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#lang restructure/racket
(require racket/dict "stream.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-subclass RestructureBase (Struct [assocs (dictify)])
(field [key-index (map car assocs)] ; store the original key order
[struct-types (mhash)])
(for ([(k v) (in-dict assocs)])
(hash-set! struct-types k v))
(define/override (decode stream [parent #f] [length 0])
(define res (_setup stream parent length))
(_parseFields stream res struct-types)
#;(hash-set! (hash-ref res '_props) '_currentOffset (· stream pos))
(send this process res stream)
(define/override (encode stream input-hash [parent #f])
(unless (hash? input-hash)
(raise-argument-error 'Struct:encode "hash" input-hash))
(define sorted-input-keys (sort (hash-keys input-hash) #:key symbol->string string<?))
(define sorted-struct-keys (sort key-index #:key symbol->string string<?))
(unless (equal? sorted-input-keys sorted-struct-keys)
(raise-argument-error 'Struct:encode (format "hash with same keys as Struct: ~a" sorted-struct-keys) sorted-input-keys))
(send this preEncode input-hash stream)
(for* ([key (in-list key-index)] ; iterate over original keys in order
[struct-type (in-value (hash-ref struct-types key))]
[value-to-encode (in-value (hash-ref input-hash key))])
(send struct-type encode stream value-to-encode)))
(define/public-final (_setup stream parent length)
(define res (mhasheq))
;; define hidden properties
#;(hash-set! res '_props
(mhasheq 'parent (mhasheq 'value parent)
'_startOffset (mhasheq 'value (· stream pos))
'_currentOffset (mhasheq 'value 0 'writable #t)
'_length (mhasheq 'value length)))
(define/public-final (_parseFields stream res fields)
(for ([key (in-list key-index)])
(define dictvalue (dict-ref fields key))
(define val
(if (procedure? dictvalue)
(dictvalue res)
(send dictvalue decode stream res)))
(hash-set! res key val)))
(define/override (size [val (mhash)] [parent #f] [includePointers #t])
(for/sum ([(key type) (in-hash struct-types)]
#:when (hash-has-key? val key))
(send type size (hash-ref val key)))))
(define-subclass Struct (VersionedStruct type [versions (dictify)])
(define/override (decode stream [parent #f] [length 0] #:version [maybe-version #f])
(define res (send this _setup stream parent length))
(define version (cond
[maybe-version] ; for testing purposes: pass an explicit version
[(procedure? type) (type parent)]
[(RestructureBase? type) (send type decode stream)]
[else (raise-argument-error 'decode "way of finding version" type)]))
(hash-set! res 'version version)
(set-field! fields this (dict-ref versions version (λ () (raise-argument-error 'RVersionedStruct:decode "valid version key" version))))
(send this make-key-index! (· this fields))
[(VersionedStruct? (· this fields)) (send (· this fields) decode stream parent)]
(send this _parseFields stream res (· this fields))
(send this process res stream)