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#lang restructure/racket
(require "stream.rkt" "sizes.rkt" (for-syntax "sizes.rkt" racket/match))
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (ends-with-8? type)
(define str (symbol->string type))
(equal? (substring str (sub1 (string-length str))) "8"))
(define (signed-type? type)
(not (equal? "U" (substring (symbol->string type) 0 1))))
(check-false (signed-type? 'UInt16))
(check-true (signed-type? 'Int16)))
(define-subclass Streamcoder (Number [type 'UInt16] [endian (if (system-big-endian?) 'BE 'LE)])
(getter-field [number-type (string->symbol (format "~a~a" type (if (ends-with-8? type) "" endian)))])
;; `get-type-size` will raise error if number-type is invalid: use this as check of input
;; size of a number doesn't change, so we can stash it as `_size`
(define _size (with-handlers ([exn:fail:contract?
(λ (exn)
(raise-argument-error 'Number "valid type and endian" (format "~v ~v" type endian)))])
(get-type-size number-type)))
(define/override (size . args) _size)
(define/augment (decode stream . args)
(define bstr (send stream read _size))
(if (= 1 _size)
(bytes-ref bstr 0)
(integer-bytes->integer bstr (signed-type? type) (eq? endian 'BE))))
(define/augment (encode stream val-in)
(define val (if (integer? val-in) (inexact->exact val-in) val-in))
;; todo: better bounds checking
#;(unless (<= (if (negative? val) (abs (* 2 val)) val) (expt 2 (* 8 _size)))
(raise-argument-error 'Number:encode (format "integer that fits in ~a byte(s)" _size) val))
(define bstr (if (= 1 _size)
(bytes val)
(integer->integer-bytes val _size (signed-type? type) (eq? endian 'BE))))
(send stream write bstr)))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (+Number 'not-a-valid-type)))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (send uint8 encode (+EncodeStream) 256)))
(check-not-exn (λ () (send uint8 encode (+EncodeStream) 255)))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (send uint16 encode (+EncodeStream) (add1 #xffff))))
(check-not-exn (λ () (send uint16 encode (+EncodeStream) #xffff)))
(let ([o (+Number 'UInt16 'LE)]
[ip (+DecodeStream (bytes 1 2 3 4))]
[op (open-output-bytes)])
(check-equal? (send o decode ip) 513) ;; 1000 0000 0100 0000
(check-equal? (send o decode ip) 1027) ;; 1100 0000 0010 0000
(send o encode op 513)
(check-equal? (get-output-bytes op) (bytes 1 2))
(send o encode op 1027)
(check-equal? (get-output-bytes op) (bytes 1 2 3 4)))
(let ([o (+Number 'UInt16 'BE)]
[ip (+DecodeStream (bytes 1 2 3 4))]
[op (open-output-bytes)])
(check-equal? (send o decode ip) 258) ;; 0100 0000 1000 0000
(check-equal? (send o decode ip) 772) ;; 0010 0000 1100 0000
(send o encode op 258)
(check-equal? (get-output-bytes op) (bytes 1 2))
(send o encode op 772)
(check-equal? (get-output-bytes op) (bytes 1 2 3 4))))
(check-equal? (send (+Number 'UInt8) size) 1)
(check-equal? (send (+Number) size) 2)
(check-equal? (send (+Number 'UInt32) size) 4)
(check-equal? (send (+Number 'Double) size) 8))
;; use keys of type-sizes hash to generate corresponding number definitions
(define-macro (make-int-types)
(with-pattern ([((ID BASE ENDIAN) ...) (for/list ([k (in-hash-keys type-sizes)])
(define kstr (format "~a" k))
(match-define (list* prefix suffix _)
(regexp-split #rx"(?=[BL]E|$)" kstr))
(map string->symbol
(list (string-downcase kstr)
(if (positive? (string-length suffix))
(if (system-big-endian?) "BE" "LE")))))]
[(ID ...) (suffix-id #'(ID ...) #:context caller-stx)])
#'(begin (define+provide ID (make-object Number 'BASE 'ENDIAN)) ...)))
(check-equal? (send uint8 size) 1)
(check-equal? (send uint16 size) 2)
(check-equal? (send uint32 size) 4)
(check-equal? (send double size) 8))