You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

152 lines
5.1 KiB

#lang at-exp br
(require racket/string pitfall/struct pitfall/measure br/define racket/bytes sugar/debug racket/format racket/file)
(provide (all-defined-out)
(all-from-out pitfall/struct pitfall/measure)
(except-out (all-from-out br) #%module-begin))
(define-macro (mb . ARGS)
#'(#%module-begin (render-args . ARGS)))
(provide (rename-out [mb #%module-begin]))
(define (make-xref-table locs)
(string->bytes/latin-1 @string-append{
0 @(number->string (length locs))
0000000000 65535 f
@(let ([sep " 00000 n\n"])
(for/list ([loc (in-list (cdr (sort locs < #:key car)))])
(~r #:min-width 10 #:pad-string "0" (cdr loc))) sep #:after-last sep))
(define (render-args . args)
(render-list args))
(define (render thing)
(render-list (list thing)))
(define (render-list args)
(define-values (bstrs offset locs)
(for/fold ([cobstrs null]
[offset 0]
[io-locs '((0 . 0))])
([cosexpr (in-list args)])
(define cobstr (cosexpr->bytes cosexpr))
(cons cobstr cobstrs)
(+ offset (bytes-length cobstr))
(if (co-io? cosexpr)
(cons (cons (co-io-idx cosexpr) offset) io-locs)
(define header-str (cosexpr->bytes (co-header "%PDF-1.6\n%¥±ë")))
(define trailer-str (cosexpr->bytes
(co-trailer (co-dict (hasheq 'Size (length bstrs) 'Root (co-io-ref 1 0))))))
(define last-offset (for/sum ([bstr (in-list bstrs)])
(bytes-length bstr)))
(define result (apply bytes-append `(,header-str
,@(reverse bstrs)
,(make-xref-table locs)
,(string->bytes/latin-1 (number->string last-offset))
#;(display result)
(let ([op (open-output-file (expand-user-path "~/Desktop/foo.pdf") #:exists 'replace)])
(write-bytes result op)
(close-output-port op))
(define (cosexpr->bytes x)
(let loop ([x x])
[(co-version? x)
@string-append{%%PDF-@(number->string (co-version-num x))}]
[(co-header? x) (loop (co-header-string x))]
[(co-array? x)
@string-append{[ @(string-join (map loop (co-array-items x)) " ") ]}]
[(co-io? x)
@(loop (co-io-idx x)) @(loop (co-io-rev x)) obj
@(loop (co-io-thing x))
[(co-dict? x)
(for/list ([(k v) (in-hash (co-dict-dict x))])
@string-append{@(loop k) @(loop v)}) "\n")
[(co-io-ref? x)
@string-append{@(loop (co-io-ref-idx x)) @(loop (co-io-ref-rev x)) R}]
[(co-string? x) (format "(~a)" (co-string-string x))]
[(co-stream? x)
@(loop (co-stream-dict x))
@(loop (co-stream-data x))
#;[(co-comment? x) (co-comment-text x)]
[(co-trailer? x) @string-append{
@(loop (co-trailer-dict x))
[(co-hash? x)
(map loop (for/list ([(k v) (in-hash (co-hash-hash x))])
(co-io k 0 v))) "")]
[(co-encoding-datum? x) (symbol->string (co-encoding-datum-datum x))]
[(symbol? x) @string-append{/@(symbol->string x)}]
[(number? x) @number->string{@x}]
[(string? x) x]
[else (format "~a" x)]))) #"\n"))
(define (co-catalog #:pages io-ref)
(co-dict (hasheq 'Type 'Catalog 'Pages io-ref)))
(define (co-pages #:kids kidslist #:count count)
(co-dict (hasheq 'Type 'Pages
'Kids (co-array kidslist)
'Count count)))
(define (co-page #:parent parent
#:mediabox pts
#:resources [rsrcs (co-dict (hasheq))]
#:contents contents
#:annots [annots (co-array null)])
(co-dict (hasheq 'Type 'Page
'Parent parent
'MediaBox (co-array pts)
'Resources rsrcs
'Contents contents
'Annots annots)))
(define (make-co-hash)
(co-hash (make-hash)))
(define (+co-hash cosh idx thing)
(hash-set! (co-hash-hash cosh) idx thing))
(define (make-co-dict . xs)
(co-dict (apply hasheq xs)))
(define (make-co-stream bstr . kvs)
(co-stream (apply make-co-dict 'Length (bytes-length bstr) kvs) (bytes->string/latin-1 bstr)))
(define (make-font-co-stream font-path)
(make-co-stream (file->bytes font-path) 'Subtype 'OpenType))
(define (make-co-io-ref [idx 0] [rev 0])
(co-io-ref idx rev))
(define (make-encoding-list xs)
(co-array (for/list ([x (in-list xs)])
(co-encoding-datum x))))
#;(cosexpr->bytes (make-co-dict 'Hello (co-string "World")))