You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

253 lines
8.4 KiB

// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.5
(function() {
var EventEmitter, LineBreaker, LineWrapper,
extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
LineBreaker = require('linebreak');
LineWrapper = (function(superClass) {
extend(LineWrapper, superClass);
function LineWrapper(document, options) {
var ref;
this.document = document;
this.indent = options.indent || 0;
this.characterSpacing = options.characterSpacing || 0;
this.wordSpacing = options.wordSpacing === 0;
this.columns = options.columns || 1;
this.columnGap = (ref = options.columnGap) != null ? ref : 18;
this.lineWidth = (options.width - (this.columnGap * (this.columns - 1))) / this.columns;
this.spaceLeft = this.lineWidth;
this.startX = this.document.x;
this.startY = this.document.y;
this.column = 1;
this.ellipsis = options.ellipsis;
this.continuedX = 0;
this.features = options.features;
if (options.height != null) {
this.height = options.height;
this.maxY = this.startY + options.height;
} else {
this.maxY =;
this.on('firstLine', (function(_this) {
return function(options) {
var indent;
indent = _this.continuedX || _this.indent;
_this.document.x += indent;
_this.lineWidth -= indent;
return _this.once('line', function() {
_this.document.x -= indent;
_this.lineWidth += indent;
if (options.continued && !_this.continuedX) {
_this.continuedX = _this.indent;
if (!options.continued) {
return _this.continuedX = 0;
this.on('lastLine', (function(_this) {
return function(options) {
var align;
align = options.align;
if (align === 'justify') {
options.align = 'left';
_this.lastLine = true;
return _this.once('line', function() {
_this.document.y += options.paragraphGap || 0;
options.align = align;
return _this.lastLine = false;
LineWrapper.prototype.wordWidth = function(word) {
return this.document.widthOfString(word, this) + this.characterSpacing + this.wordSpacing;
LineWrapper.prototype.eachWord = function(text, fn) {
var bk, breaker, fbk, l, last, lbk, shouldContinue, w, word, wordWidths;
breaker = new LineBreaker(text);
last = null;
wordWidths = Object.create(null);
while (bk = breaker.nextBreak()) {
word = text.slice((last != null ? last.position : void 0) || 0, bk.position);
w = wordWidths[word] != null ? wordWidths[word] : wordWidths[word] = this.wordWidth(word);
if (w > this.lineWidth + this.continuedX) {
lbk = last;
fbk = {};
while (word.length) {
l = word.length;
while (w > this.spaceLeft) {
w = this.wordWidth(word.slice(0, --l));
fbk.required = l < word.length;
shouldContinue = fn(word.slice(0, l), w, fbk, lbk);
lbk = {
required: false
word = word.slice(l);
w = this.wordWidth(word);
if (shouldContinue === false) {
} else {
shouldContinue = fn(word, w, bk, last);
if (shouldContinue === false) {
last = bk;
LineWrapper.prototype.wrap = function(text, options) {
var buffer, emitLine, lc, nextY, textWidth, wc, y;
if (options.indent != null) {
this.indent = options.indent;
if (options.characterSpacing != null) {
this.characterSpacing = options.characterSpacing;
if (options.wordSpacing != null) {
this.wordSpacing = options.wordSpacing;
if (options.ellipsis != null) {
this.ellipsis = options.ellipsis;
nextY = this.document.y + this.document.currentLineHeight(true);
if (this.document.y > this.maxY || nextY > this.maxY) {
buffer = '';
textWidth = 0;
wc = 0;
lc = 0;
y = this.document.y;
emitLine = (function(_this) {
return function() {
options.textWidth = textWidth + _this.wordSpacing * (wc - 1);
options.wordCount = wc;
options.lineWidth = _this.lineWidth;
y = _this.document.y;
_this.emit('line', buffer, options, _this);
return lc++;
this.emit('sectionStart', options, this);
this.eachWord(text, (function(_this) {
return function(word, w, bk, last) {
var lh, shouldContinue;
if ((last == null) || last.required) {
_this.emit('firstLine', options, _this);
_this.spaceLeft = _this.lineWidth;
if (w <= _this.spaceLeft) {
buffer += word;
textWidth += w;
if (bk.required || w > _this.spaceLeft) {
if (bk.required) {
_this.emit('lastLine', options, _this);
lh = _this.document.currentLineHeight(true);
if ((_this.height != null) && _this.ellipsis && _this.document.y + lh * 2 > _this.maxY && _this.column >= _this.columns) {
if (_this.ellipsis === true) {
_this.ellipsis = '…';
buffer = buffer.replace(/\s+$/, '');
textWidth = _this.wordWidth(buffer + _this.ellipsis);
while (textWidth > _this.lineWidth) {
buffer = buffer.slice(0, -1).replace(/\s+$/, '');
textWidth = _this.wordWidth(buffer + _this.ellipsis);
buffer = buffer + _this.ellipsis;
if (bk.required && w > _this.spaceLeft) {
buffer = word;
textWidth = w;
wc = 1;
if (_this.document.y + lh > _this.maxY) {
shouldContinue = _this.nextSection();
if (!shouldContinue) {
wc = 0;
buffer = '';
return false;
if (bk.required) {
_this.spaceLeft = _this.lineWidth;
buffer = '';
textWidth = 0;
return wc = 0;
} else {
_this.spaceLeft = _this.lineWidth - w;
buffer = word;
textWidth = w;
return wc = 1;
} else {
return _this.spaceLeft -= w;
if (wc > 0) {
this.emit('lastLine', options, this);
this.emit('sectionEnd', options, this);
if (options.continued === true) {
if (lc > 1) {
this.continuedX = 0;
this.continuedX += options.textWidth;
return this.document.y = y;
} else {
return this.document.x = this.startX;
LineWrapper.prototype.nextSection = function(options) {
var ref;
this.emit('sectionEnd', options, this);
if (++this.column > this.columns) {
if (this.height != null) {
return false;
this.column = 1;
this.startY =;
this.maxY =;
this.document.x = this.startX;
if (this.document._fillColor) {
(ref = this.document).fillColor.apply(ref, this.document._fillColor);
this.emit('pageBreak', options, this);
} else {
this.document.x += this.lineWidth + this.columnGap;
this.document.y = this.startY;
this.emit('columnBreak', options, this);
this.emit('sectionStart', options, this);
return true;
return LineWrapper;
module.exports = LineWrapper;