You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

815 lines
26 KiB

// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.5
(function() {
var Parser, alt, alternatives, grammar, name, o, operators, token, tokens, unwrap;
Parser = require('jison').Parser;
unwrap = /^function\s*\(\)\s*\{\s*return\s*([\s\S]*);\s*\}/;
o = function(patternString, action, options) {
var addLocationDataFn, match, patternCount;
patternString = patternString.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ');
patternCount = patternString.split(' ').length;
if (!action) {
return [patternString, '$$ = $1;', options];
action = (match = unwrap.exec(action)) ? match[1] : "(" + action + "())";
action = action.replace(/\bnew /g, '$&yy.');
action = action.replace(/\b(?:Block\.wrap|extend)\b/g, 'yy.$&');
addLocationDataFn = function(first, last) {
if (!last) {
return "yy.addLocationDataFn(@" + first + ")";
} else {
return "yy.addLocationDataFn(@" + first + ", @" + last + ")";
action = action.replace(/LOC\(([0-9]*)\)/g, addLocationDataFn('$1'));
action = action.replace(/LOC\(([0-9]*),\s*([0-9]*)\)/g, addLocationDataFn('$1', '$2'));
return [patternString, "$$ = " + (addLocationDataFn(1, patternCount)) + "(" + action + ");", options];
grammar = {
Root: [
o('', function() {
return new Block;
}), o('Body')
Body: [
o('Line', function() {
return Block.wrap([$1]);
}), o('Body TERMINATOR Line', function() {
return $1.push($3);
}), o('Body TERMINATOR')
Line: [o('Expression'), o('Statement'), o('YieldReturn')],
Statement: [
o('Return'), o('Comment'), o('STATEMENT', function() {
return new StatementLiteral($1);
}), o('Import'), o('Export')
Expression: [o('Value'), o('Invocation'), o('Code'), o('Operation'), o('Assign'), o('If'), o('Try'), o('While'), o('For'), o('Switch'), o('Class'), o('Throw'), o('Yield')],
Yield: [
o('YIELD', function() {
return new Op($1, new Value(new Literal('')));
}), o('YIELD Expression', function() {
return new Op($1, $2);
}), o('YIELD FROM Expression', function() {
return new Op($1.concat($2), $3);
Block: [
o('INDENT OUTDENT', function() {
return new Block;
}), o('INDENT Body OUTDENT', function() {
return $2;
Identifier: [
o('IDENTIFIER', function() {
return new IdentifierLiteral($1);
Property: [
o('PROPERTY', function() {
return new PropertyName($1);
AlphaNumeric: [
o('NUMBER', function() {
return new NumberLiteral($1);
}), o('String')
String: [
o('STRING', function() {
return new StringLiteral($1);
}), o('STRING_START Body STRING_END', function() {
return new StringWithInterpolations($2);
Regex: [
o('REGEX', function() {
return new RegexLiteral($1);
}), o('REGEX_START Invocation REGEX_END', function() {
return new RegexWithInterpolations($2.args);
Literal: [
o('AlphaNumeric'), o('JS', function() {
return new PassthroughLiteral($1);
}), o('Regex'), o('UNDEFINED', function() {
return new UndefinedLiteral;
}), o('NULL', function() {
return new NullLiteral;
}), o('BOOL', function() {
return new BooleanLiteral($1);
}), o('INFINITY', function() {
return new InfinityLiteral($1);
}), o('NAN', function() {
return new NaNLiteral;
Assign: [
o('Assignable = Expression', function() {
return new Assign($1, $3);
}), o('Assignable = TERMINATOR Expression', function() {
return new Assign($1, $4);
}), o('Assignable = INDENT Expression OUTDENT', function() {
return new Assign($1, $4);
AssignObj: [
o('ObjAssignable', function() {
return new Value($1);
}), o('ObjAssignable : Expression', function() {
return new Assign(LOC(1)(new Value($1)), $3, 'object', {
operatorToken: LOC(2)(new Literal($2))
}), o('ObjAssignable : INDENT Expression OUTDENT', function() {
