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#lang pitfall/racket
(provide (all-from-out pitfall/racket))
(provide check-copy-equal? check-pdfkit? make-doc)
(test-mode #t)
(r+p rackunit racket/runtime-path pitfall/document)
(define (this->control this) (path-add-extension this #"" #" copy."))
(define (this->pdfkit-control this)
(string->path (string-replace (path->string this) "rkt." ".")))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (this->pdfkit-control (string->path "test1crkt.pdf")) (string->path "test1c.pdf")))
(define-syntax-rule (check-copy-equal? this)
(check-true (for/and ([b1 (in-input-port-bytes (open-input-file this))]
[b2 (in-input-port-bytes (open-input-file (this->control this)))])
(equal? b1 b2))))
(define-syntax-rule (check-pdfkit? this)
(check-equal? (file-size this) (file-size (this->pdfkit-control this))))
(define (make-doc ps compress? [proc (λ (doc) doc)] #:test [test? #t] #:pdfkit [pdfkit? #t])
(define doc (make-object PDFDocument (hash 'compress compress?)))
(send doc pipe (open-output-file ps #:exists 'replace))
(proc doc)
(send doc end)
(when test?
(check-copy-equal? ps)
(when pdfkit?
(check-pdfkit? ps))))
(module reader syntax/module-reader
#:language 'pitfall/pdftest
#:read read
#:read-syntax read-syntax)