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#lang fontkit/racket
(require restructure "tables.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define TableEntry (make-object Struct
(dictify 'tag (+String 4)
'checkSum uint32be
'offset uint32be
'length uint32be)))
(define-subclass Struct (RDirectory)
(define/override (process this-res stream)
;; in `restructure` `process` method, `res` is aliased as `this`
(define new-tables-val (mhash))
(for ([table (in-list (· this-res tables))])
(hash-set! new-tables-val (string->symbol (string-trim (· table tag))) table))
(hash-set! this-res 'tables new-tables-val))
(define/override (preEncode this-val stream)
(define tables empty)
(for ([(tag table) (in-hash (· this-val tables))])
(when table
(push-end! tables
'tag tag
'checkSum 0
'offset 16909060 ; todo \1\2\3\4 octal-be
'length (let ([tag (hash-ref table-decoders tag (λ () (raise-argument-error 'directory:preEncode "valid table tag" tag)))])
(send tag size table))))))
(define numTables (length tables))
(define searchRange (* (floor (log (/ numTables (log 2)))) 16))
(define entrySelector (floor (/ searchRange (log 2))))
(define rangeShift (- (* numTables 16) searchRange))
(hash-set*! this-val
'tag "true"
'numTables numTables
'tables tables
'searchRange searchRange
'entrySelector rangeShift
'rangeShift rangeShift)
(define Directory (make-object RDirectory
(dictify 'tag (+String 4)
'numTables uint16be
'searchRange uint16be
'entrySelector uint16be
'rangeShift uint16be
'tables (+Array TableEntry 'numTables))))
(define (directory-decode ip [options (mhash)])
(send Directory decode (+DecodeStream (port->bytes ip))))
(define ip (open-input-file charter-path))
(define decoded-dir (deserialize (read (open-input-file charter-directory-path))))
(check-equal? (directory-decode ip) decoded-dir)
(define es (+EncodeStream))
;(send Directory encode es decoded-dir)