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#lang at-exp br/quicklang
(require "parser.rkt" "tokenizer.rkt" "struct.rkt" gregor racket/bytes)
(provide (matching-identifiers-out #rx"pf-" (all-defined-out)))
(module+ test (require rackunit))
(module+ reader (provide read-syntax))
(define (read-syntax src port)
;; use latin-1 reencoding to make one char = one byte (note `latin1` respelling is correct)
(define parse-tree (parse (make-tokenizer (reencode-input-port port "latin1") src)))
#`(module pitfall-parse-mod pitfall/parse
(define-macro (my-mb ARG ...)
#'(#%module-begin ARG ...))
(provide (rename-out [my-mb #%module-begin])
(provide null)
(define-macro (pf-program COS-OBJECT ...)
#'(begin COS-OBJECT ...))
(define (pf-name str)
(let* ([str (string-trim str "/" #:right? #f)]
[str (regexp-replace* @pregexp{#(\d\d)} str (λ (m sub) (string (integer->char (string->number sub 16)))))])
(string->symbol str)))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (pf-name "B#45#20NICE") '|BE NICE|))
(define (pf-string arg . tail)
[(andmap byte? (cons arg tail)) (cons arg tail)]
[(string-prefix? arg "D:")
#;(parameterize ([current-locale "en"])
(parse-date "2015-03-15T02:02:02-04:00" "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssxxx"))
(let* ([str (regexp-replace @regexp{^\((.*)\)$} arg "\\1")] ; remove parens
[str (string-replace str (string-append "\\" "\n") "")]
[str (regexp-replace* @pregexp{\\(n|r|t|b|f|\(|\)|\\)} str (λ (m sub)
(case sub
[("n") "\n"]
[("r") "\r"]
[("t") "\t"]
[("b") "\b"]
[("f") "\f"]
[else sub])))]
[str (regexp-replace* @pregexp{\\(\d{2,3})} str (λ (m sub) (string (integer->char (string->number sub 8)))))])
(co-string str))]))
(module+ test
(check-equal? @pf-string{(Testing)} (co-string "Testing"))
(check-equal? (pf-string @string-append{(Test\
ing)}) (co-string "Testing"))
(check-equal? @pf-string{(Test\)ing)} (co-string "Test)ing"))
(check-equal? @pf-string{(Test\ning)} (co-string "Test\ning"))
(check-equal? @pf-string{(Test\\ing)} (co-string "Test\\ing"))
(check-equal? @pf-string{(A\53B)} (co-string "A+B"))
(check-equal? @pf-string{(A\053B)} (co-string "A+B"))
#;(check-equal? @pf-string{(D:19990209153925-08\'00\')})
#;(check-true (andmap byte? @pf-string{<1C2D3F>}))
#;(check-true (andmap byte? @pf-string{<1C 2D 3F>})))
(define (pf-array . xs) (co-array xs))
(define (pf-dict . args)
(co-dict (apply hasheq args)))
(define (pf-stream dict str)
(define data (string->bytes/utf-8 str))
(when (not (equal? (hash-ref (co-dict-dict dict) 'Length) (bytes-length data)))
(raise-argument-error 'pf-stream
(format "~a bytes of data" (hash-ref (co-dict-dict dict) 'Length))
(format "~a = ~v" (bytes-length data) data)))
(co-stream dict data))
(define (pf-indirect-object obj gen thing)
(co-io obj gen thing))
(define-macro (pf-indirect-object-ref (OBJ GEN _))
#'(co-io-ref OBJ GEN))
(define (pf-header num) (co-header num))
(define (pf-comment text) (co-comment text))
(define (pf-trailer dict)
(let ([h (co-dict-dict dict)])
(unless (and (hash-has-key? h 'Size) (hash-has-key? h 'Root))
(raise-argument-error 'pf-trailer
"Size and Root keys are required for trailer"
(hash-keys h))))
(co-trailer dict))