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638 B

#lang debug br
(require pict racket/draw)
(dc (λ (dc dx dy)
(define old-brush (send dc get-brush))
(define old-pen (send dc get-pen))
(send dc set-brush
(new brush% [style 'fdiagonal-hatch]
[color "darkslategray"]))
(send dc set-pen
(new pen% [width 3] [color "slategray"]))
(define path (new dc-path%))
(send path move-to 0 0)
(send path line-to 50 0)
(send path line-to 25 50)
(send path close)
(send dc draw-path path dx dy)
(send dc set-brush old-brush)
(send dc set-pen old-pen))
100 100)