return new Assign(LOC(1)(new Value($1)), $4, 'object', {
operatorToken: LOC(2)(new Literal($2))
}), o('SimpleObjAssignable = Expression', function() {
return new Assign(LOC(1)(new Value($1)), $3, null, {
operatorToken: LOC(2)(new Literal($2))
}), o('SimpleObjAssignable = INDENT Expression OUTDENT', function() {
return new Assign(LOC(1)(new Value($1)), $4, null, {
operatorToken: LOC(2)(new Literal($2))
}), o('Comment')
SimpleObjAssignable: [o('Identifier'), o('Property'), o('ThisProperty')],
ObjAssignable: [o('SimpleObjAssignable'), o('AlphaNumeric')],
Return: [
o('RETURN Expression', function() {
return new Return($2);
}), o('RETURN', function() {
return new Return;
YieldReturn: [
o('YIELD RETURN Expression', function() {
return new YieldReturn($3);
}), o('YIELD RETURN', function() {
return new YieldReturn;
Comment: [
o('HERECOMMENT', function() {
return new Comment($1);
Code: [
o('PARAM_START ParamList PARAM_END FuncGlyph Block', function() {
return new Code($2, $5, $4);
}), o('FuncGlyph Block', function() {
return new Code([], $2, $1);
FuncGlyph: [
o('->', function() {
return 'func';
}), o('=>', function() {
return 'boundfunc';
OptComma: [o(''), o(',')],
ParamList: [
o('', function() {
return [];
}), o('Param', function() {
return [$1];
}), o('ParamList , Param', function() {
return $1.concat($3);
}), o('ParamList OptComma TERMINATOR Param', function() {
return $1.concat($4);
}), o('ParamList OptComma INDENT ParamList OptComma OUTDENT', function() {
return $1.concat($4);
Param: [
o('ParamVar', function() {
return new Param($1);
}), o('ParamVar ...', function() {
return new Param($1, null, true);
}), o('ParamVar = Expression', function() {
return new Param($1, $3);
}), o('...', function() {
return new Expansion;
ParamVar: [o('Identifier'), o('ThisProperty'), o('Array'), o('Object')],
Splat: [
o('Expression ...', function() {
return new Splat($1);
SimpleAssignable: [
o('Identifier', function() {
return new Value($1);
}), o('Value Accessor', function() {
return $1.add($2);
}), o('Invocation Accessor', function() {
return new Value($1, [].concat($2));
}), o('ThisProperty')
Assignable: [
o('SimpleAssignable'), o('Array', function() {
return new Value($1);
}), o('Object', function() {
return new Value($1);
Value: [
o('Assignable'), o('Literal', function() {
return new Value($1);
}), o('Parenthetical', function() {
return new Value($1);
}), o('Range', function() {
return new Value($1);
}), o('This')
Accessor: [
o('. Property', function() {
return new Access($2);
}), o('?. Property', function() {
return new Access($2, 'soak');
}), o(':: Property', function() {
return [LOC(1)(new Access(new PropertyName('prototype'))), LOC(2)(new Access($2))];
}), o('?:: Property', function() {
return [LOC(1)(new Access(new PropertyName('prototype'), 'soak')), LOC(2)(new Access($2))];
}), o('::', function() {
return new Access(new PropertyName('prototype'));
}), o('Index')
Index: [
o('INDEX_START IndexValue INDEX_END', function() {
return $2;
}), o('INDEX_SOAK Index', function() {
return extend($2, {
soak: true
IndexValue: [
o('Expression', function() {
return new Index($1);
}), o('Slice', function() {
return new Slice($1);
Object: [
o('{ AssignList OptComma }', function() {
return new Obj($2, $1.generated);
AssignList: [
o('', function() {
return [];
}), o('AssignObj', function() {
return [$1];
}), o('AssignList , AssignObj', function() {
return $1.concat($3);
}), o('AssignList OptComma TERMINATOR AssignObj', function() {
return $1.concat($4);
}), o('AssignList OptComma INDENT AssignList OptComma OUTDENT', function() {
