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#lang debug racket
(require rackunit)
(provide check-pdfs-equal?)
(define (xref-offset bs)
(match (regexp-match #px"(?<=startxref\n)\\d+" bs)
[(list val) (read (open-input-bytes val))]
[_ (error 'no-xref)]))
(define-syntax (pat-lex stx)
(syntax-case stx (else)
[(_ PORT [PAT . REST] ... [else ELSE-CLAUSE])
(with-syntax ([(REST ...)
(map (λ (stx) (syntax-case stx ()
[() #'(=> car)]
[_ stx])) (syntax->list #'(REST ...)))])
[(regexp-try-match (pregexp (string-append "^" PAT)) PORT) . REST] ... [else ELSE-CLAUSE]))]))
(define (parse-1 x)
(pat-lex x
["\\s+" (parse-1 x)] ; whitespace
["\\d+ 0 obj" (parse-1 x)] ;; obj name
["stream\n(.*?)\nendstream" => cadr] ;; stream
["<<\n(.*)\n>>" ;; dict
=> (λ (m)
(define items (parse-pdf-bytes (cadr m)))
(unless (even? (length items))
(raise items))
(sort ; put hash into order so it's comparable
(for/list ([kv (in-slice 2 items)])
(apply cons kv))
#:key car))]
["\\[(.*?)\\]" => (compose1 parse-pdf-bytes cadr)] ;; list
["\\d+ 0 R"] ; xref
["[-]?\\d+"] ; number
["\\(.*?\\)"] ; parenstring
["/\\S+"] ; keystring
[else eof]))
(define (parse-pdf-bytes bs)
(for/list ([tok (in-port parse-1 (open-input-bytes bs))])
(define (pdf->dict pdf)
(define pdf-bs (file->bytes pdf))
(define xoff (xref-offset pdf-bs))
(define xref-ip (open-input-bytes (subbytes pdf-bs (+ xoff (bytes-length #"xref\n0")))))
(define ref-count (read xref-ip))
(define obj-locations
(sort ; sort by byte offset
(cdr ; drop zeroth record: there is no zeroth object
(for/list ([i (in-range ref-count)])
(cons i (read (open-input-bytes (car (regexp-match #px"\\d{10}" xref-ip)))))))
< #:key cdr)
(list (cons #f xoff))))
(sort ; sort by index
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes pdf-bs)])
(for/list ([(idx start) (in-dict obj-locations)]
[(_ end) (in-dict (cdr obj-locations))])
(cons idx (parse-pdf-bytes (peek-bytes (- end start) start)))))
< #:key car))
(define-simple-check (check-pdfs-equal? ps1 ps2)
(equal? (pdf->dict ps1) (pdf->dict ps2)))