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#lang debug racket/base
(require racket/string
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-pass (make-drawing-insts qs)
;; TODO: stronger precondition. but `has-position?` is too strong
#:pre (list-of quad?)
#:post (list-of $drawing-inst?)
(apply append
(let ([current-font #false])
(for/list ([q (in-list qs)])
[(eq? bod q) (list ($doc-start))]
[(eq? eod q) (list ($doc-end))]
[(bop-quad? q) (list ($page-start (quad-ref q :page-width) (quad-ref q :page-height)))]
[(eop-quad? q) (list ($page-end))]
[(quad? q)
(match (quad-ref q :font-path)
[(== current-font) null]
(set! current-font font-path)
(list ($font font-path))])
(if (pair? (quad-elems q))
(list ($move (quad-origin q)) ($text (char->integer (car (string->list (car (quad-elems q)))))))
[else (raise-argument-error 'make-drawing-insts "known thing" q)])))))
(define valid-tokens '(doc-start doc-end page-start page-end text move set-font))
(define-pass (stackify xs)
#:pre (list-of $drawing-inst?)
#:post string?
(define move-points (map $move-posn (filter $move? xs)))
(define xmax (if (pair? move-points) (add1 (apply max (map $point-x move-points))) 0))
(define ymax (if (pair? move-points) (add1 (apply max (map $point-y move-points))) 0))
(for/list ([x (in-list xs)])
(string-join (map ~a (match x
;; TODO: embed these code-generating functions
;; as properties of the structs
[($move ($point x y)) (list y x 'move)]
[($text charint) (list charint 'text)]
[($font path-string) (list path-string 'set-font)]
[($doc-start) '(doc-start)]
[($doc-end) '(doc-end)]
[($page-start width height) (list height width 'page-start)]
[($page-end) '(page-end)]
[_ (error 'unknown-drawing-inst)])) " ")) "\n"))