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#lang pitfall/racket
(require "font.rkt")
(provide fonts-mixin)
(define (fonts-mixin [% mixin-tester%])
(class %
;; Lookup table for embedded fonts
(field [_fontFamilies #f]
[_fontCount #f]
;; Font state
[_fontSize #f]
[_font #f]
[_registeredFonts #f])
(define/contract (initFonts this)
(->m void?)
(set-field! _fontFamilies this (mhash))
(set-field! _fontCount this 0)
(set-field! _fontSize this 12)
(set-field! _font this #f)
(set-field! _registeredFonts this (mhash))
;; set the default font
(send this font "Helvetica")
(define/contract (font this src [size-or-family #f] [maybe-size #f])
((any/c) ((or/c string? number? #f) (or/c number? #f)) . ->*m . object?)
(match-define (list family size) (if (number? size-or-family)
(list #f size-or-family)
(list size-or-family maybe-size)))
;; check registered fonts if src is a string
(define cacheKey (let ([this-rfs (· this _registeredFonts)])
[(and (string? src) (hash-ref this-rfs src #f))
(define ck src)
(set! src (hash-ref (hash-ref this-rfs src) src #f))
(set! family (hash-ref (hash-ref this-rfs src) family #f))
[else (let ([ck (or family src)])
(and (string? ck) ck))])))
(when size (set-field! fontSize this size))
;; fast path: check if the font is already in the PDF
[(hash-ref (· this _fontFamilies) cacheKey #f) =>
(λ (val)
(set-field! _font this val)
;; load the font
(define id (format "F~a" (increment-field! _fontCount this)))
(set-field! _font this (PDFFont-open this src family id))
;; check for existing font familes with the same name already in the PDF
;; useful if the font was passed as a buffer
(let* ([this-ff (· this _fontFamilies)]
[this-f (· this _font)]
[font (hash-ref this-ff (· this-f name) #f)])
[font (set-field! _font this font)]
;; save the font for reuse later
(when cacheKey (hash-set! this-ff cacheKey this-f))
(hash-set! this-ff (· this-f name) this-f)]))
(define/contract (fontSize this size)
(number? . ->m . object?)
(set-field! _fontSize this size)
(module+ test
(define fo (new (fonts-mixin))))