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#lang fontkit/racket
(require (prefix-in Script- "script.rkt"))
(provide (all-defined-out))
; * ShapingPlans are used by the OpenType shapers to store which
; * features should by applied, and in what order to apply them.
; * The features are applied in groups called stages. A feature
; * can be applied globally to all glyphs, or locally to only
; * specific glyphs.
(define-subclass object% (ShapingPlan font script language)
(field [direction (Script-direction script)]
[stages empty]
[globalFeatures (mhasheq)]
[allFeatures (mhasheq)])
;; Adds the given features to the last stage.
;; Ignores features that have already been applied.
(define/public (_addFeatures features)
(report*/file 'stages-before stages)
(match-define (list head-stages ... last-stage) stages)
(set! stages
,(append last-stage
(for/list ([feature (in-list features)]
#:unless (dict-ref (· this allFeatures) feature #f))
(dict-set! (· this allFeatures) feature #t)
(report*/file 'stages-after stages))
;; Adds the given features to the global list
(define/public (_addGlobal features)
(for ([feature (in-list features)])
(dict-set! (· this globalFeatures) feature #t)))
;; Add features to the last stage
(define/public (add arg [global #t])
(when (zero? (length (· this stages)))
(push-end-field! stages this empty))
(when (string? arg)
(set! arg (list arg)))
[(list? arg)
(_addFeatures arg)
(when global (_addGlobal arg))]
[(dict? arg)
(define features (append (or (· arg global) empty)
(or (· arg local) empty)))
(_addFeatures features)
(when (· arg global)
(_addGlobal (· arg global)))]
[else (raise-argument-error 'ShapingPlan:add "valid arg" arg)]))
;; Add a new stage
(define/public (addStage arg global)
[(procedure? arg)
(push-end-field! stages this arg)
(push-end-field! stages this empty)]
[else (push-end-field! stages this empty)
(add arg global)]))
;; Assigns the global features to the given glyphs
(define/public (assignGlobalFeatures glyphs)
(report*/file glyphs (· this globalFeatures))
(for* ([glyph (in-list glyphs)]
[feature (in-dict-keys (· this globalFeatures))])
(dict-set! (· glyph features) feature #t)))
;; Executes the planned stages using the given OTProcessor
(define/public (process processor glyphs positions)
(report*/file 'shaping-plan-process processor)
(send processor selectScript (· this script) (· this language))
(report/file stages)
(for ([stage (in-list stages)])
[(and (procedure? stage) (not positions))
(stage (· this font) glyphs positions)]
[(> (length stage) 0)
(report*/file 'shaping-plan:applying-features processor)
(send processor applyFeatures stage glyphs positions)]))))