You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

55 lines
1.4 KiB

fontkit = require 'fontkit'
class PDFFont
@open: (document, src, family, id) ->
if typeof src is 'string'
if StandardFont.isStandardFont src
return new StandardFont document, src, id
console.log("openSync on " + src)
font = fontkit.openSync src, family
else if Buffer.isBuffer(src)
font = fontkit.create src, family
else if src instanceof Uint8Array
font = fontkit.create new Buffer(src), family
else if src instanceof ArrayBuffer
font = fontkit.create new Buffer(new Uint8Array(src)), family
if not font?
throw new Error 'Not a supported font format or standard PDF font.'
return new EmbeddedFont document, font, id
constructor: ->
throw new Error 'Cannot construct a PDFFont directly.'
encode: (text) ->
throw new Error 'Must be implemented by subclasses'
widthOfString: (text) ->
throw new Error 'Must be implemented by subclasses'
ref: ->
@dictionary ?= @document.ref()
finalize: ->
return if @embedded or not @dictionary?
@embedded = true
embed: ->
throw new Error 'Must be implemented by subclasses'
lineHeight: (size, includeGap = false) ->
gap = if includeGap then @lineGap else 0
(@ascender + gap - @descender) / 1000 * size
module.exports = PDFFont
StandardFont = require './font/standard'
EmbeddedFont = require './font/embedded'