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#lang racket/base
(require racket/class sugar/container "helper.rkt" "variable.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define Constraint
(class object%
(define/public (call variables domains assignments [forwardcheck #f])
;; Perform the constraint checking
;; If the forwardcheck parameter is not false, besides telling if
;; the constraint is currently broken or not, the constraint
;; implementation may choose to hide values from the domains of
;; unassigned variables to prevent them from being used, and thus
;; prune the search space.
(define/public (preProcess variables domains constraints vconstraints)
;; Preprocess variable domains
;; This method is called before starting to look for solutions,
;; and is used to prune domains with specific constraint logic
;; when possible. For instance, any constraints with a single
;; variable may be applied on all possible values and removed,
;; since they may act on individual values even without further
;; knowledge about other assignments.
(when (= (length variables) 1)
(define variable (list-ref variables 0))
(define domain (hash-ref domains variable))
(for ([value (in-list (get-field _list domain))])
(when (not (call variables domains (make-hash (list (cons variable value)))))
(set-field! _list domain (remove value (get-field _list domain)))))
(set! constraints (remove (list this variables) constraints))
(hash-update! vconstraints variable (λ(val) (remove (list this variables) val)))))
(define/public (forwardCheck variables domains assignments [_unassigned Unassigned])
;; Helper method for generic forward checking
;; Currently, this method acts only when there's a single
;; unassigned variable.
(define return-result #t)
(define unassignedvariable _unassigned)
;(report assignments)
(let/ec break
(for ([variable (in-list variables)])
(when (not (variable . in? . assignments))
(if (equal? unassignedvariable _unassigned)
(set! unassignedvariable variable)
(when (not (equal? unassignedvariable _unassigned))
;; Remove from the unassigned variable domain's all
;; values which break our variable's constraints.
(define domain (hash-ref domains unassignedvariable))
;(report domain domain-fc)
(when (not (null? (get-field _list domain)))
(for ([value (in-list (get-field _list domain))])
(hash-set! assignments unassignedvariable value)
(when (not (send this call variables domains assignments))
(send domain hideValue value)))
(hash-remove! assignments unassignedvariable))
(when (null? (get-field _list domain))
(set! return-result #f)
(define Constraint? (is-a?/c Constraint))
(define FunctionConstraint
(class Constraint
(init-field func [assigned #t])
(field [_func func][_assigned assigned])
(inherit forwardCheck)
(define/override (call variables domains assignments [forwardcheck #f] [_unassigned Unassigned])
;(report assignments assignments-before)
(define parms (for/list ([x (in-list variables)])
(if (hash-has-key? assignments x) (hash-ref assignments x) _unassigned)))
;(report assignments assignments-after)
(define missing (length (filter (λ(v) (equal? v _unassigned)) parms)))
(if (> missing 0)
;(report missing)
;(report _assigned)
;(report parms)
;(report (apply _func parms))
;(report forwardcheck)
;(report assignments assignments-to-fc)
(and (or _assigned (apply _func parms))
(or (not forwardcheck) (not (= missing 1))
(forwardCheck variables domains assignments))))
(apply _func parms)))
(define FunctionConstraint? (is-a?/c FunctionConstraint))
(define AllDifferentConstraint
;; Constraint enforcing that values of all given variables are different
(class Constraint
(define/override (call variables domains assignments [forwardcheck #f] [_unassigned Unassigned])
(define seen (make-hash))
(define value #f)
(define domain #f)
(define return-value (void))
(let/ec return-k
(for ([variable (in-list variables)])
(set! value (if (hash-has-key? assignments variable)
(hash-ref assignments variable)
(when (not (equal? value _unassigned))
(when (value . in? . seen)
(set! return-value #f)
(hash-set! seen value #t)))
(when forwardcheck
(for ([variable (in-list variables)])
(when (not (variable . in? . assignments))
(set! domain (hash-ref domains variable))
(for ([value (in-hash-keys seen)])
(when (value . in? . (get-field _list (hash-ref domains variable)))
(send domain hideValue value)
(when (null? (get-field _list (hash-ref domains variable)))
(set! return-value #f)
(set! return-value #t)
(define AllDifferentConstraint? (is-a?/c AllDifferentConstraint))
(define AllEqualConstraint
;; Constraint enforcing that values of all given variables are different
(class Constraint
(define/override (call variables domains assignments [forwardcheck #f] [_unassigned Unassigned])
(define singlevalue _unassigned)
(define value #f)
(define domain #f)
(define return-value (void))
(let/ec return-k
(for ([variable (in-list variables)])
(set! value (if (hash-has-key? assignments variable)
(hash-ref assignments variable)
[(equal? singlevalue _unassigned) (set! singlevalue value)]
[(and (not (equal? value _unassigned)) (not (equal? value singlevalue)))
(set! return-value #f)
(when (and forwardcheck (not (equal? singlevalue _unassigned)))
(for ([variable (in-list variables)])
(when (not (variable . in? . assignments))
(set! domain (hash-ref domains variable))
(when (not (singlevalue . in? . (get-field _list domain)))
(set! return-value #f)
(for ([value (in-list (get-field _list domain))])
(when (not (equal? value singlevalue))
(send domain hideValue value))))))
(set! return-value #t)
(define AllEqualConstraint? (is-a?/c AllEqualConstraint))