->name stuff)
(element->name current-place)
(hash-map names
(lambda (k v)
(cons k
[(place? v) (map element->name (place-things v))]
[(thing? v) (thing-state v)]
[else #f])))))))))))
;; Restore a game state:
(define (load-game)
(lambda (v)
(let ([v (with-input-from-file v read)])
(set! stuff (map name->element (car v)))
(set! current-place (name->element (cadr v)))
(lambda (p)
(let ([v (name->element (car p))]
[state (cdr p)])
[(place? v) (set-place-things! v (map name->element state))]
[(thing? v) (set-thing-state! v state)])))
(caddr v))))))
;; ============================================================
;; Go!

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
The difference in "txtadv+world.rkt" compared to the previous version
is a new "Macros for constructing and registering elements" section
and a revised "The world" section.

@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
#lang racket
;; ============================================================
;; Model:
;; Elements of the world:
(struct verb (aliases ; list of symbols
desc ; string
transitive?)) ; boolean
(struct thing (name ; symbol
[state #:mutable] ; any value
actions)) ; list of verb--thunk pairs
(struct place (desc ; string
[things #:mutable] ; list of things
actions)) ; list of verb--thunk pairs
;; Tables mapping names<->things for save and load
(define names (make-hash))
(define elements (make-hash))
(define (record-element! name val)
(hash-set! names name val)
(hash-set! elements val name))
(define (name->element name) (hash-ref names name #f))
(define (element->name obj) (hash-ref elements obj #f))
;; ============================================================
;; Macros for constructing and registering elements:
(define-syntax-rule (define-verbs all-id
[id spec ...] ...)
(define-one-verb id spec ...) ...
(record-element! 'id id) ...
(define all-id (list id ...))))
(define-syntax define-one-verb
(syntax-rules (= _)
[(define-one-verb id (= alias ...) desc)
(define id (verb (list 'id 'alias ...) desc #f))]
[(define-one-verb id _ (= alias ...) desc)
(define id (verb (list 'id 'alias ...) desc #t))]
[(define-one-verb id)
(define id (verb (list 'id) (symbol->string 'id) #f))]
[(define-one-verb id _)
(define id (verb (list 'id) (symbol->string 'id) #t))]))
(define-syntax-rule (define-thing id
[vrb expr] ...)
(define id
(thing 'id #f (list (cons vrb (lambda () expr)) ...)))
(record-element! 'id id)))
(define-syntax-rule (define-place id
(thng ...)
([vrb expr] ...))
(define id (place desc
(list thng ...)
(list (cons vrb (lambda () expr)) ...)))
(record-element! 'id id)))
(define-syntax-rule (define-everywhere id ([vrb expr] ...))
(define id (list (cons vrb (lambda () expr)) ...)))
;; ============================================================
;; The world:
;; Verbs ----------------------------------------
;; Declare all the verbs that can be used in the game.
;; Each verb has a canonical name, a `_' if it needs
;; a thing (i.e., a transitive verb), a set of aliases,
;; and a printed form.
(define-verbs all-verbs
[north (= n) "go north"]
[south (= s) "go south"]
[east (= e) "go east"]
[west (= w) "go west"]
[up (=) "go up"]
[down (=) "go down"]
[in (= enter) "enter"]
[out (= leave) "leave"]
[get _ (= grab take) "take"]
[put _ (= drop leave) "drop"]
[open _ (= unlock) "open"]
[close _ (= lock) "close"]
[knock _]
[quit (= exit) "quit"]
[look (= show) "look"]
[inventory (=) "check inventory"]
;; Global actions ----------------------------------------
;; Handle verbs that work anywhere.
(define-everywhere everywhere-actions
([quit (begin (printf "Bye!\n") (exit))]
[look (show-current-place)]
[inventory (show-inventory)]
[save (save-game)]
[load (load-game)]
[help (show-help)]))
;; Things ----------------------------------------
;; Each thing handles a set of transitive verbs.
(define-thing cactus
[get "Ouch!"])
(define-thing door
[open (if (have-thing? key)
(set-thing-state! door 'open)
"The door is now unlocked and open.")
"The door is locked.")]
[close (begin
(set-thing-state! door #f)
"The door is now closed.")]
[knock "No one is home."])
(define-thing key
[get (if (have-thing? key)
"You already have the key."
(take-thing! key)
"You now have the key."))]
[put (if (have-thing? key)
(drop-thing! key)
"You have dropped the key.")
"You don't have the key.")])
(define-thing trophy
[get (begin
(take-thing! trophy)
"You win!")])
;; Places ----------------------------------------
;; Each place handles a set of non-transitive verbs.
(define-place meadow
"You're standing in a meadow. There is a house to the north."
([north house-front]
[south desert]))
(define-place house-front
"You are standing in front of a house."
([in (if (eq? (thing-state door) 'open)
"The door is not open.")]
[south meadow]))
(define-place desert
"You're in a desert. There is nothing for miles around."
[cactus key]
([north meadow]
[south desert]
[east desert]
[west desert]))
(define-place room
"You're in the house."
([out house-front]))
;; ============================================================
;; Game state
;; Things carried by the player:
(define stuff null) ; list of things
;; Current location:
(define current-place meadow) ; place
;; Fuctions to be used by verb responses:
(define (have-thing? t)
(memq t stuff))
(define (take-thing! t)
(set-place-things! current-place (remq t (place-things current-place)))
(set! stuff (cons t stuff)))
(define (drop-thing! t)
(set-place-things! current-place (cons t (place-things current-place)))
(set! stuff (remq t stuff)))
;; ============================================================
;; Game execution
;; Show the player the current place, then get a command:
(define (do-place)
;; Show the current place:
(define (show-current-place)
(printf "~a\n" (place-desc current-place))
(for-each (lambda (thing)
(printf "There is a ~a here.\n" (thing-name thing)))
(place-things current-place)))
;; Get and handle a command:
(define (do-verb)
(printf "> ")
(let* ([line (read-line)]
[input (if (eof-object? line)
(let ([port (open-input-string line)])
(for/list ([v (in-port read port)]) v)))])
(if (and (list? input)
(andmap symbol? input)
(<= 1 (length input) 2))
(let ([cmd (car input)])
(let ([response
[(= 2 (length input))
(handle-transitive-verb cmd (cadr input))]
[(= 1 (length input))
(handle-intransitive-verb cmd)])])
(let ([result (response)])
[(place? result)
(set! current-place result)
[(string? result)
(printf "~a\n" result)
[else (do-verb)]))))
(printf "I don't undertand what you mean.\n")
;; Handle an intransitive-verb command:
(define (handle-intransitive-verb cmd)
(find-verb cmd (place-actions current-place))
(find-verb cmd everywhere-actions)
cmd all-verbs
(lambda (verb)
(lambda ()
(if (verb-transitive? verb)
(format "~a what?" (string-titlecase (verb-desc verb)))
(format "Can't ~a here." (verb-desc verb))))))
(lambda ()
(format "I don't know how to ~a." cmd))))
;; Handle a transitive-verb command:
(define (handle-transitive-verb cmd obj)
(or (using-verb
cmd all-verbs
(lambda (verb)
(verb-transitive? verb)
[(ormap (lambda (thing)
(and (eq? (thing-name thing) obj)
(append (place-things current-place)
=> (lambda (thing)
(or (find-verb cmd (thing-actions thing))
(lambda ()
(format "Don't know how to ~a ~a."
(verb-desc verb) obj))))]
(lambda ()
(format "There's no ~a here to ~a." obj
(verb-desc verb)))]))))
(lambda ()
(format "I don't know how to ~a ~a." cmd obj))))
;; Show what the player is carrying:
(define (show-inventory)
(printf "You have")
(if (null? stuff)
(printf " no items.")
(for-each (lambda (thing)
(printf "\n a ~a" (thing-name thing)))
(printf "\n"))
;; Look for a command match in a list of verb--response pairs,
;; and returns the response thunk if a match is found:
(define (find-verb cmd actions)
(ormap (lambda (a)
(and (memq cmd (verb-aliases (car a)))
(cdr a)))
;; Looks for a command in a list of verbs, and
;; applies `suucess-k' to the verb if one is found:
(define (using-verb cmd verbs success-k)
(ormap (lambda (vrb)
(and (memq cmd (verb-aliases vrb))
(success-k vrb)))
;; Print help information:
(define (show-help)
(printf "Use `look' to look around.\n")
(printf "Use `inventory' to see what you have.\n")
(printf "Use `save' or `load' to save or restore your game.\n")
(printf "There are some other verbs, and you can name a thing after some verbs.\n"))
;; ============================================================
;; Save and load
;; Prompt the user for a filename and apply `proc' to it,
;; catching errors to report a reasonably nice message:
(define (with-filename proc)
(printf "File name: ")
(let ([v (read-line)])
(unless (eof-object? v)
(with-handlers ([exn? (lambda (exn)
(printf "~a\n" (exn-message exn)))])
(unless (path-string? v)
(raise-user-error "bad filename"))
(proc v)))))
;; Save the current game state:
(define (save-game)
(lambda (v)
(with-output-to-file v
(lambda ()
(map element->name stuff)
(element->name current-place)
(hash-map names
(lambda (k v)
(cons k
[(place? v) (map element->name (place-things v))]
[(thing? v) (thing-state v)]
[else #f])))))))))))
;; Restore a game state:
(define (load-game)
(lambda (v)
(let ([v (with-input-from-file v read)])
(set! stuff (map name->element (car v)))
(set! current-place (name->element (cadr v)))
(lambda (p)
(let ([v (name->element (car p))]
[state (cdr p)])
[(place? v) (set-place-things! v (map name->element state))]
[(thing? v) (set-thing-state! v state)])))
(caddr v))))))
;; ============================================================
;; Go!