return $1.concat($4);
Class: [
o('CLASS', function() {
return new Class;
}), o('CLASS Block', function() {
return new Class(null, null, $2);
}), o('CLASS EXTENDS Expression', function() {
return new Class(null, $3);
}), o('CLASS EXTENDS Expression Block', function() {
return new Class(null, $3, $4);
}), o('CLASS SimpleAssignable', function() {
return new Class($2);
}), o('CLASS SimpleAssignable Block', function() {
return new Class($2, null, $3);
}), o('CLASS SimpleAssignable EXTENDS Expression', function() {
return new Class($2, $4);
}), o('CLASS SimpleAssignable EXTENDS Expression Block', function() {
return new Class($2, $4, $5);
Import: [
o('IMPORT String', function() {
return new ImportDeclaration(null, $2);
}), o('IMPORT ImportDefaultSpecifier FROM String', function() {
return new ImportDeclaration(new ImportClause($2, null), $4);
}), o('IMPORT ImportNamespaceSpecifier FROM String', function() {
return new ImportDeclaration(new ImportClause(null, $2), $4);
}), o('IMPORT { } FROM String', function() {
return new ImportDeclaration(new ImportClause(null, new ImportSpecifierList([])), $5);
}), o('IMPORT { ImportSpecifierList OptComma } FROM String', function() {
return new ImportDeclaration(new ImportClause(null, new ImportSpecifierList($3)), $7);
}), o('IMPORT ImportDefaultSpecifier , ImportNamespaceSpecifier FROM String', function() {
return new ImportDeclaration(new ImportClause($2, $4), $6);
}), o('IMPORT ImportDefaultSpecifier , { ImportSpecifierList OptComma } FROM String', function() {
return new ImportDeclaration(new ImportClause($2, new ImportSpecifierList($5)), $9);
ImportSpecifierList: [
o('ImportSpecifier', function() {
return [$1];
}), o('ImportSpecifierList , ImportSpecifier', function() {
return $1.concat($3);
}), o('ImportSpecifierList OptComma TERMINATOR ImportSpecifier', function() {
return $1.concat($4);
}), o('INDENT ImportSpecifierList OptComma OUTDENT', function() {
return $2;
}), o('ImportSpecifierList OptComma INDENT ImportSpecifierList OptComma OUTDENT', function() {
return $1.concat($4);
ImportSpecifier: [
o('Identifier', function() {
return new ImportSpecifier($1);
}), o('Identifier AS Identifier', function() {
return new ImportSpecifier($1, $3);
}), o('DEFAULT', function() {
return new ImportSpecifier(new Literal($1));
}), o('DEFAULT AS Identifier', function() {
return new ImportSpecifier(new Literal($1), $3);
ImportDefaultSpecifier: [
o('Identifier', function() {
return new ImportDefaultSpecifier($1);
ImportNamespaceSpecifier: [
o('IMPORT_ALL AS Identifier', function() {
return new ImportNamespaceSpecifier(new Literal($1), $3);
Export: [
o('EXPORT { }', function() {
return new ExportNamedDeclaration(new ExportSpecifierList([]));
}), o('EXPORT { ExportSpecifierList OptComma }', function() {
return new ExportNamedDeclaration(new ExportSpecifierList($3));
}), o('EXPORT Class', function() {
return new ExportNamedDeclaration($2);
}), o('EXPORT Identifier = Expression', function() {
return new ExportNamedDeclaration(new Assign($2, $4, null, {
moduleDeclaration: 'export'
}), o('EXPORT Identifier = TERMINATOR Expression', function() {
return new ExportNamedDeclaration(new Assign($2, $5, null, {
moduleDeclaration: 'export'
}), o('EXPORT Identifier = INDENT Expression OUTDENT', function() {
return new ExportNamedDeclaration(new Assign($2, $5, null, {
moduleDeclaration: 'export'
}), o('EXPORT DEFAULT Expression', function() {
return new ExportDefaultDeclaration($3);
}), o('EXPORT EXPORT_ALL FROM String', function() {
return new ExportAllDeclaration(new Literal($2), $4);
