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#lang fontkit/racket
(require (prefix-in Script- "script.rkt"))
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define DEFAULT_SCRIPTS '(DFLT dflt latn))
(define-subclass object% (OTProcessor font table)
(field [script #f]
[scriptTag #f]
[language #f]
[languageTag #f]
[features (mhash)]
[lookups (mhash)]
[direction #f]) ; appears below
;; initialize to default script + language
;; current context (set by applyFeatures)
(field [glyphs empty]
[positions empty] ; only used by GPOS
[ligatureID 1])
(define/public (findScript script-or-scripts)
(and (· this table scriptList)
(let ([scripts (if (pair? script-or-scripts) script-or-scripts (list script-or-scripts))])
(for*/first ([entry (in-list (· this table scriptList))]
[s (in-list scripts)]
#:when (eq? (· entry tag) s))
(define/public (selectScript [script #f] [language #f])
(let/ec return!
(define changed #f)
(define entry #f)
(when (or (not (· this script)) (not (eq? script (· this scriptTag))))
(set! entry (findScript script))
(when script
(set! entry (findScript script))) ; ? why double dip
(when (not entry)
(set! entry (findScript DEFAULT_SCRIPTS)))
(when (not entry)
(return! (void)))
(set-field! scriptTag this (· entry tag))
(set-field! script this (· entry script))
(set-field! direction this (Script-direction script))
(set-field! language this #f)
(set! changed #t))
(when (and (not language) (not (equal? language (· this languageTag))))
(for/first ([lang (in-list (· this script langSysRecords))]
#:when (equal? (· lang tag) language))
(set-field! language this (· lang langSys))
(set-field! languageTag this (· lang tag))
(set! changed #t)))
(when (not (· this language))
(set-field! language this (· this script defaultLangSys)))
;; Build a feature lookup table
(when changed
(set-field! features this (mhash))
(when (· this language)
(for ([featureIndex (in-list (· this language featureIndexes))])
(define record (list-ref (· this table featureList) featureIndex))
(dict-set! (· this features) (· record tag) (· record feature)))))))
(define/public (applyFeatures userFeatures glyphs advances)
(error 'ot-processor-applyFeatures-not-implemented)))