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
The old "txtadv+world.rkt" module is now split into two parts:
"txtadv.rkt" and "world.rkt". Aside from the split and necessary
`provide' and `require' declarations, the only change to engine and
world descriptions is the `start-game' call at the end of "world.rkt",
which passes to the game engine all of the declarations that it
formerly used directly.
To play the game, run the "world.rkt" module.

@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
#lang racket
(provide define-verbs
;; ============================================================
;; Model:
;; Elements of the world:
(struct verb (aliases ; list of symbols
desc ; string
transitive?)) ; boolean
(struct thing (name ; symbol
[state #:mutable] ; any value
actions)) ; list of verb--thunk pairs
(struct place (desc ; string
[things #:mutable] ; list of things
actions)) ; list of verb--thunk pairs
;; Tables mapping names<->things for save and load
(define names (make-hash))
(define elements (make-hash))
(define (record-element! name val)
(hash-set! names name val)
(hash-set! elements val name))
(define (name->element name) (hash-ref names name #f))
(define (element->name obj) (hash-ref elements obj #f))
;; ============================================================
;; Macros for constructing and registering elements:
(define-syntax-rule (define-verbs all-id
[id spec ...] ...)
(define-one-verb id spec ...) ...
(record-element! 'id id) ...
(define all-id (list id ...))))
(define-syntax define-one-verb
(syntax-rules (= _)
[(define-one-verb id (= alias ...) desc)
(define id (verb (list 'id 'alias ...) desc #f))]
[(define-one-verb id _ (= alias ...) desc)
(define id (verb (list 'id 'alias ...) desc #t))]
[(define-one-verb id)
(define id (verb (list 'id) (symbol->string 'id) #f))]
[(define-one-verb id _)
(define id (verb (list 'id) (symbol->string 'id) #t))]))
(define-syntax-rule (define-thing id
[vrb expr] ...)
(define id
(thing 'id #f (list (cons vrb (lambda () expr)) ...)))
(record-element! 'id id)))
(define-syntax-rule (define-place id
(thng ...)
([vrb expr] ...))
(define id (place desc
(list thng ...)
(list (cons vrb (lambda () expr)) ...)))
(record-element! 'id id)))
(define-syntax-rule (define-everywhere id ([vrb expr] ...))
(define id (list (cons vrb (lambda () expr)) ...)))
;; ============================================================
;; Game state
;; Initialized on startup:
(define all-verbs null) ; list of verbs
(define everywhere-actions null) ; list of verb--thunk pairs
;; Things carried by the player:
(define stuff null) ; list of things
;; Current location:
(define current-place #f) ; place (or #f until started)
;; Fuctions to be used by verb responses:
(define (have-thing? t)
(memq t stuff))
(define (take-thing! t)
(set-place-things! current-place (remq t (place-things current-place)))
(set! stuff (cons t stuff)))
(define (drop-thing! t)
(set-place-things! current-place (cons t (place-things current-place)))
(set! stuff (remq t stuff)))
;; ============================================================
;; Game execution
;; Show the player the current place, then get a command:
(define (do-place)
;; Show the current place:
(define (show-current-place)
(printf "~a\n" (place-desc current-place))
(for-each (lambda (thing)
(printf "There is a ~a here.\n" (thing-name thing)))
(place-things current-place)))
;; Get and handle a command:
(define (do-verb)
(printf "> ")
(let* ([line (read-line)]
[input (if (eof-object? line)
(let ([port (open-input-string line)])
(for/list ([v (in-port read port)]) v)))])
(if (and (list? input)
(andmap symbol? input)
(<= 1 (length input) 2))
(let ([vrb (car input)])
(let ([response
[(= 2 (length input))
(handle-transitive-verb vrb (cadr input))]
[(= 1 (length input))
(handle-intransitive-verb vrb)])])
(let ([result (response)])
[(place? result)
(set! current-place result)
[(string? result)
(printf "~a\n" result)
[else (do-verb)]))))
(printf "I don't undertand what you mean.\n")
;; Handle an intransitive-verb command:
(define (handle-intransitive-verb vrb)
(find-verb vrb (place-actions current-place))
(find-verb vrb everywhere-actions)
vrb all-verbs
(lambda (verb)
(lambda ()
(if (verb-transitive? verb)
(format "~a what?" (string-titlecase (verb-desc verb)))
(format "Can't ~a here." (verb-desc verb))))))
(lambda ()
(format "I don't know how to ~a." vrb))))
;; Handle a transitive-verb command:
(define (handle-transitive-verb vrb obj)
(or (using-verb
vrb all-verbs
(lambda (verb)
(verb-transitive? verb)
[(ormap (lambda (thing)
(and (eq? (thing-name thing) obj)
(append (place-things current-place)
=> (lambda (thing)
(or (find-verb vrb (thing-actions thing))
(lambda ()
(format "Don't know how to ~a ~a."
(verb-desc verb) obj))))]
(lambda ()
(format "There's no ~a here to ~a." obj
(verb-desc verb)))]))))
(lambda ()
(format "I don't know how to ~a ~a." vrb obj))))
;; Show what the player is carrying:
(define (show-inventory)
(printf "You have")
(if (null? stuff)
(printf " no items.")
(for-each (lambda (thing)
(printf "\n a ~a" (thing-name thing)))
(printf "\n"))
;; Look for a command match in a list of verb--response pairs,
;; and returns the response thunk if a match is found:
(define (find-verb cmd actions)
(ormap (lambda (a)
(and (memq cmd (verb-aliases (car a)))
(cdr a)))
;; Looks for a command in a list of verbs, and
;; applies `suucess-k' to the verb if one is found:
(define (using-verb cmd verbs success-k)
(ormap (lambda (vrb)
(and (memq cmd (verb-aliases vrb))
(success-k vrb)))
;; Print help information:
(define (show-help)
(printf "Use `look' to look around.\n")
(printf "Use `inventory' to see what you have.\n")
(printf "Use `save' or `load' to save or restore your game.\n")
(printf "There are some other verbs, and you can name a thing after some verbs.\n"))
;; ============================================================
;; Save and load
;; Prompt the user for a filename and apply `proc' to it,
;; catching errors to report a reasonably nice message:
(define (with-filename proc)
(printf "File name: ")
(let ([v (read-line)])
(unless (eof-object? v)
(with-handlers ([exn? (lambda (exn)
(printf "~a\n" (exn-message exn)))])
(unless (path-string? v)
(raise-user-error "bad filename"))
(proc v)))))
;; Save the current game state:
(define (save-game)
(lambda (v)
(with-output-to-file v
(lambda ()
(map element->name stuff)
(element->name current-place)
(hash-map names
(lambda (k v)
(cons k
[(place? v) (map element->name (place-things v))]
[(thing? v) (thing-state v)]
[else #f])))))))))))
;; Restore a game state:
(define (load-game)
(lambda (v)
(let ([v (with-input-from-file v read)])
(set! stuff (map name->element (car v)))
(set! current-place (name->element (cadr v)))
(lambda (p)
(let ([v (name->element (car p))]
[state (cdr p)])
[(place? v) (set-place-things! v (map name->element state))]
[(thing? v) (set-thing-state! v state)])))
(caddr v))))))
;; ============================================================
;; To go:
(define (start-game in-place
(set! current-place in-place)
(set! all-verbs in-all-verbs)
(set! everywhere-actions in-everywhere-actions)

