You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

22 lines
676 B

9 years ago
To make this version work, you need the directory containing this file
to be installed as the "txtadv" collection. One way to do that is with
the shell command
raco link --name txtadv .
in the directory containing this file.
The "world.rkt" module is the same as before, except that its first
line is now
#lang txtadv
The "txtadv.rkt" module is unchanged.
Compared to the previous implementation, "txtadv-reader.rkt" is now
"lang/reader.rkt", which is required to match Racket's protocol for
resolving `#lang txtadv' to its reader module. The only other change
is that a `get-info' function points to the "color.rkt" module in
"lang" to implement syntax coloring.