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15 lines
819 B

#lang racket/base
(require racket/class rackunit "document.rkt" "page.rkt" "reference.rkt" "helper.rkt")
(define p (make-object PDFPage (make-object PDFDocument)))
(check-equal? (· p size) "letter")
(check-equal? (· p layout) "portrait")
(check-equal? (· p margins) '#hasheq((right . 72) (bottom . 72) (left . 72) (top . 72)))
(check-equal? (· p height) 792.0)
(check-equal? (· p width) 612.0)
(check-equal? (· p resources payload ProcSet) '("PDF" "Text" "ImageB" "ImageC" "ImageI"))
(check-equal? (· p dictionary payload Type) "Page")
(check-equal? (· p dictionary payload MediaBox) '(0 0 612.0 792.0))
(check-true (is-a? (· p dictionary payload Contents) PDFReference))
(check-true (is-a? (· p dictionary payload Resources) PDFReference))
(check-true (is-a? (· p dictionary payload Parent) PDFReference))