}), o('EXPORT { ExportSpecifierList OptComma } FROM String', function() {
return new ExportNamedDeclaration(new ExportSpecifierList($3), $7);
ExportSpecifierList: [
o('ExportSpecifier', function() {
return [$1];
}), o('ExportSpecifierList , ExportSpecifier', function() {
return $1.concat($3);
}), o('ExportSpecifierList OptComma TERMINATOR ExportSpecifier', function() {
return $1.concat($4);
}), o('INDENT ExportSpecifierList OptComma OUTDENT', function() {
return $2;
}), o('ExportSpecifierList OptComma INDENT ExportSpecifierList OptComma OUTDENT', function() {
return $1.concat($4);
ExportSpecifier: [
o('Identifier', function() {
return new ExportSpecifier($1);
}), o('Identifier AS Identifier', function() {
return new ExportSpecifier($1, $3);
}), o('Identifier AS DEFAULT', function() {
return new ExportSpecifier($1, new Literal($3));
}), o('DEFAULT', function() {
return new ExportSpecifier(new Literal($1));
}), o('DEFAULT AS Identifier', function() {
return new ExportSpecifier(new Literal($1), $3);
Invocation: [
o('Value OptFuncExist String', function() {
return new TaggedTemplateCall($1, $3, $2);
}), o('Value OptFuncExist Arguments', function() {
return new Call($1, $3, $2);
}), o('Invocation OptFuncExist Arguments', function() {
return new Call($1, $3, $2);
}), o('Super')
Super: [
o('SUPER', function() {
return new SuperCall;
}), o('SUPER Arguments', function() {
return new SuperCall($2);
OptFuncExist: [
o('', function() {
return false;
}), o('FUNC_EXIST', function() {
return true;
Arguments: [
o('CALL_START CALL_END', function() {
return [];
}), o('CALL_START ArgList OptComma CALL_END', function() {
return $2;
This: [
o('THIS', function() {
return new Value(new ThisLiteral);
}), o('@', function() {
return new Value(new ThisLiteral);
ThisProperty: [
o('@ Property', function() {
return new Value(LOC(1)(new ThisLiteral), [LOC(2)(new Access($2))], 'this');
Array: [
o('[ ]', function() {
return new Arr([]);
}), o('[ ArgList OptComma ]', function() {
return new Arr($2);
RangeDots: [
o('..', function() {
return 'inclusive';
}), o('...', function() {
return 'exclusive';
Range: [
o('[ Expression RangeDots Expression ]', function() {
return new Range($2, $4, $3);
Slice: [
o('Expression RangeDots Expression', function() {
return new Range($1, $3, $2);
}), o('Expression RangeDots', function() {
return new Range($1, null, $2);
}), o('RangeDots Expression', function() {
return new Range(null, $2, $1);
}), o('RangeDots', function() {
return new Range(null, null, $1);
ArgList: [
o('Arg', function() {
return [$1];
}), o('ArgList , Arg', function() {
return $1.concat($3);
}), o('ArgList OptComma TERMINATOR Arg', function() {
return $1.concat($4);
}), o('INDENT ArgList OptComma OUTDENT', function() {
return $2;
}), o('ArgList OptComma INDENT ArgList OptComma OUTDENT', function() {
return $1.concat($4);
Arg: [
o('Expression'), o('Splat'), o('...', function() {
return new Expansion;
SimpleArgs: [
o('Expression'), o('SimpleArgs , Expression', function() {
return [].concat($1, $3);
Try: [
o('TRY Block', function() {
return new Try($2);
}), o('TRY Block Catch', function() {
return new Try($2, $3[0], $3[1]);
}), o('TRY Block FINALLY Block', function() {
return new Try($2, null, null, $4);
}), o('TRY Block Catch FINALLY Block', function() {
return new Try($2, $3[0], $3[1], $5);
Catch: [
o('CATCH Identifier Block', function() {
return [$2, $3];
}), o('CATCH Object Block', function() {
return [LOC(2)(new Value($2)), $3];
}), o('CATCH Block', function() {
return [null, $2];
Throw: [
o('THROW Expression', function() {
return new Throw($2);
Parenthetical: [
