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#lang br
(require racket/file sugar/cache sugar/unstable/port racket/dict (prefix-in zlib: pitfall/zlib))
(define dict-key-pattern #px"^/[-:\\w]+")
(struct ref (id) #:transparent)
(define (trim-whitespace bs) ; can't use string-trim with bytes
(cadr (regexp-match #px"^\\s*(.*?)\\s*$" bs)))
(define (parse-dict p)
(define terms (for/list ([next (in-port parse-one p)]
#:break (eq? next 'end-dict))
(for/list ([k (in-list terms)]
[v (in-list (cdr terms))]
[i (in-naturals)]
#:when (even? i))
(cons k v)))
(define (parse-list p)
(for/list ([next (in-port parse-one p)]
#:break (eq? next 'end-list))
(define current-pdf (make-parameter #f))
(struct $stream (dict bytes) #:transparent)
(define (stream-decode bs filter)
(case filter
[(FlateDecode) (zlib:inflate bs)]
[else bs]))
(define (indirect-ref? val)
(and (symbol? val) (regexp-match #rx"^ref-" (symbol->string val))))
(define (resolve-ref val)
(doc-ref (current-pdf) (string->number (string-trim (format "~a" val) "ref-"))))
(define (parse-object p)
(define result (parse-one p))
[(regexp-try-match #px"^\\s*stream(\n|\r\n?)" p)
(define stream-dict result)
(define stream-pos (port-position p))
(define stream-length (let ([val (dict-ref stream-dict 'Length)])
(if (indirect-ref? val)
(resolve-ref val)
(define stream-bytes (read-bytes stream-length (port-position p stream-pos)))
($stream stream-dict (if (dict-has-key? stream-dict 'Filter)
(stream-decode stream-bytes (dict-ref stream-dict 'Filter))
[else result]))
(define (parse-one p)
(let loop ([p-in p])
(define p (if (input-port? p-in) p-in (open-input-bytes p-in)))
;; skip whitespace
[(regexp-try-match #px"^\\s+" p) (loop p)]
;; indirect reference => reference int
[(regexp-try-match #px"^(\\d+) (\\d+) R" p) => (λ (m) (string->symbol (format "ref-~a" (loop (cadr m)))))]
;; object => trim and reparse
[(regexp-try-match #px"^\\d+ 0 obj" p) (parse-object p)]
;; integer string => int
[(regexp-try-match #px"^(-)?\\d+[.\\d*]?" p) => (λ (m) (string->number (bytes->string/utf-8 (car m))))]
;; dict => dispatch to handler
[(regexp-try-match #rx"^<<" p) #;(report 'got-dict) (parse-dict p)]
[(regexp-try-match #rx"^>>" p) 'end-dict]
;; list => unroll
[(regexp-try-match #rx"^\\[" p) (parse-list p)]
[(regexp-try-match #rx"^]" p) 'end-list]
;; slash-prefixed dictionary key => symbol
[(regexp-try-match dict-key-pattern p) => (λ (m) (string->symbol (string-trim (bytes->string/utf-8 (car m)) "/" #:right? #f)))]
[(regexp-try-match #rx"^startxref" p) (loop p)] ; pulls off next item, which is an integer
[(regexp-try-match #rx"^<([0123456789abcdefABCDEF]*)>" p) => (λ (m) (cadr m))]
[(eof-object? (peek-bytes 1 0 p)) eof]
[else (report* (file-position p) (peek-bytes 3 0 p)) (error 'unknown-type)])))
(struct trailer (dict xref-ptr) #:transparent)
(define (parse-trailer p)
(define eof-position (file-size (object-name p)))
(define trailer-pos (for*/first ([pos (in-range eof-position 0 -1)]
[m (in-value (regexp-try-match #px"^\\s+trailer\\s*" p pos))]
#:when m)
(unless trailer-pos (error 'no-trailer-found))
(define dict-offset (caar (regexp-match-positions #rx"<<.*?>>" (port-position p trailer-pos))))
(port-position p (+ trailer-pos dict-offset))
(define trailer-dict (parse-one p))
(define xref-ptr (parse-one p))
(trailer trailer-dict xref-ptr))
(define (parse-xref p offset)
(define bs (car (regexp-match #rx"(?<=xref).*?(?=trailer)" (port-position p offset))))
(define str (bytes->string/utf-8 bs))
(for/hash ([k (in-naturals 1)]
[v (in-list (drop (string-split str #px"\n|\r\n?") 2))])
(values k (string->number (car (regexp-match #px"^\\d+" v))))))
(struct $pdf (port xrefs) #:transparent)
(define/caching (doc-ref pdf idx)
(define offset (hash-ref ($pdf-xrefs pdf) idx))
(and (positive? offset)
(parse-one (port-position ($pdf-port pdf) offset))))
(define/caching (doc-ref* pdf idx)
;; resolve nested ref-x pointers
(define visited empty) ; prevent circular references by tracking visited refs
(let loop ([result (doc-ref pdf idx)])
[(dict? result) (for/list ([(k v) (in-dict result)])
(cons k (loop v)))]
[(list? result) (map loop result)]
[(and (symbol? result) (regexp-match #px"^ref-(\\d+)" (symbol->string result)))
=> (λ (m) (define next-idx (string->number (cadr m)))
(define old-visited visited)
(set! visited (cons next-idx visited))
(if (member next-idx old-visited)
(loop (doc-ref pdf next-idx))))]
[else result])))
(define (port->pdf p)
($pdf p (parse-xref p (trailer-xref-ptr (parse-trailer p)))))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define p (open-input-file "test/minimal.pdf"))
(define pdf (port->pdf p))
(check-equal? (doc-ref pdf 1) '((Type . Catalog) (Pages . ref-2)))
(check-equal? (doc-ref pdf 2) '((Type . Pages) (Kids ref-3) (Count . 1) (MediaBox 0 0 300 144)))
(check-equal? (doc-ref pdf 3) '((Type . Page) (Parent . ref-2) (Resources (Font (F1 (Type . Font) (Subtype . Type1) (BaseFont . Times-Roman)))) (Contents . ref-4)))
(check-equal? (doc-ref pdf 4) ($stream '((Length . 55)) #" BT\n /F1 18 Tf\n 0 0 Td\n (Hello World) Tj\n ET")))
(define p (open-input-file "test/test-cff/textedit-sample.pdf"))
(define pdf (port->pdf p))
(current-pdf pdf)
(doc-ref pdf 1)