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53 lines
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2 years ago
#lang br
(require racket/file rackunit)
(define (make-octopodes)
(define octopodes (make-hasheqv))
(for* ([(line lidx) (in-indexed (file->lines "11.rktd"))]
[(depth cidx) (in-indexed line)])
(hash-set! octopodes (make-rectangular cidx lidx) (string->number (string depth))))
(define octopodes (make-octopodes))
(define (neighbors loc)
(remove loc
(for*/list ([rd '(-1 0 1)]
[id '(-1 0 1)])
(+ loc (make-rectangular rd id)))))
(define (increment! loc)
[(number? (hash-ref octopodes loc #false))
(define next-val
(match (modulo (add1 (hash-ref octopodes loc)) 10)
[0 'flashed]
[val val]))
(hash-set! octopodes loc next-val)
(when (eq? next-val 'flashed)
(for-each increment! (neighbors loc)))]))
(define (find-flashes-and-reset)
(for/list ([(loc val) (in-hash octopodes)]
#:when (eq? val 'flashed))
(hash-set! octopodes loc 0)
(define (part-1)
(for/fold ([flashes null]
#:result (length flashes))
([step (in-range 100)])
(for-each increment! (hash-keys octopodes))
(append (find-flashes-and-reset) flashes)))
(check-equal? (part-1) 1705)
(set! octopodes (make-octopodes))
(define (part-2)
(for/or ([step (in-naturals)])
(for-each increment! (hash-keys octopodes))
(and (= (length (find-flashes-and-reset)) (length (hash-keys octopodes))) (add1 step))))
(check-equal? (part-2) 265)