o('( Body )', function() {
return new Parens($2);
}), o('( INDENT Body OUTDENT )', function() {
return new Parens($3);
WhileSource: [
o('WHILE Expression', function() {
return new While($2);
}), o('WHILE Expression WHEN Expression', function() {
return new While($2, {
guard: $4
}), o('UNTIL Expression', function() {
return new While($2, {
invert: true
}), o('UNTIL Expression WHEN Expression', function() {
return new While($2, {
invert: true,
guard: $4
While: [
o('WhileSource Block', function() {
return $1.addBody($2);
}), o('Statement WhileSource', function() {
return $2.addBody(LOC(1)(Block.wrap([$1])));
}), o('Expression WhileSource', function() {
return $2.addBody(LOC(1)(Block.wrap([$1])));
}), o('Loop', function() {
return $1;
Loop: [
o('LOOP Block', function() {
return new While(LOC(1)(new BooleanLiteral('true'))).addBody($2);
}), o('LOOP Expression', function() {
return new While(LOC(1)(new BooleanLiteral('true'))).addBody(LOC(2)(Block.wrap([$2])));
For: [
o('Statement ForBody', function() {
return new For($1, $2);
}), o('Expression ForBody', function() {
return new For($1, $2);
}), o('ForBody Block', function() {
return new For($2, $1);
ForBody: [
o('FOR Range', function() {
return {
source: LOC(2)(new Value($2))
}), o('FOR Range BY Expression', function() {
return {
source: LOC(2)(new Value($2)),
step: $4
}), o('ForStart ForSource', function() {
$2.own = $1.own;
$2.ownTag = $1.ownTag;
$ = $1[0];
$2.index = $1[1];
return $2;
ForStart: [
o('FOR ForVariables', function() {
return $2;
}), o('FOR OWN ForVariables', function() {
$3.own = true;
$3.ownTag = LOC(2)(new Literal($2));
return $3;
ForValue: [
o('Identifier'), o('ThisProperty'), o('Array', function() {
return new Value($1);
}), o('Object', function() {
return new Value($1);
ForVariables: [
o('ForValue', function() {
return [$1];
}), o('ForValue , ForValue', function() {
return [$1, $3];
ForSource: [
o('FORIN Expression', function() {
return {
source: $2
}), o('FOROF Expression', function() {
return {
source: $2,
object: true
}), o('FORIN Expression WHEN Expression', function() {
return {
source: $2,
guard: $4
}), o('FOROF Expression WHEN Expression', function() {
return {
source: $2,
guard: $4,
object: true
}), o('FORIN Expression BY Expression', function() {
return {
source: $2,
step: $4
}), o('FORIN Expression WHEN Expression BY Expression', function() {
return {
source: $2,
guard: $4,
step: $6
}), o('FORIN Expression BY Expression WHEN Expression', function() {
return {
source: $2,
step: $4,
guard: $6
}), o('FORFROM Expression', function() {
return {
source: $2,
from: true
}), o('FORFROM Expression WHEN Expression', function() {
return {
source: $2,
guard: $4,
from: true
Switch: [
o('SWITCH Expression INDENT Whens OUTDENT', function() {
return new Switch($2, $4);
}), o('SWITCH Expression INDENT Whens ELSE Block OUTDENT', function() {
return new Switch($2, $4, $6);
}), o('SWITCH INDENT Whens OUTDENT', function() {
return new Switch(null, $3);
}), o('SWITCH INDENT Whens ELSE Block OUTDENT', function() {
return new Switch(null, $3, $5);
Whens: [
o('When'), o('Whens When', function() {
return $1.concat($2);
When: [
o('LEADING_WHEN SimpleArgs Block', function() {
return [[$2, $3]];
}), o('LEADING_WHEN SimpleArgs Block TERMINATOR', function() {
return [[$2, $3]];
IfBlock: [
o('IF Expression Block', function() {
return new If($2, $3, {
type: $1
}), o('IfBlock ELSE IF Expression Block', function() {
return $1.addElse(LOC(3, 5)(new If($4, $5, {
type: $3
If: [
o('IfBlock'), o('IfBlock ELSE Block', function() {
return $1.addElse($3);
