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#lang racket/base
(require racket/class racket/list "helper.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define domain%
;; Class used to control possible values for variables
;; When list or tuples are used as domains, they are automatically
;; converted to an instance of that class.
(class* object% (printable<%>)
(init-field set)
(field [_list set][_hidden null][_states null])
(define (repr) (format "<Domain ~v>" _list))
(define/public (custom-print out quoting-depth) (print (repr) out))
(define/public (custom-display out) (displayln (repr) out))
(define/public (custom-write out) (write (repr) out))
(define/public (resetState)
;; Reset to the original domain state, including all possible values
(py-extend! _list _hidden)
(set! _hidden null)
(set! _states null))
(define/public (pushState)
;; Save current domain state
;; Variables hidden after that call are restored when that state
;; is popped from the stack.
(py-append! _states (length _list)))
(define/public (popState)
;; Restore domain state from the top of the stack
;; Variables hidden since the last popped state are then available
;; again.
(define diff (- (py-pop! _states) (length _list)))
(when (not (= 0 diff))
(py-extend! _list (take-right _hidden diff))
(set! _hidden (take _hidden (- (length _hidden) diff)))))
(define/public (hideValue value)
;; Hide the given value from the domain
;; After that call the given value won't be seen as a possible value
;; on that domain anymore. The hidden value will be restored when the
;; previous saved state is popped.
(set! _list (remove value _list))
(py-append! _hidden value))
(define/public (domain-pop!)
(py-pop! _list))
(define/public (copy)
(define copied-domain (new domain% [set _list]))
(set-field! _hidden copied-domain _hidden)
(set-field! _states copied-domain _states)
(define domain%? (is-a?/c domain%))