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#lang debug racket/base
(require racket/match
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define get-font
(let ([font-cache (make-hasheqv)])
(λ (font-path)
(hash-ref! font-cache font-path (λ () (open-font font-path))))))
(define get-gid
(let ([gid-cache (make-hash)])
(λ (font-path c-or-str)
;; layout a string with just c in it and get the gid
(define f (get-font font-path))
(define str (match c-or-str
[(? char? c) (string c)]
[str #:when (eq? (string-length str) 1) str]
[val (raise-argument-error 'get-gid "char or string of length 1" val)]))
(define gid-key (cons str font-path))
(hash-ref! gid-cache gid-key
(λ () (glyph-id (vector-ref (glyphrun-glyphs (layout f str)) 0)))))))
(define (char-in-font? font-path c-or-str)
(not (zero? (get-gid font-path c-or-str))))