d22 p1
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
#lang br
(require racket/file rackunit)
(define (stack cards)
(reverse cards))
(define (cut n cards)
(define-values (head tail)
(split-at cards (match n
[(? positive?) n]
[_ (- (length cards) (abs n))])))
(append tail head))
(define (increment n cards)
(define len (length cards))
(define vec (make-vector len))
(for ([(card idx) (in-indexed cards)])
(vector-set! vec (modulo (* idx n) len) card))
(vector->list vec))
(define (run program [deck-size 10])
(for/fold ([cards (range deck-size)])
([ln (in-list (string-split program "\n"))])
(match (string-split ln)
[(list "cut" (app string->number num)) (cut num cards)]
[(list _ _ "increment" (app string->number num)) (increment num cards)]
[_ (stack cards)])))
(run "deal with increment 7
deal into new stack
deal into new stack")
'(0 3 6 9 2 5 8 1 4 7))
(run "cut 6
deal with increment 7
deal into new stack")
'(3 0 7 4 1 8 5 2 9 6))
(run "deal into new stack
cut -2
deal with increment 7
cut 8
cut -4
deal with increment 7
cut 3
deal with increment 9
deal with increment 3
cut -1")
'(9 2 5 8 1 4 7 0 3 6))
;; 1
(check-eq? (index-of (run (file->string "22.rktd") 10007) 2019) 4086)
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
cut -135
deal with increment 38
deal into new stack
deal with increment 29
cut 120
deal with increment 30
deal into new stack
cut -7198
deal into new stack
deal with increment 59
cut -8217
deal with increment 75
cut 4868
deal with increment 29
cut 4871
deal with increment 2
deal into new stack
deal with increment 54
cut 777
deal with increment 40
cut -8611
deal with increment 3
cut -5726
deal with increment 57
deal into new stack
deal with increment 41
deal into new stack
cut -5027
deal with increment 12
cut -5883
deal with increment 45
cut 9989
deal with increment 14
cut 6535
deal with increment 18
cut -5544
deal with increment 29
deal into new stack
deal with increment 64
deal into new stack
deal with increment 41
deal into new stack
deal with increment 6
cut 4752
deal with increment 8
deal into new stack
deal with increment 26
cut -6635
deal with increment 10
deal into new stack
cut -3830
deal with increment 48
deal into new stack
deal with increment 39
cut -4768
deal with increment 65
deal into new stack
cut -5417
deal with increment 15
cut -4647
deal into new stack
cut -3596
deal with increment 17
cut -3771
deal with increment 50
cut 1682
deal into new stack
deal with increment 20
deal into new stack
deal with increment 22
deal into new stack
deal with increment 3
cut 8780
deal with increment 52
cut 7478
deal with increment 9
cut -8313
deal into new stack
cut 742
deal with increment 19
cut 9982
deal into new stack
deal with increment 68
cut 9997
deal with increment 23
cut -240
deal with increment 54
cut -7643
deal into new stack
deal with increment 6
cut -3493
deal with increment 74
deal into new stack
deal with increment 75
deal into new stack
deal with increment 40
cut 596
deal with increment 6
cut -4957
deal into new stack
Reference in New Issue