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
#lang racket
(require "txtadv.rkt")
;; Verbs ----------------------------------------
;; Declare all the verbs that can be used in the game.
;; Each verb has a canonical name, a `_' if it needs
;; an object (i.e., a transitive verb), a set of aliases,
;; and a printed form.
(define-verbs all-verbs
[north (= n) "go north"]
[south (= s) "go south"]
[east (= e) "go east"]
[west (= w) "go west"]
[up (=) "go up"]
[down (=) "go down"]
[in (= enter) "enter"]
[out (= leave) "leave"]
[get _ (= grab take) "take"]
[put _ (= drop leave) "drop"]
[open _ (= unlock) "open"]
[close _ (= lock) "close"]
[knock _]
[quit (= exit) "quit"]
[look (= show) "look"]
[inventory (=) "check inventory"]
;; Global actions ----------------------------------------
;; Handle verbs that work anywhere.
(define-everywhere everywhere-actions
([quit (begin (printf "Bye!\n") (exit))]
[look (show-current-place)]
[inventory (show-inventory)]
[save (save-game)]
[load (load-game)]
[help (show-help)]))
;; Objects ----------------------------------------
;; Each object handles a set of transitive verbs.
(define-thing cactus
[get "Ouch!"])
(define-thing door
[open (if (have-thing? key)
(set-thing-state! door 'open)
"The door is now unlocked and open.")
"The door is locked.")]
[close (begin
(set-thing-state! door #f)
"The door is now closed.")]
[knock "No one is home."])
(define-thing key
[get (if (have-thing? key)
"You already have the key."
(take-thing! key)
"You now have the key."))]
[put (if (have-thing? key)
(drop-thing! key)
"You have dropped the key.")
"You don't have the key.")])
(define-thing trophy
[get (begin
(take-thing! trophy)
"You win!")])
;; Places ----------------------------------------
;; Each place handles a set of non-transitive verbs.
(define-place meadow
"You're standing in a meadow. There is a house to the north."
([north house-front]
[south desert]))
(define-place house-front
"You are standing in front of a house."
([in (if (eq? (thing-state door) 'open)
"The door is not open.")]
[south meadow]))
(define-place desert
"You're in a desert. There is nothing for miles around."
[cactus key]
([north meadow]
[south desert]
[east desert]
[west desert]))
(define-place room
"You're in the house."
([out house-front]))
;; Go! ---------------------------------------------------
(start-game meadow

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
The starting line of "world.rkt" has changed, and the ending call to
`start-game' has been replaced by just the starting place name. The
content of "world.rkt" is also constrained to have a `define-verbs'
form followed by a `define-everywhere' form, but the previous version
fit that constraint anyway.
The "txtadv.rkt" module changed only in defining `module-begin' and
exporting it as a replacement `#%module-begin'.

@ -308,4 +308,4 @@
(set! current-place in-place)
(set! all-verbs in-all-verbs)
(set! everywhere-actions in-everywhere-actions)

@ -100,4 +100,4 @@
;; Starting place ----------------------------------
;; The module must end with the starting place name:

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
The "world.rkt" module is unchanged. The "txtadv.rkt" module has a new
"Simple type layer" section with compile time code, which is now used
in the macros if the "Macros for constructing and registering
elements" section.

