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13 lines
543 B

2 years ago
#lang br
(require racket/file sugar rackunit)
(define posns (map string->number (string-split (file->string "07.rktd") ",")))
(define/caching (gauss-summation x) (* (/ x 2) (+ x 1)))
(define (fuel-cost alignment [post-proc values])
(foldl (λ (posn res) (+ res (post-proc (abs (- alignment posn))))) 0 posns))
(define possible-alignments (remove-duplicates posns))
(check-equal? (apply min (map fuel-cost possible-alignments)) 349357)
(check-equal? (apply min (map (λ (pa) (fuel-cost pa gauss-summation)) possible-alignments)) 96708205)