}), o('Statement POST_IF Expression', function() {
return new If($3, LOC(1)(Block.wrap([$1])), {
type: $2,
statement: true
}), o('Expression POST_IF Expression', function() {
return new If($3, LOC(1)(Block.wrap([$1])), {
type: $2,
statement: true
Operation: [
o('UNARY Expression', function() {
return new Op($1, $2);
}), o('UNARY_MATH Expression', function() {
return new Op($1, $2);
}), o('- Expression', (function() {
return new Op('-', $2);
}), {
prec: 'UNARY_MATH'
}), o('+ Expression', (function() {
return new Op('+', $2);
}), {
prec: 'UNARY_MATH'
}), o('-- SimpleAssignable', function() {
return new Op('--', $2);
}), o('++ SimpleAssignable', function() {
return new Op('++', $2);
}), o('SimpleAssignable --', function() {
return new Op('--', $1, null, true);
}), o('SimpleAssignable ++', function() {
return new Op('++', $1, null, true);
}), o('Expression ?', function() {
return new Existence($1);
}), o('Expression + Expression', function() {
return new Op('+', $1, $3);
}), o('Expression - Expression', function() {
return new Op('-', $1, $3);
}), o('Expression MATH Expression', function() {
return new Op($2, $1, $3);
}), o('Expression ** Expression', function() {
return new Op($2, $1, $3);
}), o('Expression SHIFT Expression', function() {
return new Op($2, $1, $3);
}), o('Expression COMPARE Expression', function() {
return new Op($2, $1, $3);
}), o('Expression & Expression', function() {
return new Op($2, $1, $3);
}), o('Expression ^ Expression', function() {
return new Op($2, $1, $3);
}), o('Expression | Expression', function() {
return new Op($2, $1, $3);
}), o('Expression && Expression', function() {
return new Op($2, $1, $3);
}), o('Expression || Expression', function() {
return new Op($2, $1, $3);
}), o('Expression BIN? Expression', function() {
return new Op($2, $1, $3);
}), o('Expression RELATION Expression', function() {
if ($2.charAt(0) === '!') {
return new Op($2.slice(1), $1, $3).invert();
} else {
return new Op($2, $1, $3);
}), o('SimpleAssignable COMPOUND_ASSIGN Expression', function() {
return new Assign($1, $3, $2);
}), o('SimpleAssignable COMPOUND_ASSIGN INDENT Expression OUTDENT', function() {
return new Assign($1, $4, $2);
}), o('SimpleAssignable COMPOUND_ASSIGN TERMINATOR Expression', function() {
return new Assign($1, $4, $2);
}), o('SimpleAssignable EXTENDS Expression', function() {
return new Extends($1, $3);
operators = [['left', '.', '?.', '::', '?::'], ['left', 'CALL_START', 'CALL_END'], ['nonassoc', '++', '--'], ['left', '?'], ['right', 'UNARY'], ['right', '**'], ['right', 'UNARY_MATH'], ['left', 'MATH'], ['left', '+', '-'], ['left', 'SHIFT'], ['left', 'RELATION'], ['left', 'COMPARE'], ['left', '&'], ['left', '^'], ['left', '|'], ['left', '&&'], ['left', '||'], ['left', 'BIN?'], ['nonassoc', 'INDENT', 'OUTDENT'], ['right', 'YIELD'], ['right', '=', ':', 'COMPOUND_ASSIGN', 'RETURN', 'THROW', 'EXTENDS'], ['right', 'FORIN', 'FOROF', 'FORFROM', 'BY', 'WHEN'], ['right', 'IF', 'ELSE', 'FOR', 'WHILE', 'UNTIL', 'LOOP', 'SUPER', 'CLASS', 'IMPORT', 'EXPORT'], ['left', 'POST_IF']];
tokens = [];
for (name in grammar) {
alternatives = grammar[name];
grammar[name] = (function() {
var i, j, len, len1, ref, results;
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = alternatives.length; i < len; i++) {
alt = alternatives[i];
ref = alt[0].split(' ');
for (j = 0, len1 = ref.length; j < len1; j++) {
token = ref[j];
if (!grammar[token]) {
if (name === 'Root') {
alt[1] = "return " + alt[1];
return results;
exports.parser = new Parser({
tokens: tokens.join(' '),
bnf: grammar,
operators: operators.reverse(),
startSymbol: 'Root'