@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
#lang racket
(provide define-verbs
(except-out (all-from-out racket) #%module-begin)
(rename-out [module-begin #%module-begin]))
;; ============================================================
;; Overall module:
(define-syntax module-begin
(syntax-rules (define-verbs define-everywhere)
[(_ (define-verbs all-verbs cmd ...)
(define-everywhere everywhere-actions act ...)
decl ...
(define-verbs all-verbs cmd ...)
(define-everywhere everywhere-actions act ...)
decl ...
(start-game (check-type id "place")
;; ============================================================
;; Model:
;; Elements of the world:
(struct verb (aliases ; list of symbols
desc ; string
transitive?)) ; boolean
(struct thing (name ; symbol
[state #:mutable] ; any value
actions)) ; list of verb--thunk pairs
(struct place (desc ; string
[things #:mutable] ; list of things
actions)) ; list of verb--thunk pairs
;; Tables mapping names<->things for save and load
(define names (make-hash))
(define elements (make-hash))
(define (record-element! name val)
(hash-set! names name val)
(hash-set! elements val name))
(define (name->element name) (hash-ref names name #f))
(define (element->name obj) (hash-ref elements obj #f))
;; ============================================================
;; Simple type layer:
(struct typed (id type)
#:property prop:procedure (lambda (self stx) (typed-id self))
(define-syntax (check-type stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(check-type id type)
(let ([v (and (identifier? #'id)
(syntax-local-value #'id (lambda () #f)))])
(unless (and (typed? v)
(equal? (syntax-e #'type) (typed-type v)))
(format "not defined as ~a" (syntax-e #'type))
;; ============================================================
;; Macros for constructing and registering elements:
(define-syntax-rule (define-verbs all-id
[id spec ...] ...)
(define-one-verb id spec ...) ...
(record-element! 'id id) ...
(define all-id (list id ...))))
(define-syntax define-one-verb
(syntax-rules (= _)
[(define-one-verb id (= alias ...) desc)
(define gen-id (verb (list 'id 'alias ...) desc #f))
(define-syntax id (typed #'gen-id "intransitive verb")))]
[(define-one-verb id _ (= alias ...) desc)
(define gen-id (verb (list 'id 'alias ...) desc #t))
(define-syntax id (typed #'gen-id "transitive verb")))]
[(define-one-verb id)
(define-one-verb id (=) (symbol->string 'id))]
[(define-one-verb id _)
(define-one-verb id _ (=) (symbol->string 'id))]))
(define-syntax-rule (define-thing id
[vrb expr] ...)
(define gen-id
(thing 'id #f (list (cons (check-type vrb "transitive verb")
(lambda () expr)) ...)))
(define-syntax id (typed #'gen-id "thing"))
(record-element! 'id id)))
(define-syntax-rule (define-place id
(thng ...)
([vrb expr] ...))
(define gen-id
(place desc
(list (check-type thng "thing") ...)
(list (cons (check-type vrb "intransitive verb")
(lambda () expr))
(define-syntax id (typed #'gen-id "place"))
(record-element! 'id id)))
(define-syntax-rule (define-everywhere id ([vrb expr] ...))
(define id (list (cons (check-type vrb "intransitive verb")
(lambda () expr))
;; ============================================================
;; Game state
;; Initialized on startup:
(define all-verbs null) ; list of verbs
(define everywhere-actions null) ; list of verb--thunk pairs
;; Things carried by the player:
(define stuff null) ; list of things
;; Current location:
(define current-place #f) ; place (or #f until started)
;; Fuctions to be used by verb responses:
(define (have-thing? t)
(memq t stuff))
(define (take-thing! t)
(set-place-things! current-place (remq t (place-things current-place)))
(set! stuff (cons t stuff)))
(define (drop-thing! t)
(set-place-things! current-place (cons t (place-things current-place)))
(set! stuff (remq t stuff)))
;; ============================================================
;; Game execution
;; Show the player the current place, then get a command:
(define (do-place)
;; Show the current place:
(define (show-current-place)
(printf "~a\n" (place-desc current-place))
(for-each (lambda (thing)
(printf "There is a ~a here.\n" (thing-name thing)))
(place-things current-place)))
;; Get and handle a command:
(define (do-verb)
(printf "> ")
(let* ([line (read-line)]
[input (if (eof-object? line)
(let ([port (open-input-string line)])
(for/list ([v (in-port read port)]) v)))])
(if (and (list? input)
(andmap symbol? input)
(<= 1 (length input) 2))
(let ([vrb (car input)])
(let ([response
[(= 2 (length input))
(handle-transitive-verb vrb (cadr input))]
[(= 1 (length input))
(handle-intransitive-verb vrb)])])
(let ([result (response)])
[(place? result)
(set! current-place result)
[(string? result)
(printf "~a\n" result)
[else (do-verb)]))))
(printf "I don't undertand what you mean.\n")
;; Handle an intransitive-verb command:
(define (handle-intransitive-verb vrb)
(find-verb vrb (place-actions current-place))
(find-verb vrb everywhere-actions)
vrb all-verbs
(lambda (verb)
(lambda ()
(if (verb-transitive? verb)
(format "~a what?" (string-titlecase (verb-desc verb)))
(format "Can't ~a here." (verb-desc verb))))))
(lambda ()
(format "I don't know how to ~a." vrb))))
;; Handle a transitive-verb command:
(define (handle-transitive-verb vrb obj)
(or (using-verb
vrb all-verbs
(lambda (verb)
(verb-transitive? verb)
[(ormap (lambda (thing)
(and (eq? (thing-name thing) obj)
(append (place-things current-place)
=> (lambda (thing)
(or (find-verb vrb (thing-actions thing))
(lambda ()
(format "Don't know how to ~a ~a."
(verb-desc verb) obj))))]
(lambda ()
(format "There's no ~a here to ~a." obj
(verb-desc verb)))]))))
(lambda ()
(format "I don't know how to ~a ~a." vrb obj))))
;; Show what the player is carrying:
(define (show-inventory)
(printf "You have")
(if (null? stuff)
(printf " no items.")
(for-each (lambda (thing)
(printf "\n a ~a" (thing-name thing)))
(printf "\n"))
;; Look for a command match in a list of verb--response pairs,
;; and returns the response thunk if a match is found:
(define (find-verb cmd actions)
(ormap (lambda (a)
(and (memq cmd (verb-aliases (car a)))
(cdr a)))
;; Looks for a command in a list of verbs, and
;; applies `suucess-k' to the verb if one is found:
(define (using-verb cmd verbs success-k)
(ormap (lambda (vrb)
(and (memq cmd (verb-aliases vrb))
(success-k vrb)))
;; Print help information:
(define (show-help)
(printf "Use `look' to look around.\n")
(printf "Use `inventory' to see what you have.\n")
(printf "Use `save' or `load' to save or restore your game.\n")
(printf "There are some other verbs, and you can name a thing after some verbs.\n"))
;; ============================================================
;; Save and load
;; Prompt the user for a filename and apply `proc' to it,
;; catching errors to report a reasonably nice message:
(define (with-filename proc)
(printf "File name: ")
(let ([v (read-line)])
(unless (eof-object? v)
(with-handlers ([exn? (lambda (exn)
(printf "~a\n" (exn-message exn)))])
(unless (path-string? v)
(raise-user-error "bad filename"))
(proc v)))))
;; Save the current game state:
(define (save-game)
(lambda (v)
(with-output-to-file v
(lambda ()
(map element->name stuff)
(element->name current-place)
(hash-map names
(lambda (k v)
(cons k
[(place? v) (map element->name (place-things v))]
[(thing? v) (thing-state v)]
[else #f])))))))))))
;; Restore a game state:
(define (load-game)
(lambda (v)
(let ([v (with-input-from-file v read)])
(set! stuff (map name->element (car v)))
(set! current-place (name->element (cadr v)))
(lambda (p)
(let ([v (name->element (car p))]
[state (cdr p)])
[(place? v) (set-place-things! v (map name->element state))]
[(thing? v) (set-thing-state! v state)])))
(caddr v))))))
;; ============================================================
;; To go:
(define (start-game in-place
(set! current-place in-place)
(set! all-verbs in-all-verbs)
(set! everywhere-actions in-everywhere-actions)

