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from constraint import Problem
import sys
def factorial(x):
return x == 1 or factorial(x - 1) * x
def solve(size):
problem = Problem()
cols = range(size)
rows = range(size)
problem.addVariables(cols, rows)
for col1 in cols:
for col2 in cols:
if col1 < col2:
problem.addConstraint(lambda row1, row2: row1 != row2,
(col1, col2))
solutions = problem.getSolutions()
return solutions
def main(show=False):
size = 8
solutions = solve(size)
print("Found %d solution(s)!" % len(solutions))
if show:
for solution in solutions:
showSolution(solution, size)
def showSolution(solution, size):
sys.stdout.write(" %s \n" % ("-" * ((size * 4) - 1)))
for i in range(size):
sys.stdout.write(" |")
for j in range(size):
if solution[j] == i:
sys.stdout.write(" %d |" % j)
sys.stdout.write(" |")
if i != size - 1:
sys.stdout.write(" |%s|\n" % ("-" * ((size * 4) - 1)))
sys.stdout.write(" %s \n" % ("-" * ((size * 4) - 1)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
show = False
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "-s":
show = True
elif len(sys.argv) != 1:
sys.exit("Usage: [-s]")