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#lang racket/base
(provide (all-defined-out))
(require racket/string racket/list (for-syntax racket/base racket/syntax))
(struct $quad (attrs dim val) #:transparent #:mutable)
(struct $black $quad () #:transparent)
(struct $space $quad () #:transparent)
(struct $hyphen $black () #:transparent) ; hyphen should be treated as black in measure & render ops
(struct $shy $quad () #:transparent)
(struct $shim $quad () #:transparent)
(struct $eof $quad () #:transparent)
(define (quad-printable? x) (or ($black? x) ($space? x) ($hyphen? x)))
(define quad? $quad?)
(define quad-attrs $quad-attrs)
(define quad-val $quad-val)
(define (quad-attrs? x) (list? x))
Attrs needed to specify rendered appearance:
(font) family
(font) style
(font) size
measure (line width)
(define default-attrs (hasheq 'size 10 'font "sc.otf")) ; Source Code Pro, 12 pt, chars are 6pt wide
(define (munge-whitespace str)
;; reduce multiple whitespace to single
;; trim remaining (? maybe not)
(regexp-replace* #px"\\s+" str " "))
(define (merge-strings xs)
;; merge consecutive strings
;; todo: only trim remove space between string and a hard break.
;; space between a string and a subquad is ok
(let loop ([xs xs])
[(empty? xs) empty]
(define-values (strs rest) (splitf-at xs string?))
(define-values (nonstrs restrest) (splitf-at rest (λ(x) (not (string? x)))))
(append (if (empty? strs)
(list (munge-whitespace (string-append* strs)))) nonstrs (loop restrest))])))
(struct $attrs (size font) #:transparent)
(define (make-attrs #:size [size #f]
#:font [font #f])
(hasheq 'size size 'font font))
(define (make-empty-attrs) (make-attrs))
(define (quad attr . xs)
;; squeeze excess whitespace out of quad args
;; todo: find way to do this with less allocation
($quad (or attr (make-attrs)) 0 (merge-strings xs)))
(define (quad-dim q)
($quad-dim q))
(define (quad-font q)
(hash-ref (quad-attrs q) 'font))
(define (quad-font-size q)
(hash-ref (quad-attrs q) 'size))
(define (quad-dim-set! q val)
(set-$quad-dim! q val))
(define (override-with dest source)
;; replace missing values in dest with values from source
(for/hasheq ([k (in-hash-keys source)])
(values k (or (hash-ref dest k) (hash-ref source k)))))
(require (for-syntax sugar/debug))
(define-syntax-rule (define-break name)
(define (name) ($shim (make-attrs) 'name #f)))
(define-break page-break)
(define-break column-break)
(define-break block-break)
(define-break line-break)
(define-syntax (define-case-macro stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ ID PRED)
#'(define-syntax (ID stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ test-val
[(match-val0 . match-vals) . result] (... ...)
[else . else-result])
[(PRED test-val '(match-val0 . match-vals)) . result] (... ...)
[else . else-result])]
[(_ test-val
match-clause (... ...))
#'(ID test-val
match-clause (... ...)
[else (error 'ID "no match")])]))]))
;; like case but strictly uses `eq?` comparison (as opposed to `equal?`)
(define-case-macro caseq memq)
;; `eqv?` is OK for chars (same as `char=?`)
(define-case-macro casev memv)
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define q (quad #f "bar"))
(check-true (quad? q))
(check-false (quad? 42))
(check-equal? (quad-attrs q) (make-attrs))
(check-equal? (quad-val q) '("bar"))
#;(check-equal? (merge-strings '(50 " foo " " bar " 42 " zam")) '(50 "foo bar" 42 "zam")))