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
#lang s-exp "txtadv.rkt"
;; Verbs ----------------------------------------
;; This declaration must be first:
(define-verbs all-verbs
[north (= n) "go north"]
[south (= s) "go south"]
[east (= e) "go east"]
[west (= w) "go west"]
[up (=) "go up"]
[down (=) "go down"]
[in (= enter) "enter"]
[out (= leave) "leave"]
[get _ (= grab take) "take"]
[put _ (= drop leave) "drop"]
[open _ (= unlock) "open"]
[close _ (= lock) "close"]
[knock _]
[quit (= exit) "quit"]
[look (= show) "look"]
[inventory (=) "check inventory"]
;; Global actions ----------------------------------------
;; This declaration must be second:
(define-everywhere everywhere-actions
([quit (begin (printf "Bye!\n") (exit))]
[look (show-current-place)]
[inventory (show-inventory)]
[save (save-game)]
[load (load-game)]
[help (show-help)]))
;; Objects ----------------------------------------
(define-thing cactus
[get "Ouch!"])
(define-thing door
[open (if (have-thing? key)
(set-thing-state! door 'open)
"The door is now unlocked and open.")
"The door is locked.")]
[close (begin
(set-thing-state! door #f)
"The door is now closed.")]
[knock "No one is home."])
(define-thing key
[get (if (have-thing? key)
"You already have the key."
(take-thing! key)
"You now have the key."))]
[put (if (have-thing? key)
(drop-thing! key)
"You have dropped the key.")
"You don't have the key.")])
(define-thing trophy
[get (begin
(take-thing! trophy)
"You win!")])
;; Places ----------------------------------------
(define-place meadow
"You're standing in a meadow. There is a house to the north."
([north house-front]
[south desert]))
(define-place house-front
"You are standing in front of a house."
([in (if (eq? (thing-state door) 'open)
"The door is not open.")]
[south meadow]))
(define-place desert
"You're in a desert. There is nothing for miles around."
[cactus key]
([north meadow]
[south desert]
[east desert]
[west desert]))
(define-place room
"You're in the house."
([out house-front]))
;; Starting place ----------------------------------
;; The module must end with the starting place name:

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
The "world.rkt" module now uses a non-S-expression syntax, as enabled
through the change of the first line to
#lang reader "txtadv-reader.rkt"
The new "txtadv-reader.rkt" module parses the syntax of "world.rkt"
and generates the original form as a syntax object.
The "txtadv.rkt" module language is unchanged, since
"txtadv-reader.rkt" converts "world.rkt" to its old form.

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
#lang racket
(require syntax/readerr)
(provide (rename-out [txtadv-read-syntax read-syntax]))
(define (txtadv-read-syntax src in)
(expect-section src in "VERBS")
(define verbs (in-section src in read-verb))
(expect-section src in "EVERYWHERE")
(define actions (in-section src in read-action))
(expect-section src in "THINGS")
(define things (in-section src in read-thing))
(expect-section src in "PLACES")
(define places (in-section src in read-place))
`(module world "txtadv.rkt"
(define-verbs all-verbs
(define-everywhere everywhere-actions
,(if (null? places)
(complain src in "no places defined")
(cadar places)))))
(define (complain src in msg)
(define-values (line col pos) (port-next-location in))
(raise-read-error msg src line col pos 1))
(define (skip-whitespace in)
(regexp-try-match #px"^\\s+" in))
(define (expect-section src in name)
(skip-whitespace in)
(unless (regexp-match-peek (pregexp (format "^===~a===\\s" name))
(complain src in (format "expected a ===~a=== section" name)))
(read-line in)
(read-line in))
(define (in-section src in reader)
(skip-whitespace in)
(if (or (regexp-match-peek #rx"^===" in)
(eof-object? (peek-byte in)))
(cons (reader src in)
(in-section src in reader))))
(define (in-defn src in reader)
(skip-whitespace in)
(if (or (regexp-match-peek #rx"^(===|---)" in)
(eof-object? (peek-byte in)))
(cons (reader src in)
(in-defn src in reader))))
(define (read-name src in)
(if (regexp-match-peek #px"^[A-Za-z-]+(?=:$|\\s|[],])" in)
(read-syntax src in)
(complain src in "expected a name")))
(define (read-name-sequence src in transitive)
(let loop ([names null] [transitive transitive])
(define s (read-name src in))
(define is-trans?
[(regexp-match-peek #rx"^ _" in)
(if (or (eq? transitive 'unknown)
(eq? transitive #t))
(read-char in)
(read-char in)
(read-char in)
(complain src in "unexpected underscore")))]
(if (eq? transitive #t)
(complain src in "inconsistent transitivity")
(if (regexp-match-peek #rx"^, " in)
(read-char in)
(read-char in)
(loop (cons s names) is-trans?))
(values (reverse (cons s names)) is-trans?))))
(define (read-verb src in)
(skip-whitespace in)
(define-values (names is-transitive?)
(read-name-sequence src in 'unknown))
(skip-whitespace in)
(define desc
(if (regexp-match-peek #rx"^\"" in)
(read-syntax src in)
(symbol->string (syntax-e (car names)))))
`[,(car names)
,@(if is-transitive? '(_) '())
(= ,@(cdr names))
(define (read-action src in)
(skip-whitespace in)
(define name (read-name src in))
(define expr (read-syntax src in))
`[,name ,expr])
(define (read-defn-name src in what)
(skip-whitespace in)
(unless (regexp-match-peek #px"^---[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9-]*---\\s"
(complain src in (format "expected a ~a definition of the form ---name---" what)))
(read-string 3 in)
(define-values (line col pos) (port-next-location in))
(define name-str (bytes->string/utf-8 (cadr (regexp-match #px"^(.*?)---\\s" in))))
(datum->syntax #f
(string->symbol name-str)
(vector src line col pos (string-length name-str))
(define orig-props (read-syntax 'src (open-input-string "orig")))
(define (read-thing src in)
(define name (read-defn-name src in "thing"))
(define actions (in-defn src in read-action))
`(define-thing ,name
(define (read-place src in)
(define name (read-defn-name src in "place"))
(skip-whitespace in)
(define desc (if (regexp-match-peek #rx"^\"" in)
(read-syntax src in)
(complain src in "expected description string")))
(skip-whitespace in)
(unless (regexp-match-peek #rx"^[[]" in)
(complain src in "expected a square bracket to start a list of things for a place"))
(read-char in)
(define-values (things _)
(if (regexp-match-peek #rx"^[]]" in)
(values null #f)
(read-name-sequence src in #f)))
(unless (regexp-match-peek #rx"^[]]" in)
(complain src in "expected a square bracket to end a list of things for a place"))
(read-char in)
(define actions (in-defn src in read-action))
`(define-place ,name ,desc ,things ,actions))

