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#lang pitfall/racket
(require "standard-fonts.rkt" "afm.rkt" "reference.rkt")
(provide PDFFont PDFFont-open)
(define PDFFont
(class object%
(field [dictionary #f]
[embedded #f])
(define/contract (PDFFont-open document src family id)
(object? any/c any/c any/c . -> . (is-a?/c PDFFont))
[(and (string? src) (isStandardFont src)
(make-object StandardFont document src id))]
;; todo: other font-loading cases
[else (raise-argument-error 'PDFFont-open "loadable font name" src)]))
(define/contract (ref this)
(->m (is-a?/c PDFReference))
(unless (· this dictionary)
(set-field! dictionary this (send (· this document) ref)))
(· this dictionary))
(define/contract (finalize this)
(->m void?)
(unless (or (· this embedded) (not (· this dictionary)))
(· this embed)
(set-field! embedded this #t)))
(define StandardFont
(class PDFFont
(init-field document name id)
(field [font (make-object AFMFont ((hash-ref standard-fonts name
(λ () (raise-argument-error 'PDFFont "valid font name" name)))))]
[ascender (· font ascender)]
[descender (· font descender)]
[bbox (· font bbox)]
[lineGap (· font lineGap)])
(define/contract (embed this)
(->m void?)
(set-field! data (· this dictionary)
(mhash 'Type "Font"
'BaseFont (· this name)
'Subtype "Type1"
'Encoding "WinAnsiEncoding"))
(· this dictionary end))
(define/contract (encode this text [options #f])
((string?) ((or/c hash? #f)) . ->*m . (list/c (listof string?) (listof hash?)))
(define this-font (· this font))
(define encoded (send this-font encodeText text))
(define glyphs (send this-font glyphsForString text))
(define advances (send this-font advancesForGlyphs glyphs))
(define positions
(for/list ([(glyph i) (in-indexed glyphs)]
[advance (in-list advances)])
(hasheq 'xAdvance advance
'yAdvance 0
'xOffset 0
'yOffset 0
'advanceWidth (send this-font widthOfGlyph glyph))))
(list encoded positions))
(define/contract (widthOfString this str size [options #f])
((string? number?) ((or/c hash? #f)) . ->*m . number?)
(define this-font (· this font))
(define glyphs (send this-font glyphsForString str))
(define advances (send this-font advancesForGlyphs glyphs))
(define width (apply + advances))
(define scale (/ size 1000.0))
(* width scale))
(module+ test
(define stdfont (make-object StandardFont #f "Helvetica" #f)))