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20 lines
553 B

3 years ago
#lang br
(require racket/file rackunit)
(define depths (map string->number (file->lines "01.rktd")))
(define (positive-deltas depths)
(filter positive?
(for/list ([d1 (in-list depths)]
[d2 (in-list (cdr depths))])
(- d2 d1))))
(check-equal? (length (positive-deltas depths)) 1167)
(define (trios depths)
(for/list ([d1 (in-list depths)]
[d2 (in-list (cdr depths))]
[d3 (in-list (cddr depths))])
(+ d1 d2 d3)))
(check-equal? (length (positive-deltas (trios depths))) 1130)