@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
#lang racket
(provide define-verbs
(except-out (all-from-out racket) #%module-begin)
(rename-out [module-begin #%module-begin]))
;; ============================================================
;; Overall module:
(define-syntax module-begin
(syntax-rules (define-verbs define-everywhere)
[(_ (define-verbs all-verbs cmd ...)
(define-everywhere everywhere-actions act ...)
decl ...
(define-verbs all-verbs cmd ...)
(define-everywhere everywhere-actions act ...)
decl ...
(start-game (check-type id "place")
;; ============================================================
;; Model:
;; Elements of the world:
(struct verb (aliases ; list of symbols
desc ; string
transitive?)) ; boolean
(struct thing (name ; symbol
[state #:mutable] ; any value
actions)) ; list of verb--thunk pairs
(struct place (desc ; string
[things #:mutable] ; list of things
actions)) ; list of verb--thunk pairs
;; Tables mapping names<->things for save and load
(define names (make-hash))
(define elements (make-hash))
(define (record-element! name val)
(hash-set! names name val)
(hash-set! elements val name))
(define (name->element name) (hash-ref names name #f))
(define (element->name obj) (hash-ref elements obj #f))
;; ============================================================
;; Simple type layer:
(struct typed (id type)
#:property prop:procedure (lambda (self stx) (typed-id self))
(define-syntax (check-type stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(check-type id type)
(let ([v (and (identifier? #'id)
(syntax-local-value #'id (lambda () #f)))])
(unless (and (typed? v)
(equal? (syntax-e #'type) (typed-type v)))
(format "not defined as ~a" (syntax-e #'type))
;; ============================================================
;; Macros for constructing and registering elements:
(define-syntax-rule (define-verbs all-id
[id spec ...] ...)
(define-one-verb id spec ...) ...
(record-element! 'id id) ...
(define all-id (list id ...))))
(define-syntax define-one-verb
(syntax-rules (= _)
[(define-one-verb id (= alias ...) desc)
(define gen-id (verb (list 'id 'alias ...) desc #f))
(define-syntax id (typed #'gen-id "intransitive verb")))]
[(define-one-verb id _ (= alias ...) desc)
(define gen-id (verb (list 'id 'alias ...) desc #t))
(define-syntax id (typed #'gen-id "transitive verb")))]
[(define-one-verb id)
(define-one-verb id (=) (symbol->string 'id))]
[(define-one-verb id _)
(define-one-verb id _ (=) (symbol->string 'id))]))
(define-syntax-rule (define-thing id
[vrb expr] ...)
(define gen-id
(thing 'id #f (list (cons (check-type vrb "transitive verb")
(lambda () expr)) ...)))
(define-syntax id (typed #'gen-id "thing"))
(record-element! 'id id)))
(define-syntax-rule (define-place id
(thng ...)
([vrb expr] ...))
(define gen-id
(place desc
(list (check-type thng "thing") ...)
(list (cons (check-type vrb "intransitive verb")
(lambda () expr))
(define-syntax id (typed #'gen-id "place"))
(record-element! 'id id)))
(define-syntax-rule (define-everywhere id ([vrb expr] ...))
(define id (list (cons (check-type vrb "intransitive verb")
(lambda () expr))
;; ============================================================
;; Game state
;; Initialized on startup:
(define all-verbs null) ; list of verbs
(define everywhere-actions null) ; list of verb--thunk pairs
;; Things carried by the player:
(define stuff null) ; list of things
;; Current location:
(define current-place #f) ; place (or #f until started)
;; Fuctions to be used by verb responses:
(define (have-thing? t)
(memq t stuff))
(define (take-thing! t)
(set-place-things! current-place (remq t (place-things current-place)))
(set! stuff (cons t stuff)))
(define (drop-thing! t)
(set-place-things! current-place (cons t (place-things current-place)))
(set! stuff (remq t stuff)))
;; ============================================================
;; Game execution
;; Show the player the current place, then get a command:
(define (do-place)
;; Show the current place:
(define (show-current-place)
(printf "~a\n" (place-desc current-place))
(for-each (lambda (thing)
(printf "There is a ~a here.\n" (thing-name thing)))
(place-things current-place)))
;; Get and handle a command:
(define (do-verb)
(printf "> ")
(let* ([line (read-line)]
[input (if (eof-object? line)
(let ([port (open-input-string line)])
(for/list ([v (in-port read port)]) v)))])
(if (and (list? input)
(andmap symbol? input)
(<= 1 (length input) 2))
(let ([vrb (car input)])
(let ([response
[(= 2 (length input))
(handle-transitive-verb vrb (cadr input))]
[(= 1 (length input))
(handle-intransitive-verb vrb)])])
(let ([result (response)])
[(place? result)
(set! current-place result)
[(string? result)
(printf "~a\n" result)
[else (do-verb)]))))
(printf "I don't undertand what you mean.\n")
;; Handle an intransitive-verb command:
(define (handle-intransitive-verb vrb)
(find-verb vrb (place-actions current-place))
(find-verb vrb everywhere-actions)
vrb all-verbs
(lambda (verb)
(lambda ()
(if (verb-transitive? verb)
(format "~a what?" (string-titlecase (verb-desc verb)))
(format "Can't ~a here." (verb-desc verb))))))
(lambda ()
(format "I don't know how to ~a." vrb))))
;; Handle a transitive-verb command:
(define (handle-transitive-verb vrb obj)
(or (using-verb
vrb all-verbs
(lambda (verb)
(verb-transitive? verb)
[(ormap (lambda (thing)
(and (eq? (thing-name thing) obj)
(append (place-things current-place)
=> (lambda (thing)
(or (find-verb vrb (thing-actions thing))
(lambda ()
(format "Don't know how to ~a ~a."
(verb-desc verb) obj))))]
(lambda ()
(format "There's no ~a here to ~a." obj
(verb-desc verb)))]))))
(lambda ()
(format "I don't know how to ~a ~a." vrb obj))))
;; Show what the player is carrying:
(define (show-inventory)
(printf "You have")
(if (null? stuff)
(printf " no items.")
(for-each (lambda (thing)
(printf "\n a ~a" (thing-name thing)))
(printf "\n"))
;; Look for a command match in a list of verb--response pairs,
;; and returns the response thunk if a match is found:
(define (find-verb cmd actions)
(ormap (lambda (a)
(and (memq cmd (verb-aliases (car a)))
(cdr a)))
;; Looks for a command in a list of verbs, and
;; applies `suucess-k' to the verb if one is found:
(define (using-verb cmd verbs success-k)
(ormap (lambda (vrb)
(and (memq cmd (verb-aliases vrb))
(success-k vrb)))
;; Print help information:
(define (show-help)
(printf "Use `look' to look around.\n")
(printf "Use `inventory' to see what you have.\n")
(printf "Use `save' or `load' to save or restore your game.\n")
(printf "There are some other verbs, and you can name a thing after some verbs.\n"))
;; ============================================================
;; Save and load
;; Prompt the user for a filename and apply `proc' to it,
;; catching errors to report a reasonably nice message:
(define (with-filename proc)
(printf "File name: ")
(let ([v (read-line)])
(unless (eof-object? v)
(with-handlers ([exn? (lambda (exn)
(printf "~a\n" (exn-message exn)))])
(unless (path-string? v)
(raise-user-error "bad filename"))
(proc v)))))
;; Save the current game state:
(define (save-game)
(lambda (v)
(with-output-to-file v
(lambda ()
(map element->name stuff)
(element->name current-place)
(hash-map names
(lambda (k v)
(cons k
[(place? v) (map element->name (place-things v))]
[(thing? v) (thing-state v)]
[else #f])))))))))))
;; Restore a game state:
(define (load-game)
(lambda (v)
(let ([v (with-input-from-file v read)])
(set! stuff (map name->element (car v)))
(set! current-place (name->element (cadr v)))
(lambda (p)
(let ([v (name->element (car p))]
[state (cdr p)])
[(place? v) (set-place-things! v (map name->element state))]
[(thing? v) (set-thing-state! v state)])))
(caddr v))))))
;; ============================================================
;; To go:
(define (start-game in-place
(set! current-place in-place)
(set! all-verbs in-all-verbs)
(set! everywhere-actions in-everywhere-actions)

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
#lang reader "txtadv-reader.rkt"
north, n
"go north"
south, s
"go south"
east, e
"go east"
west, w
"go west"
"go up"
"go down"
in, enter
out, leave
get _, grab _, take _
put _, drop _, leave _
open _, unlock _
close _, lock _
knock _
quit, exit
look, show
"check inventory"
(printf "Bye!\n")
(if (have-thing? key)
(set-thing-state! door 'open)
"The door is now unlocked and open.")
"The door is locked.")
(set-thing-state! door #f)
"The door is now closed.")
"No one is home."
(if (have-thing? key)
"You already have the key."
(take-thing! key)
"You now have the key."))
(if (have-thing? key)
(drop-thing! key)
"You have dropped the key.")
"You don't have the key.")
(take-thing! trophy)
"You win!")
"You're standing in a meadow. There is a house to the north."
"You are standing in front of a house."
(if (eq? (thing-state door) 'open)
"The door is not open.")
"You're in a desert. There is nothing for miles around."
[cactus, key]
"You're in the house."

