Fixed quoting levels. #4

zenspider wants to merge 1 commits from fix-quoting into 2016
zenspider commented 8 years ago (Migrated from

This doesn't fix the implementation but at least gets the code parsing
and running. Pushed the quoting up to inc/dec/jnz/etc because they're
the entry points. Doesn't terminate on input file (and hits a point
where it doesn't seem to be doing anything but spinning in the loop).

This doesn't fix the implementation but at least gets the code parsing and running. Pushed the quoting up to inc/dec/jnz/etc because they're the entry points. Doesn't terminate on input file (and hits a point where it doesn't seem to be doing anything but spinning in the loop).
mbutterick commented 8 years ago (Migrated from

Thanks. Yeah. I lost momentum. I still might write up a few of these solutions. But not this one ;)

I turned one of last year’s puzzles into a language tutorial.

Thanks. Yeah. I lost momentum. I still might write up a few of these solutions. But not this one ;) I turned one of last year’s puzzles into [a language tutorial](
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Reference: mbutterick/aoc-racket#4
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