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
To make this version work, you need the directory containing this file
to be installed as the "txtadv" collection. One way to do that is with
the shell command
raco link --name txtadv .
in the directory containing this file.
The "world.rkt" module is the same as before, except that its first
line is now
#lang txtadv
The "txtadv.rkt" module is unchanged.
Compared to the previous implementation, "txtadv-reader.rkt" is now
"lang/reader.rkt", which is required to match Racket's protocol for
resolving `#lang txtadv' to its reader module. The only other change
is that a `get-info' function points to the "color.rkt" module in
"lang" to implement syntax coloring.

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
(define places (in-section src in read-place))
`(module world br/demo/txtadv/expander
`(module world "txtadv.rkt"
(define-verbs all-verbs
(define-everywhere everywhere-actions

@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
#lang racket
(provide define-verbs
(except-out (all-from-out racket) #%module-begin)
(rename-out [module-begin #%module-begin]))
;; ============================================================
;; Overall module:
(define-syntax module-begin
(syntax-rules (define-verbs define-everywhere)
[(_ (define-verbs all-verbs cmd ...)
(define-everywhere everywhere-actions act ...)
decl ...
(define-verbs all-verbs cmd ...)
(define-everywhere everywhere-actions act ...)
decl ...
(start-game (check-type id "place")
;; ============================================================
;; Model:
;; Elements of the world:
(struct verb (aliases ; list of symbols
desc ; string
transitive?)) ; boolean
(struct thing (name ; symbol
[state #:mutable] ; any value
actions)) ; list of verb--thunk pairs
(struct place (desc ; string
[things #:mutable] ; list of things
actions)) ; list of verb--thunk pairs
;; Tables mapping names<->things for save and load
(define names (make-hash))
(define elements (make-hash))
(define (record-element! name val)
(hash-set! names name val)
(hash-set! elements val name))
(define (name->element name) (hash-ref names name #f))
(define (element->name obj) (hash-ref elements obj #f))
;; ============================================================
;; Simple type layer:
(struct typed (id type)
#:property prop:procedure (lambda (self stx) (typed-id self))
(define-syntax (check-type stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(check-type id type)
(let ([v (and (identifier? #'id)
(syntax-local-value #'id (lambda () #f)))])
(unless (and (typed? v)
(equal? (syntax-e #'type) (typed-type v)))
(format "not defined as ~a" (syntax-e #'type))
;; ============================================================
;; Macros for constructing and registering elements:
(define-syntax-rule (define-verbs all-id
[id spec ...] ...)
(define-one-verb id spec ...) ...
(record-element! 'id id) ...
(define all-id (list id ...))))
(define-syntax define-one-verb
(syntax-rules (= _)
[(define-one-verb id (= alias ...) desc)
(define gen-id (verb (list 'id 'alias ...) desc #f))
(define-syntax id (typed #'gen-id "intransitive verb")))]
[(define-one-verb id _ (= alias ...) desc)
(define gen-id (verb (list 'id 'alias ...) desc #t))
(define-syntax id (typed #'gen-id "transitive verb")))]
[(define-one-verb id)
(define-one-verb id (=) (symbol->string 'id))]
[(define-one-verb id _)
(define-one-verb id _ (=) (symbol->string 'id))]))
(define-syntax-rule (define-thing id
[vrb expr] ...)
(define gen-id
(thing 'id #f (list (cons (check-type vrb "transitive verb")
(lambda () expr)) ...)))
(define-syntax id (typed #'gen-id "thing"))
(record-element! 'id id)))
(define-syntax-rule (define-place id
(thng ...)
([vrb expr] ...))
(define gen-id
(place desc
(list (check-type thng "thing") ...)
(list (cons (check-type vrb "intransitive verb")
(lambda () expr))
(define-syntax id (typed #'gen-id "place"))
(record-element! 'id id)))
(define-syntax-rule (define-everywhere id ([vrb expr] ...))
(define id (list (cons (check-type vrb "intransitive verb")
(lambda () expr))
;; ============================================================
;; Game state
;; Initialized on startup:
(define all-verbs null) ; list of verbs
(define everywhere-actions null) ; list of verb--thunk pairs
;; Things carried by the player:
(define stuff null) ; list of things
;; Current location:
(define current-place #f) ; place (or #f until started)
;; Fuctions to be used by verb responses:
(define (have-thing? t)
(memq t stuff))
(define (take-thing! t)
(set-place-things! current-place (remq t (place-things current-place)))
(set! stuff (cons t stuff)))
(define (drop-thing! t)
(set-place-things! current-place (cons t (place-things current-place)))
(set! stuff (remq t stuff)))
;; ============================================================
;; Game execution
;; Show the player the current place, then get a command:
(define (do-place)
;; Show the current place:
(define (show-current-place)
(printf "~a\n" (place-desc current-place))
(for-each (lambda (thing)
(printf "There is a ~a here.\n" (thing-name thing)))
(place-things current-place)))
;; Get and handle a command:
(define (do-verb)
(printf "> ")
(let* ([line (read-line)]
[input (if (eof-object? line)
(let ([port (open-input-string line)])
(for/list ([v (in-port read port)]) v)))])
(if (and (list? input)
(andmap symbol? input)
(<= 1 (length input) 2))
(let ([vrb (car input)])
(let ([response
[(= 2 (length input))
(handle-transitive-verb vrb (cadr input))]
[(= 1 (length input))
(handle-intransitive-verb vrb)])])
(let ([result (response)])
[(place? result)
(set! current-place result)
[(string? result)
(printf "~a\n" result)
[else (do-verb)]))))
(printf "I don't undertand what you mean.\n")
;; Handle an intransitive-verb command:
(define (handle-intransitive-verb vrb)
(find-verb vrb (place-actions current-place))
(find-verb vrb everywhere-actions)
vrb all-verbs
(lambda (verb)
(lambda ()
(if (verb-transitive? verb)
(format "~a what?" (string-titlecase (verb-desc verb)))
(format "Can't ~a here." (verb-desc verb))))))
(lambda ()
(format "I don't know how to ~a." vrb))))
;; Handle a transitive-verb command:
(define (handle-transitive-verb vrb obj)
(or (using-verb
vrb all-verbs
(lambda (verb)
(verb-transitive? verb)
[(ormap (lambda (thing)
(and (eq? (thing-name thing) obj)
(append (place-things current-place)
=> (lambda (thing)
(or (find-verb vrb (thing-actions thing))
(lambda ()
(format "Don't know how to ~a ~a."
(verb-desc verb) obj))))]
(lambda ()
(format "There's no ~a here to ~a." obj
(verb-desc verb)))]))))
(lambda ()
(format "I don't know how to ~a ~a." vrb obj))))
;; Show what the player is carrying:
(define (show-inventory)
(printf "You have")
(if (null? stuff)
(printf " no items.")
(for-each (lambda (thing)
(printf "\n a ~a" (thing-name thing)))
(printf "\n"))
;; Look for a command match in a list of verb--response pairs,
;; and returns the response thunk if a match is found:
(define (find-verb cmd actions)
(ormap (lambda (a)
(and (memq cmd (verb-aliases (car a)))
(cdr a)))
;; Looks for a command in a list of verbs, and
;; applies `suucess-k' to the verb if one is found:
(define (using-verb cmd verbs success-k)
(ormap (lambda (vrb)
(and (memq cmd (verb-aliases vrb))
(success-k vrb)))
;; Print help information:
(define (show-help)
(printf "Use `look' to look around.\n")
(printf "Use `inventory' to see what you have.\n")
(printf "Use `save' or `load' to save or restore your game.\n")
(printf "There are some other verbs, and you can name a thing after some verbs.\n"))
;; ============================================================
;; Save and load
;; Prompt the user for a filename and apply `proc' to it,
;; catching errors to report a reasonably nice message:
(define (with-filename proc)
(printf "File name: ")
(let ([v (read-line)])
(unless (eof-object? v)
(with-handlers ([exn? (lambda (exn)
(printf "~a\n" (exn-message exn)))])
(unless (path-string? v)
(raise-user-error "bad filename"))
(proc v)))))
;; Save the current game state:
(define (save-game)
(lambda (v)
(with-output-to-file v
(lambda ()
(map element->name stuff)
(element->name current-place)
(hash-map names
(lambda (k v)
(cons k
[(place? v) (map element->name (place-things v))]
[(thing? v) (thing-state v)]
[else #f])))))))))))
;; Restore a game state:
(define (load-game)
(lambda (v)
(let ([v (with-input-from-file v read)])
(set! stuff (map name->element (car v)))
(set! current-place (name->element (cadr v)))
(lambda (p)
(let ([v (name->element (car p))]
[state (cdr p)])
[(place? v) (set-place-things! v (map name->element state))]
[(thing? v) (set-thing-state! v state)])))
(caddr v))))))
;; ============================================================
;; To go:
(define (start-game in-place
(set! current-place in-place)
(set! all-verbs in-all-verbs)
(set! everywhere-actions in-everywhere-actions)

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#lang br/demo/txtadv
#lang reader "reader.rkt"
@ -49,6 +49,12 @@ look, show
"check inventory"
@ -63,6 +69,14 @@ look

@ -25,15 +25,16 @@
_section ...
(provide do-verb do-place)
(module+ main
(parameterize ([cmd-line-mode? #t])
(provide do-verb do-place)
(module+ main
(parameterize ([cmd-line-mode? #t])
(provide verb-section)
(define-inverting #'(verb-section _heading _verb-entry ...)
#'(define-verbs all-verbs
_verb-entry ...))
(inject-syntax ([#'all-verbs (shared-syntax 'all-verbs)])
#'(define-verbs all-verbs
_verb-entry ...)))
(provide verb-item)
(define-inverting #'(verb-item (_name0 _transitive0?) (_name _transitive?) ... _desc)
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@
(provide everywhere-section)
(define-inverting #'(everywhere-section _heading [_name _desc] ...)
#'(define-everywhere everywhere-actions
([_name _desc] ...)))
([_name _desc] ...)))
(provide everywhere-item)
(define-inverting #'(everywhere-item _name _desc)
@ -80,7 +81,6 @@
(define #'(place-id _id) #'_id)
(provide place-descrip)
(require sugar/debug)
(define #'(place-descrip _desc) #'_desc)
(provide place-items)
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
(define-cases #'place-name
[#'(_ "," _id) #'_id]
[#'(_ _id) #'_id])
(provide place-action)
(define-inverting #'(place-action _id _desc) #'(_id _desc))
@ -105,9 +105,10 @@
(provide start-section)
(define #'(start-section _heading _where)
#'(init-game _where
(inject-syntax ([#'all-verbs (shared-syntax 'all-verbs)])
#'(init-game _where
;; ============================================================
;; Model:
@ -115,13 +116,13 @@
;; Elements of the world:
(struct verb (aliases ; list of symbols
desc ; string
transitive?)) ; boolean
transitive?) #:transparent) ; boolean
(struct thing (name ; symbol
[state #:mutable] ; any value
actions)) ; list of verb--thunk pairs
actions) #:transparent) ; list of verb--thunk pairs
(struct place (desc ; string
[things #:mutable] ; list of things
actions)) ; list of verb--thunk pairs
actions) #:transparent) ; list of verb--thunk pairs
;; Tables mapping names<->things for save and load
(define names (make-hash))

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
#lang s-exp "expander.rkt"
;; Verbs ----------------------------------------
;; This declaration must be first:
(define-verbs all-verbs
[north (= n) "go north"]
[south (= s) "go south"]
[east (= e) "go east"]
[west (= w) "go west"]
[up (=) "go up"]
[down (=) "go down"]
[in (= enter) "enter"]
[out (= leave) "leave"]
[get _ (= grab take) "take"]
[put _ (= drop leave) "drop"]
[open _ (= unlock) "open"]
[close _ (= lock) "close"]
[knock _]
[quit (= exit) "quit"]
[look (= show) "look"]
[inventory (=) "check inventory"]
;; Global actions ----------------------------------------
;; This declaration must be second:
(define-everywhere everywhere-actions
([quit (begin (printf "Bye!\n") (exit))]
[look (show-current-place)]
[inventory (show-inventory)]
[save (save-game)]
[load (load-game)]
[help (show-help)]))
;; Objects ----------------------------------------
(define-thing cactus
[get "Ouch!"])
(define-thing door
[open (if (have-thing? key)
(set-thing-state! door 'open)
"The door is now unlocked and open.")
"The door is locked.")]
[close (begin
(set-thing-state! door #f)
"The door is now closed.")]
[knock "No one is home."])
(define-thing key
[get (if (have-thing? key)
"You already have the key."
(take-thing! key)
"You now have the key."))]
[put (if (have-thing? key)
(drop-thing! key)
"You have dropped the key.")
"You don't have the key.")])
(define-thing trophy
[get (begin
(take-thing! trophy)
"You win!")])
;; Places ----------------------------------------
(define-place meadow
"You're standing in a meadow. There is a house to the north."
([north house-front]
[south desert]))
(define-place house-front
"You are standing in front of a house."
([in (if (eq? (thing-state door) 'open)
"The door is not open.")]
[south meadow]))
(define-place desert
"You're in a desert. There is nothing for miles around."
[cactus key]
([north meadow]
[south desert]
[east desert]
[west desert]))
(define-place room
"You're in the house."
([out house-front]))
;; Starting place ----------------------------------
;; The module must end with the starting place name:

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
#lang at-exp racket
(require rackunit)
(require "world0.rkt")
(check-equal? (with-output-to-string (λ _ (do-place)))
"You're standing in a meadow. There is a house to the north.\n")
(define-syntax-rule (check-cmd? cmd result)
(check-equal? (with-output-to-string (λ _ (do-verb cmd))) result))
"You're in a desert. There is nothing for miles around.\nThere is a cactus here.\nThere is a key here.\n")
"get cactus"
"get key"
"You now have the key.\n")
"You're standing in a meadow. There is a house to the north.\n")
"You are standing in front of a house.\nThere is a door here.\n")
"open door"
"The door is now unlocked and open.\n")
"You're in the house.\nThere is a trophy here.\n")
"get trophy"
"You win!\n")